Coconut oil



  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    Unrefined Virgin Coconut oil is what you want. I use it daily, either when I cook eggs, over pasta in stead of olive oil and sometimes skin. 1-2 teaspoons a day. read up on benefits. there are a lot
  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    In the past 3.5 months I've switched to basically using nothing but coconut oil for oil. I eat a lot of it, including just eating at least one big spoonful of it in addition to cooking with it. Also eat avocados, whatever animal fat is in the meats that I eat, a small/moderate amount of nuts. I'm also gluten-free and don't eat added sugar or almost any dairy or alcohol.

    My cholesterol dropped 35 points in the past 3 months, 34 of which was LDL (bad) cholesterol, and I'm now at the lowest overall cholesterol levels I've been at as an adult (150).

    It's got plenty of calories, but apparently eating a lot of it is good for my cholesterol levels anyway.

    I also love coconut oil as body lotion and makeup remover FWIW.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Is it better for you than olive oil or is it just bette for cooking because of the high smoke point?

    don't know - same calories, same fat content - i suppose you COULD say because of the higher smoke point - less free-radicals?!? but it certainly tastes fabulous.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I feed it to my dog.
  • jadior
    jadior Posts: 191 Member
    I love to cook with it and put it on my toast. It is high in calories so I go lightly but I love the flavor of it!!
  • wiserebel
    wiserebel Posts: 28 Member
    Same as just about everyone else.

    Its just about replaced olive oil in our kitchen we cooked everything with it.
  • trojanjoy
    google: 101 uses for coconut oil and click the first link. i'm also obsessed and got a 5 gallon tub so i didn't have to keep reordering small containers! you can also use it to mix with honey and cacao powder for natural healthy chocolate. :) enjoy!
  • trojanjoy
    p.s. while you're at it, check out all the amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar. :)
  • GlassSlipperGurl
    GlassSlipperGurl Posts: 117 Member
    Right now I have only used it for cooking plantains. Delicious and smells so good. I have a lot of friends that bake (I am not a baker) that love it.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I use it to cook, especially for stir fry type stuff. It performs way better than olive oil in this kind of use because olive oil caramelizes at such a low temp. I first bought it because I wanted to use it as a base to make all natural bug repellent, but then started using it for cooking. It performs better for cooking than any other oil I've tried.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    Information on coconut oil uses, backed by scientific research studies with links to those studies. Coconut oil has many health benefits.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    Right now I have only used it for cooking plantains. Delicious and smells so good. I have a lot of friends that bake (I am not a baker) that love it.

    Oh, how I love fried seasoned plantain chips! We got some from a guy on the highway in Humacao, Puerto Rico and they were so delicious. We couldn't find him later in our vacation to get more. If I only knew what spices he put on those, then I could make them at home!
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Use it anywhere you would use butter. It's great for high heat frying because it does not degrade and become toxic as some other oils have the potential to do. That being said I still use other oils for frying depending on the recipe. You could also add some to a smoothie, slather on toast instead of butter. If you have a cat you could give them a little dollop each day to help with digestion and hairballs. The major benefit of coconut is the MCFA's (medium chain fatty acids) along with lauric acid. I won't go into details here, just google it, there's tons of info on the internet about this.
  • trojanjoy
    did adding coconut oil to your natural bug repellent work? i just made one with witch hazel and a bunch of essential oils - hadn't seen anything with coconut oil. please let me know - heading to asia in a couple weeks and don't want to be eaten alive!
  • trojanjoy
    I use it to cook, especially for stir fry type stuff. It performs way better than olive oil in this kind of use because olive oil caramelizes at such a low temp. I first bought it because I wanted to use it as a base to make all natural bug repellent, but then started using it for cooking. It performs better for cooking than any other oil I've tried.

    i meant to reply to this on my prior post - obviously i don't do this often. :) did adding coconut oil to your natural bug repellent work? i just made one with witch hazel and a bunch of essential oils - hadn't seen anything with coconut oil. please let me know - heading to asia in a couple weeks and don't want to be eaten alive!
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I use coconut oil for all of my cooking and food. I also take a teaspoon before meals , it helps me to not over eat. also a bit before I workout. I have seen some amazing results in my progress because f this
  • SupremeEmpress
    I abandoned a $300/yr face cream habit in exchange for the $8 jar of coconut oil in the kitchen - no regrets.
    Still use olive oil - the two oils are structurally different and will flavor cooking differently as well. I think they both have their benefits - can't go wrong with either IMHO.
  • Kimi103
    Kimi103 Posts: 9
    I've heard more and more about it lately. It's supposed to be very good for you.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Is it better for you than olive oil or is it just bette for cooking because of the high smoke point?

    Here's the one fact you can count on - three years from now, MFP will be filled with posts about some other kind of oil and why it is sooooo much better for you than coconut oil.
  • EHolstrom
    EHolstrom Posts: 2,563 Member
    ...i use it for diaper interested in other uses now that we are potty training lol