Hi I am Lisa, 46, mom of 2, divorced and was weighing in at 230 for a year (gaining about 15 lbs per year.) I just quit smoking 24 days ago and am terrified of how big I can get--I am already up to 242. Wine is my kryptonite, along with fats and sweets. I work in an entertainment industry and am constantly drinking and…
Hi all, my name is Lisa Johnson and I've been 230 pounds for a while. . .and then decided to quit smoking. I am terrified to get bigger, and obviously was disgusted with myself at 230. I am now about 240 and only smoke free for 24 days. How bad is this going to get? I want to look gorgeous . . I have a photo I am using as…
weekly. . .
May I join as well? Lisa
Where did you find the info to see what foods to avoid? I am 32% gynaeod and 49% lymphatic
Mandatory, I would love to be support buddies! Great job getting through school and I can see how you feel about the gown. I would feel the same way. And I do feel the same way. I am 45, morbidly obese and I work with professional athletes (the irony of it!) After 4 years of sloth and too much food and wine, I went bathing…