Lose 15 lbs by Christmas



  • KeRAWRi
    KeRAWRi Posts: 79 Member
    I would love to join!

    Starting weight : 154
    Xmas goal: 139
    UGW: 130

    I am up for the challenge. :)
  • teamgoodnews
    teamgoodnews Posts: 17 Member
    I am all over this.

    Now: 155

    By Christmas: 140
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    sign me up!

    cw: 166
    gw: 151 ( by end of challenge )

    not sure I'll make the 15, but even getting a solid 10 lbs off my frame would be great! I'm pretty sure my days of 2+ lbs/week are leaving me :-)
  • I'm totally in! I need this! great motivation! C:
  • Ace_o
    Ace_o Posts: 20 Member
    Would love to do this with everyone! Wishing you all the best. I'll weigh in in the morning. I hope we all can succeed. But if not, it's okay. Progress is progress! Am I right? Ahaha
  • Count me in! I'm going to shoot for 10 pounds. How can we keep each other accountable?
  • jmald3
    jmald3 Posts: 1 Member
    count me in. Great way to stay on track.
  • roohill
    roohill Posts: 87 Member
    I am 100 percent in. 15 by Christmas!!! I'm 2 lbs away from the very lofty Halloween goal I set myself ( fingers crossed) so that should show you I love a good challenge. :) Add me, anyone. I log daily, and I'm very addicted to MFP. Could always use more motivating friends. :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey, how are we doing this?? Weigh-ins or goal checks on Monday or Friday... Little motivations each day...posting mini goals ...posting small achievements...

    I usually like to check-in every dayor so ..it helps keep me motivated.

    I kept to my goals yesterday and have done my exercise and drank my Mean Green Juice this morning . I plan on my evening walk and have a healthy dinner plannned. Now I just have to tackle my lunch...didn't plan for lunches yet...that is my goal next week.

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    Sounds perfect! I'm in!
  • daleyliz
    daleyliz Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to be included too. I started yesterday working out. Need to lose the last 15 lbs that I cannot get rid of. Post baby, lower tire, etc.

    Let's do this!

    start 144
    goal 129
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning 15 by Christmas,

    Feeling good this morning and already did my 30 mins on treadmill. I added three boiled egg white, in addition to morning Green Juice, needed a little something extra this morning. Today is our Friday Lunch meeting out --- so I can't plan my lunch until I know what restaurant and look up the menu.

    So today is Friday - weigh in
    137.00 even

    My goals for the weekend is
    1.) Keep to my 1,200 cal.
    2.) Make sure I get my water in
    3.) Take my free Rope class at the local gym on Saturday
    4.) Limit one glass of wine (to have during the Saints game Sunday night) for the whole wekend. (my biggest Challenge)

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • I'm trying to lose 15 by Christmas, too! I started last week and I'm already down 3.5 pounds!
    Start: 150
    Current: 146.5
    Goal: 135
  • Alexxxx22
    Alexxxx22 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd like to lose 10lbs by Christmas :)

    Gw: 120lbs

    My weakness are sweet things :( I love sweets, cake, chocolate etc. I want a clean diet and eat less sugar :)
  • dmg051202
    dmg051202 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in
    SW 133
    GW 120
  • blwalton70
    blwalton70 Posts: 71 Member
    ADD ME! I need to lose 12 pounds by Christmas!

    CW 151.4
    GW 139
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm in, too! Not 15, but FIVE!
    SW 188
    GW 183
  • Nitabug36
    Nitabug36 Posts: 65 Member
    Add me, my goal is 20 lbs by Christmas
  • baboody
    baboody Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in! I would looove to lose 15 lbs by christmas, but I would be happy with just 10 lbs :D
    CW: 145
    GW: 135-130

  • KLJ13
    KLJ13 Posts: 32 Member
    How is everyone doing? I started on Tuesday with this, and am down another pound already. I think this was the motivation I needed. I don't want to tell my husband I am doing this, I want to see if he notices!! :-) Good luck everyone and keep on going!