Your Go-To Foods

hismuse Posts: 26 Member
edited September 21 in Recipes
What foods/meals are the ones that seem to keep you going? It could be snacks, drinks, or meals. I want to make a list of them to always have something to fall back on when I'm faltering.


  • Raw veggies & 2 tbs marzetti classic ranch....fills you up
    blue diamond almonds (not salted)
    16 (1serving) snyders mini sour dough pretzels

    keep these on you at all times in baggies

    my diary is public..I eat lots of snacks all day...I eat little meals all day

    Good luck
  • Water is always good, fills you up and sometimes when you think you are hungry it could just be thirst.

    Other than that I like to have grapes around or for a treat things like Go Ahead bars. They are pretty low in cals and fat but give a good boost. Asda's own are just as good though too.

    Hope that helps

  • amoyer
    amoyer Posts: 2 Member
    atlantic salmon on half bagel with a little whipped cream cheese- about 200 calories but an amazing breakfast that keeps you filling full
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    I could not do this without cottage cheese as a quick snack when i'm feeling hungry and shaky.
    And then strawberries with no fat whip cream is not only filling but satisfies my major sweet tooth. I will usually do up 2 cups (sliced) and then add a packet of Truvia (natural no calorie sweetener) and then some whip cream from the can which is surprisingly low in calories too.

    good luck!
  • Usually some sort of fruit...especially strawberries, pineapple, or grapes.
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    my go to food is either a protein shake and or some kind of nut like almonds or peanuts. They really work to curb your appetite and give you calories protein and nutrients.
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    rice cakes, and flatbread are good for making a variety of small snacks and meals. you can top rice cakes with cheese, salsa, veggies, fruit, nut butter, jelly, any type of syrup or sauce. flatbread (or a tortilla wrap) can be made into a quick personal pizza, a wrap stuffed with veggies, a breakfast wrap stuffed with nut butter and fruit, a burrito, a quesadilla, a wrap with scrambled eggs and choice of toppings, and so much more.

    i love salsa as a super low-cal flavor-enhancer.

    hummus is a healthy fat/protein that improves the taste of just about anything

    nuts, baby carrots, snow peas, and celery sticks, crackers, and apples are all easy things to travel with.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Eggs (omelets, scrambled, fried, hard-boiled - all of the above!!)
    fresh veggies (I cut them up ahead of time and keep them ready to grab on the go)
    unsalted almonds (I know that .18 grams is about 100 calories - quick snack!)
    almond milk
    beans (black, pinto, garbanzo, kidney - I buy canned, no-salt-added beans - great fiber & protein!)
    fresh fruit - nature's sweet snack
    ground turkey - delicious and typically more lean than ground beef - can be used a million ways. I like turkey burgers, omelets w/turkey, a stir-fry with fresh veggies & turkey...
    Seitan - my current favorite vegetarian protein - I could eat it for every meal!

    A great, easy meal that's a favorite in our house: cooked ground turkey sauteed with various fresh veggies (usually a little of bit of everything that is in the fridge), then some low-sodium vegetable broth is added to the pan and brought to a simmer. We add a little thickener at the end - we use xantham gum, since I'm trying to avoid most dairy, but milk or cornstarch would work too. This can be spooned on top of brown rice or quinoa - we also like to add in some black or pinto beans.

    Edited to add: my diary is public - feel free to take a peek if it might help with ideas. :)
  • I use baby carrots! Yummy!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Bananas, apples, carrot sticks with extra light cream cheese, a couple of squares of dark chocolate, an English muffin, sticks of celery with extra light cream cheese, and a lot more really. I snack all day long. I look at others' diaries and feel like a complete pig.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    • Eggs
    • Old-fashioned oats
    • 1% organic milk
    • Turkey breast
    • Oroweat whole-wheat sandwich thins
    • Whole-wheat pasta
    • Baby organic spinach
    • Bolthouse Farms yogurt dressing

    Edited to add:
    • Dark chocolate
    • Wine
  • My biggest downfall is that I dislike cooking! I'm a grazer as well, and need to have good snacks around and accessible or I'll balloon up again.

    When I'm craving crunchy stuff, almonds are my friends! I prefer them roasted rather than raw, and get them unsalted (even though I LOVE them salted). I also keep a few hard-boiled eggs in the fridge for quick snacks (or a super-quick breakfast if I get up too late to make a decent one). I'm not a fan of abandoning the yolks :)

    I love caprese, too, though I have to be careful around tomatoes - what I do sometimes is, rather than get a big mozzarella ball (which I might not eat fast enough), get a tub of smaller bocconcini, and have some plum or cherry tomatoes around. Caprese is quick and light and filling and easy to make, and it's a real treat for me :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Edited to add:
    • Dark chocolate
    • Wine

    Yumm! My kind of go-to-foods list. :wink: I didn't add these to mine, but should have. :happy:
  • Trio nut bar, string cheese, fruit, protein shake, hard boiled eggs (I do about 36 at once so I can snack over days), cliff bar

    sweet tooth: all natural ice cream just in small doses, one or two squares of dark chocolate, greek low fat yogurt with fruit
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    For snacks I keep almonds and dried apricots in my desk at work because that combo seems to keep me going. For breakfast a must have is Adam's natural creamy peanut butter (I eat 1/2 serving and it is plenty) raw honey and orowheat double fiber english muffins. Other meals, salad in the box or bag, lots of veggies, fruits, frozen chicken breast in the freezer, Trader Joe's frozen brown rice, fish, tuna packed in water, black beans, kidney beans, and the small white beans. I have found if I have something on hand at all times that I can prep fast in an emergency it keeps me on track.
  • hismuse
    hismuse Posts: 26 Member
    One of my favorite breakfast meals I do when I'm not in the mood for eggs is 2 wheat english muffins with heated up frozen raspberries (or fresh if you like) in between like a sandwich. Very filling.

    Thanks for the tips.
  • Green monster smoothies! They are delicious! I have one everyday!

    1 cup skim milk
    1 frozen banana
    1 scoop protein powder ( i use gnc amp vanilla)
    2 cups fresh baby spinach ( i PROMISE that you cannot taste the spinach)
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Sunkist almonds with sea salt. They have been life savers. Also 100 calorie pack cheez its. When I can't think of what I want for a meal I eat pure protein bars. They are tasty and filling.
  • hismuse
    hismuse Posts: 26 Member
    I think the hardest meal for me is lunch.
  • A love a really nice no-sugar-added apple butter, tangy and luscious. When I crave a sweet, a teaspoon of this is perfect.

    I never go anywhere without a bag of roasted pepitos (the kernel of the pumpkin seed) which is tasty, high-fiber, low-carb and crunchy.

    Blueberries. On anything or alone. Great food.
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