settoloki Member


  • Thanks for all your input guys, There are 6 smokes left in the pack - They should last me until I pick up my kids this evening. I will enjoy the last 6 and when I look at my kids next it will be as a non smoker (I realise I've spent all day smoking lol). My official stop day will start on Thursday, but I'm not buying…
  • I would love to know this too. Also they need to move the report post button I almost clicked that instead of quote....almost!
  • From a psychological point of view I can see how any quit smoking book will help. whilst making the concious decision to sit and read the book you are also programming yourself to not smoke. The same way having friends and reading the forums regularly on here lead to a better success of weight loss - when you choose to…
  • I will, I have my kids for a full week whilst their on their summer holidays from school, I have strict rules about smoking around my kids, so I am going to use this as my first week of not smoking. I'm intent on doing it with willpower alone, I know there are many aids out there some more pricey than others - and others…
  • I take the classes in the gym, boxercise, power hour etc - it's fairly daunting being the only bloke in these lessons, and on my own at that - but I do it anyway, I enjoy it and feel great afterwards. Glad you saw the light - don't worry what others think, there is only one person on this planet you need to impress and…
  • Hey, I'm from Sunny Blackpool. Feel free to add me :)
  • I take a multibionta 5 days a week, I'm not sure why I do it :) I've noticed no negative effects and I am actively losing weight, they advertise a metabolism boost, and a healthy release of energy throughout the day. Perhaps they are having no effect. But I must admit I have no cravings for snacks eating only cereal from…
  • WOW! well done :)
  • The only thing better than a big mac - is 2 big macs :)
  • Anyone can add me too. :) the more the merrier
  • now I want a big mac lol!
  • I don't know much about protein shakes, there are many out their depending on your goal. I will say that the recommended calories is just a guide and different for everybody. There are lot more aspects that this site any many others like it just can't take into account. If you feel healthy, and have no signs of illness…
  • Interesting, I vaguely remember hearing about this on a news type tv show a while back. Think the moral is that hard work pays off even after you hit your target weight you may have to keep up the healthy eating, regular exercise and active lifestyle up for the rest of your life. More indication to why diets and loose…
  • Welcome to MFP rensie, Sent off a friends request, I'm pretty new here to but I think I've found my way around if you need help with anything.
  • I personally found a good way to control portion size is with microwave meals they have come on leaps and bounds in the past few years, if you have a little extra money to spare there is help available from places such as diet chef | I haven't used them, though I would like too, I have heard good…
  • Good luck with your up day down day stuff, I haven't tried it not a fan of diets or fads - think a healthier lifestyle is enough, but that's not for everybody either. Spin classes can be a lot of fun, I tried it and got discouraged after finding the first one difficult - but I kept at them and now its a great experience.
  • Hi Wendy, Happy birthday and congratulations on your long run, I look up you with inspirational eyes, perhaps one day I will manage 45 minutes running.
  • I like a chocolate covered biscuit, I used to eat these without moderation and in a few bites. Watching what I eat has really made me appreciate them a lot more, I eat them slowly now and savour every bite. If I'm having a sandwich I might treat myself to some baked cheese and onion crisps (chips for the Americans amongst…
  • Just found this one Seems pretty good, lasts an hour. Another just short of an hour Another hour one…
  • am sold, am actually hoping for some rain when I run now. I have gym classes on Tuesday and Thursday and I take a friend to the gym on a Monday - I would never in a million years convince her to run outside. So looks like Wednesday and Sundays are out door running days.
  • Thanks for the advice guys, I would love to run outside but I live in Blackpool, UK - we don't have the best weather or outdoor areas here, I'm also a little on the chunky side and nobody wants to see the belly flapping around on an out of breath fat guy whilst they are looking to enjoy their chosen outdoor activity. think…
  • When doing this would you do one day of speedwork and the next day tempo or week on week off sort of thing? It sounds slightly better than my idea of using roller-skates on the treadmill.
  • it's not body fat, just relaxed muscle :) that's what I keep telling myself anyway haha!
  • hey, I've just started too, also trying to loose 30lbs or more! Good luck am sure you'll manage it :)