

  • Awesome! Just take one day at a time. I have only lost 2 pounds but I refuse to quit. You have inspired me! Keep up the great work!:smile:
  • First of all start by taking one day at a time. I'm sorry, I know your trainer is an expert but if you are feeling him, let it go! You have to find what works for you. I am 55 years old and I think I have been on a diet since I was young. I have six children. It took me a long time but I am no longer on a diet. I started…
  • Hi everyone, I am new to the group. I started a couple of weeks ago, I stopped because schedule came demanding and now I am back. I am trying to post everything I eat but I forget to write some but it's getting better. I know determination and motivation will help me to reach my goal. Be encouraged just as I plan to. Later
  • Hang in there. I am impressed that you have lost 15 pounds. There are too many trying to follow in your foot step. Stand tall, shake the problems off and stay focus. You can do it, the only one mad is the devil. Don't dwell on your mistakes, dwell on your accomplishments.