Wedding Weight

carrie_smith23 Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support

Anyone else looking to lose weight for a wedding that fancies trying to help motivate each other?

I am getting married May 2011 in Kos so I need to lose 46lbs for both my dress and a bikini!!

Sorry if a thread like this already exists, please direct me towards it.



  • IndyHannah
    IndyHannah Posts: 59 Member
    Hi!!! I got engaged last year and that I initially forced me to lose some weight. I don't have a date set however so I'm lucky that way! There is always the possibility of just running off and doing it spur of the moment though :laugh:
    Feel free to add me!!
  • Now that's tempting, lol.

    Have added you as a friend. Didn't realise can see each others diaries, quite ashamed at my last couple of days being over, certainly behave better now others can see!
  • IndyHannah
    IndyHannah Posts: 59 Member
    I've got my diary set to public but you can have it private. Really personal preference. I don't mind cos I don't ever think people read it!! Keeping it public makes me more accountable though :-)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    OH yeah I'll hop on your band wagon...I got engaged a couple of months date is set for July 7, if the world doesn't come to an end, I'd like to be 55lbs goal is to lose 55lbs in a year, and then maintain for a lets get this party started...i haven't lost a damn thing yet! and i'm working my *kitten* off!
  • I'll join as well, I'm getting married next April in Belize and I want to be wedding dress and bikini ready too!
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    It's great to see so many upcoming weddings! I just had mine so I totally understand the feeling. You ladies can do it, and you will be so happy when you see how fabulous you look on that big day!

    Congrats to everyone.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't know how to get my ticker on here to show you guys...
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm getting married July 2011 and my goal is 30 lbs (well about 25 lbs now). Honestly, I'll be pretty happy if I lose 15 more before the wedding, but my biggest concern is I don't want really flabby arms in my wedding dress.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    And about the ticker... go to "tools" above and then copy the BB code. Then click on the "signature" area above and paste the BB code and voila! ... at least I think that's how it works.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    It worked! and if you refresh, it will automatically update on your old posts... I think.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    lol i'll try it when i weigh myself tomorrow, thanx for your help...i don't have to measure my thighs, chest and hips until October 8th far I haven't lost anything but I feel really good!
  • It's weird how quickly you feel better even if you're not losing isn't it?

    When I joined up last week I went on what my weight was about 6 weeks ago and thought "I'll just update when I get a min" Weighed in Saturday, 8lbs less than I thought. So not sure when that went!

    Have you all got / looked at dresses? I have chosen mine and paid the deposit, I am just in the same boat as Kristiranee and don't want flabby arms! Can't really describe it as my partner is on here too, lol, but as we are getting married abroad in the heat, its not very forgiving, didn't want loads of material to weight me down and warm me up.

    Everyone else getting married at home or is anyone else travelling? If not then what about honeymoons?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Oh my god ladies, I fell off the wagon HARD this weekend...and I was conscious of it! It was a child-free, sleep and eat as much as I want weekend...I even drove up to the gym with awesome intentions on Saturay but it was closed for a private instead of going for a walk or a bike ride...I went home and curled up on the couch! I'm definitely motivated to get my butt in gear today...I didn't even monitor my food this weekend because i knew damn well that my caloric intake was horrendous lol...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Have you all got / looked at dresses? I have chosen mine and paid the deposit, I am just in the same boat as Kristiranee and don't want flabby arms! Can't really describe it as my partner is on here too, lol, but as we are getting married abroad in the heat, its not very forgiving, didn't want loads of material to weight me down and warm me up.

    Everyone else getting married at home or is anyone else travelling? If not then what about honeymoons?

    Although my wedding is in my parent's backyard, i'm having a destination wedding feel to mom told me to look up cotton wedding dresses so i don't fry my brains out...i haven't done it yet, i'm not buying my dress until 6 months before the wedding, but i thought i would look into those cotton dresses.
  • That's really pretty, I love the sweatheart neckline. I bought my dress about a month ago it's a Alfred Angelo 2100, I love it!

    I had a horrible weekend also, too many sweets not any excercise. I can do great all week and when the weekend comes I'm doomed, that is just something I'll have to work on.
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member
    This is one of the reasons I've decided I need to start losing weight NOW! I'm getting married next August. Flabby arms is a concern of mine as well. Go figure! I was just looking at those things in the mirror this morning :P.
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