

  • That's wonderful!!! I'm glad to hear about your success. I like you do not have a target weight. However, I just want to have self control when eating and be disciplined to exercise regularly. Thanks for the motivation. Stay focused and best wishes.
  • LOL I heard after a while it will not be so painful. You'll get used to it. at least that's what people have told me. I used to take a spin class (ok I was registered) however, I couldn't get past the butt aching pain so that didn't work for me. If you can get past the pain I heard it gets better. I hope it works out for…
  • Hello, I am sort of new here too. I joined about a month ago but kept forgetting to log in food intake and exercise but I'm hoping that by having some friends I'll get better. Let's be friends and motivate on another.
  • I'm sort of new to this but I'm willing to help keep you motivated, if you're willing to help me too.
  • Hi Puggy, I'm new to this AGAIN too. I kept forgetting to log my food and exerise in but I promise to really stay on top of it this time. :)) Pinky swear... I need all the help I can get... I have no friends on here so I'm looking for some supportive friends. Thinking this may make me more responsible at logging in my…