

  • I hear you. I fell off the wagon today too. Same feeling - didn't feel like recording everything and then just kind of gave up. I hope I get back there tomorrow. This is just one day, right?:sick:
    in help :( Comment by Xersis June 2009
  • Checking in - lost about .5 lbs this week. Hard to tell because I have an old school scale so I'll stay conservative...
  • I'll join as long as I don't have to post a picture of me in a bikini!
  • Ugh - went to a party tonight. It would either be the cupcake, fudge or penne pasta with sausage. Gotta get back on that horse again! :frown:
  • Maybe it is water weight?
    in What gives?? Comment by Xersis May 2009
  • thanks everyone so far! I'm making a list to put up on the cabinet when I go poking around. To answer Vanessadawn: I'm looking mostly for snacks. Many times a day I only have a few seconds to find something and eat it. I take a bit more time for breakfast & lunch but around 2 I am looking around for something to munch on.…
  • Good for you not gaining it back!! We can do this!!:happy:
  • Thank you for the good wishes - How do you join a group or team? What would people suggest for needing occasional motivation and good ideas for getting through the now very long day?
  • I'm at the end of that right now. I lost all of the baby weight plus a little just by breastfeeding. Now that I'm down to only once a day, the weight is coming back on so I'm finally ready to step up the exercise and cut down on the eating. My baby is almost 15 months so it was a gradual process and now that I've had my…