

  • Water is always good, fills you up and sometimes when you think you are hungry it could just be thirst. Other than that I like to have grapes around or for a treat things like Go Ahead bars. They are pretty low in cals and fat but give a good boost. Asda's own are just as good though too. Hope that helps Carrie
  • It's weird how quickly you feel better even if you're not losing isn't it? When I joined up last week I went on what my weight was about 6 weeks ago and thought "I'll just update when I get a min" Weighed in Saturday, 8lbs less than I thought. So not sure when that went! Have you all got / looked at dresses? I have chosen…
  • Now that's tempting, lol. Have added you as a friend. Didn't realise can see each others diaries, quite ashamed at my last couple of days being over, certainly behave better now others can see!
  • Wow, that looks lovely. Do they sell that base here in the UK or is it USA only?