

  • I have only lost 31lbs but . . . . I went from a size 26 to a 20. I can take 2 flights of stairs and still breathe. I now look forward to a walk. I have learned to make good food choices. I have learned how to set goals for myself. I have more confidence and talk to myself in a much nicer tone.
  • How much sleep are you getting each night? Maybe you can adjust to an earlier bed time. Mayber take a 20 minute nap before that tired feeling hits but early enough to not disrupt your normal bedtime.
    in Help Me Comment by mcjann August 2012
  • Curbing the snack attack is important to avoid overeating in the evening. I try to keep snacks under 300 calories and like Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, naked pita chips and hummus are a favorite when I need something crunchy.
  • Girl you are awesome! You look really good! Can I be your friend?
  • Like that you "deleted" the pounds. There is a big difference in the pictures and you look great.