Afternoon snacker needs help!



  • drelan
    drelan Posts: 59 Member
    Special K cracker chips (30 for 110 cal)
    celery and laughing cow cheese wedge
    Low fat popcorn
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    Veggies (celery, carrots, grape tomatoes, bell peppers) with prepared hummus or FF sour cream/greek yogurt with dried dill and garlic mixed in
    Light string cheese
    FF Pringles (SALTY!)
    World Gourmet Veggie straws (SALTY!)
    Rice cakes (plain with some PB2 spread on) or the sweetened ones
    Dry cereal (lasts a long time if you eat a few pieces at a time)
    FF yogurt or Greek yogurt
    FF cottage cheese
    Natural apple sauce
    Cut up fruit (right now on a huge melon kick)
    Cut apple or strawberries with cool whip free
    Cereal bars (special K / Fiber One)
    Skinny Cow chocolate clusters or chocolate bars
    FF/SF Jell-O instant pudding
    Raw or dry roasted almonds

    You could try an exotic fruit that you've never tried before - it makes snacking kind of fun.

    With fruits and veggies it makes it MUCH easier if you have everything cut up ahead of time and stored in a Tupperware.
    Also, I agree with PP about logging as much as possible, then figuring out how much room you have left for snacking. It makes it easier to stay within calories.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    - Hard boiled eggs (I skip the yolk)
    - A few ounces of sliced or baby carrots with a laughing cow creamy light swiss cheese
    - Light wheat bread toasted with a smidge of cinnamon & sugar
    - Frozen banana - I peel it and freeze it whole. Takes longer to eat that way and the texture is kinda like a hard frozen yogurt. Great when it's really hot outside!
    - Apples
    - A bowl of salad, skip the dressing & jazz it up with lots of different flavors. I love tons of black pepper and/or red pepper flakes on mine
    - Pickles! For me they'll stop a binge in its tracks.
    - Dannon light & fit yogurt with a sprinkle of fiber one original & a few berries or other fruit. Sweet & crunchy!

    Good luck!
  • lynn14
    lynn14 Posts: 116
    I do cut up veggies....cucumbers, red peppers.
    I also try to get in a protein with my snack; Baby Bell Light cheese, or almonds.
    I use the prepackaged nut mix because then I won't go over in my portions!

    I cut up a lot of veggies on the weekend and it becomes my "go to food" for that afternoon snack.

    Hope this helps!:smile:
  • Sometimes I make myself a party tray for snacking. It has one boiled egg, cut in 4. four olives, a pickle , cut into strips, and a piece of laughing cow cheese. I present it on a plate with 4 ritz crackers. I feel like I am at a party. It is my go to snack very often. Very filling as well. It makes for meal almost. And sometimes it is a meal. Don't remember how many calories exactly but real easy to figure out. You can substitute any item with another item. Being creative helps.Good luck!
  • peanut butter with apple slices
    carrot sticks with light laughing cow cheese (only 35 calories nom nom nom)
    protein shake/protein bar
    dried fruit if you need sugar lol
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I love Orville Redenbacher's 100 calorie popcorn (it has less sodium than PopSecret) and Emerald's Cinnamon Roast Almonds. Also, if you like sweets, try the WhoNu? Chocolate sandwich cookies (only 160 calories for 3 cookies). Apples are good as well. If you are going for crunchy, try fresh baby carrots (only 35 calories for approx 13-14 carrots).
  • slimsdown
    slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
    sugar free jelly - under 10 calories

    caxton Pink and white wafers - under 50 cal

    pink panther wafers - under 43 cal

    or my best idea yet........................................................ get a empty drinks bottle and fill with some sugar free squash and water. put in freezer over night and take to work in the morning, eating ice is no calories and you will have it most of the day any time you get tempted to snack !! it is fun to see how much ice you can get out of a small lid, it is fun trust me xx
  • Watermelon
    Apple and peanut butter
    Tortilla chips (Hint of Lime - Aldis Brand - yum!)
    Trail mix
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    -Cottage cheese with bits of fruit (dried or fresh) and raisins. Can also pour a bit of lemonade(no sugar) on top and stir it in. Yummy!

    -Chop up a lot of fresh vegetables, and put them in a bowl of cold water. Can also add some slices of cheese, but not too many.

    -Fruit salad! Apple, banana, dragonfruit, kiwis, clementines.. and squeeze some lemon or lime on top!
  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    My favorite is a little light vanilla yourgurt with crushed walnuts and I dip my apple in it. It is fairly sweet but takes any craving I have away and isn't bad in calories. You aren't eating alot of yogurt or walnuts so those calories are minimal and then you have your apple. Overall very tasty.
    For a slightly savory snack I usually lean towards a handfun of almonds. It doesn't cure your hunger but takes the edge off so you can make it to dinner without going crazy.
    I struggle with after dinner snacking so these are some of the things I have used to keep me out of the refrigerator.
  • mcjann
    mcjann Posts: 10
    Curbing the snack attack is important to avoid overeating in the evening. I try to keep snacks under 300 calories and like Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, naked pita chips and hummus are a favorite when I need something crunchy.
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    A lot of what you seem to do is habit and no really genuinely out of hunger. You don't actually need to be snacking all afternoon and all night if you're eating right at lunch and dinner. I go for water before anything else, failing that a piece of fruit dipped in some low fat/calorie yogurt.
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    Mine would definitely have to be : Cottage cheese with a drizzle of honey, boiled eggs and boiled egg whites, Laughing cow cheese wedge with a rice cake, Protein shake (try dashing dish for great milkshake tasting recipes but low cals!!), apple with a Tablespoon of almond butter or natural peanut butter, Greek yogurt with some healthy nuts and a bit of coconut, a big grapefruit, or just try having smaller meals more often so you still get to eat with your family however you will just eat less. Good luck!! Oh yeah also try water your stomach doesn't know the difference don't even think about it just chug two big glasses down with a tablespoon of Chia seeds and wait 10 minutes to see if your still hunger this usually does it for me!!
  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    Sabra Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (2 tablespoons) and 8 cracked pepper water crackers. 190 calories and very satisfying!

    GOOD LUCK DOLL.:wink:
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Read my blog, I have snacked all the way through my journey, it might help you a bit.

    Feel free to add me if you want to too.
  • carrots and celery (kept ready to eat in the fridge, so instant gratification)
    sweet peppers (in a jar)
    radishes (kept ready to eat in the fridge)
    chocolate whey powder (health store) mixed in water - 1 scoop = 50 cal

    if really hungry, I make myself a big lettuce and shredded cabbage salad - very filling
  • Hello!

    We all have our moments snacking so not to worry. I find oatcakes quite filling and easy to take out and about with you, 2 oatcakes and either some low fat cream cheese or some lean sliced meat is filling and will only set you back approx 100cals (depending how much meat and cream cheese you add).
    A banana is always a filling snack too.
    Evenings are my problem!

    Take care
  • Sometimes I make myself a party tray for snacking. It has one boiled egg, cut in 4. four olives, a pickle , cut into strips, and a piece of laughing cow cheese. I present it on a plate with 4 ritz crackers. I feel like I am at a party. It is my go to snack very often. Very filling as well. It makes for meal almost. And sometimes it is a meal. Don't remember how many calories exactly but real easy to figure out. You can substitute any item with another item. Being creative helps.Good luck!

    Love this!