Lose 15 lbs by Christmas



  • layla_luvyah
    layla_luvyah Posts: 107 Member
    I'm in...I want to try. At this point as long as the scale is going down I will be happy.

    Christmas goal: less than 170 :wink:
    Realistic goal: 160
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Count me in!!!
    GW: 195
  • Count me in!
  • abbyat120
    abbyat120 Posts: 8 Member
    im in!!
    CW: 144 (scale said 142, doesn't feel right)
    Christmas: 129
  • angelb1983
    angelb1983 Posts: 160 Member
    I want in!!! I am 207. My first goal will be to get to 192 by Christmas. This is going to be quite challenging through the holidays but very possible. Would love to have some of you add me to help keep me on track with this goal because my ultimate goal is to be 30 pounds or more lighter by next Summer. The more support the better.:)
  • xtanyx
    xtanyx Posts: 53
    Sounds good! I need to shed some pounds to get to my goal of 130 by the end of the year! Feel free to add me.

    SW: 174
    CW: 143
    GW: 130

    So I have about 13 lbs to shed by xmas! Currently doing turbo fire!
  • KLJ13
    KLJ13 Posts: 32 Member
    I have never responded to anything on MFP before, but have hit a rut. I think a challenge may be what I need. I am in!!
    SW 166
    Goal 150
    It may be a HUGE challenge for me, but I will give it my best!
  • shellyt27
    shellyt27 Posts: 8 Member
    I 'd love to join you! My starting weight is also 146 and started Monday! I'm in x
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    im so in sw 245 gw 230 by dec 25
  • pennstategirl47
    pennstategirl47 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes count me in,i don't know how well I will do,it is really slow for me to lose
    anything ,maybe this will help me!
    I want to get out of the 200's,so 15 lbs will put in the 100's.......

    weight 206.6
    mini goal 191.6
    I have lost 15 lbs since I started in June of this year,so that is how slow I lose
  • I'd love to loose 15# by Christmas. My weight yo-yos & I've been stuck at 140 for months. I also lift so this is going to be hard.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    So, beginning my challenge of losing these 10 pounds....I am starting with 1200 cal. and exercsing at least 30 mins. a day. (Actually started Monday) So I already got up and did my 30 min on the treadmill - walking at 3.5 . I have already drank my Mean Green Juice. (Homemade) Have my dinner and snack planned out and only have to worry about lunch today!! Lucky I have a whole foods next to my office. I also have my water bottle filled and planned on meeting my water intake today!!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!
  • DanaCait
    DanaCait Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! 5'8" and 165 lbs now, hoping to eventually get down to 140 (I know this can't happen by Christmas but a jumpstart can't hurt!)

    I started off eating 1,200 cals/day but have a feeling that my overall lack of weight loss may be a sign that this isn't enough for my body. I've bumped it up to 1,400-1,500 a day as well as doing the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga DVD because I can't get motivated for the gym (I know, I know) as much as possible. Tonight I'm attending my first Zumba class. Let's do this!!
  • jessready
    jessready Posts: 129 Member
    Yes, count me in! I've never joined a group before, but would love to be down to 120lbs by Christmas.
    Right now at 135lbs.
    Something to help motivate me I lost 54 lbs 7yrs ago. I kept it off even after having my wonderful son.
    My plan has always been to be at 120 but never get below 130 to often. I think I just got comfortable in mantaining.:smile:
  • michelle1973nc
    michelle1973nc Posts: 26 Member
    I am in too!
    CW 156
    Goal 141 at Christmas...
    My long term goal is to wear a bikini on a cruise in April and NOT be one of THOSE women that really should have on a 1 piece lol...
    I recently finished a challenge of doing Rockin' Body X 30 days starting with a 3 day cleanse. I lost 8 lbs but need something new to do now. I try to run at least 3x a week but lots of life gets in the way.
    I think, make that I know, my diet is the biggest thing holding me back. I love to bake and I eat what I bake. I have a HUGE weakness for chocolate. I think being accountable and literally posting my weight will help A LOT.
  • thats one of my goals too
  • dnt3v
    dnt3v Posts: 20 Member
    I'd love to join! Also, everyone feel free to add me as a friend! I love supporting MFP buddies :)

    SW: 148
    GW: 140

    So I have 8 lbs to lose, but it's the last 8 so I'm sure it'll be tough enough! Especially over the holiday season. Just means I need to be more conscious of what I'm putting in my body.
  • eveejo
    eveejo Posts: 12 Member
    Im in! whooo hooooo
  • monkeesilly
    monkeesilly Posts: 7 Member
    Sweet.. totally need the motivation myself!
    Starting weight: 163.4 lbs
    Christmas goal: 148.4 lbs

    I weigh in weekly with a trainer :)
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    Sounds like a plan....15 would get me oh so close to my goal and I love a good challenge. Let's do this! I'd also like to start the New Year without having to resolve to LOSE weight AGAIN!! Fit and Fabulous baby!!