

  • i read "it starts with food" and realized that i needed to focus on eating healthier to heal my body, and in the process found that personally cutting out grains and refined sugars helped curb my appetite. i had used diet pills for years before reading this book. now that i eat this way, it's so much easier to focus on not…
  • DEFINITELY look into this. also, look at adding coconut oil into your diet. healthy fats help you lose fat (crazy as it sounds)... you could google that too. the testimonials from Whole30 are incredible, though. hope it helps you!
  • if you really want to keep eating ice cream without chancing getting sick again, you can look at making your own. tons of paleo ice cream recipes out there that look/sound delicious!
  • At least the more veggies, less sugar is universally accepted. :)
  • i meant to reply to this on my prior post - obviously i don't do this often. :) did adding coconut oil to your natural bug repellent work? i just made one with witch hazel and a bunch of essential oils - hadn't seen anything with coconut oil. please let me know - heading to asia in a couple weeks and don't want to be eaten…
  • did adding coconut oil to your natural bug repellent work? i just made one with witch hazel and a bunch of essential oils - hadn't seen anything with coconut oil. please let me know - heading to asia in a couple weeks and don't want to be eaten alive!
  • p.s. while you're at it, check out all the amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar. :)
  • google: 101 uses for coconut oil and click the first link. i'm also obsessed and got a 5 gallon tub so i didn't have to keep reordering small containers! you can also use it to mix with honey and cacao powder for natural healthy chocolate. :) enjoy!
  • Advice on smoothies - eat the real fruit & veggies instead. The juicing process can take away fiber and other important parts of the fruit (depending on how you're juicing). I read an article a few weeks ago that said as far as health goes, the best options are 1. real fruit, 2. dried fruit with nothing added, distant 3rd…
  • If you don't have weights, it's definitely not an issue. I found that my back always hurts when my abs get weak. You can start with doing planks for 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, 4 rounds (just make sure you can see your form so you can judge if your butt is too high). You can also do sit ups, which I find to hurt my back…
  • a book called "it starts with food" is life changing (totally changed my life and how i try to pick what i eat). your meals are very focused on low calorie and don't appear all that nutritious. do you feel hungry as well throughout the day? if you cut out grains/artificial sugars and just stick to real foods (meat, veggies…
  • Read "it starts with food" - it changed the way i will think about food for forever. enjoy your grilled cheese