DawnzCreationz Member


  • I want to lose about 100 too! I had lost 100 and then had my baby girl 6 months ago but gained 60 of it back :( Feel free to add me!
  • I would add you as I'm back as well after a couple years but everything has changed and I cannot figure out how to add anyone lol
  • HI! My name is Dawn :) I'm back on mfp after a couple year break. A lot has happened since such as my baby girl, now 6 months old! Previously I had lost 100 lbs but sadly have gained back about 60 of it so here I am to get back on track! Weeded out all the inactive friend which left me with hardly anyone really :( If…
  • Same here but everything has changed on the app. I can't figure out how to add you lol
  • Same boat! My daughter is 6 months old now and I was so good before her! I had lost 100 pounds! Just saw a picture of myself and weighed myself to see I've gained 60 of it back :'(
  • Hi! This is awesome that there is a mfp CT group! My name is Dawn. I am 35 and have been successfully losing weight using mfp since April of this year! I live in New Britain and we have a great park, Walnut Hill that is exactly a mile around if you walk it! Which I would love to do if not for having no one to walk with :(…
  • Hi everyone! I too am from CT! Not far from Hartford! Who knew there were so many of us here! That's awesome! Feel free to send me a friend request! Dawn
  • I have the same issue! I would also like to know what some good target beginner exercises would be! Thanks! Dawn
  • Feel free to add me to your picking list lol! Anyone here can add me actually! I am desperately needing active friends! Dawn
  • Welcome! You have made a great first step! Feel free to add me as a friend! We can do this together! Dawn
  • Hi Missy! Same boat here! Started at 284 on April 26 and am now 271 with a goal of 150! I am looking for friends just like you! Feek free to add me! Dawn
  • Thanks again everyone! You have all been so very helpful! Dawn
  • Thank you to everyone for your input! You have helped me a LOT! I do not feel so bad now as most of you do what I do which is weigh in the morning. I agree it is a motivator and a good indicator of if I am moving in the righr direction etc. Any other weigh-ins are just curiosity but I think if I can curve those I will be…
  • My goal weight is a looong way off but mfp had me at 1970 calories a day and I was always under by a couple hundred at least. I thought that was a good thing but now I am all turned around because other sources all say my calories should be something different per day so I truly don't know how much I should be getting…
  • I am in the exact same boat and all alone not losing much despite being diligent with what I am eating. So you are not alone and we can learn together! My main problem is with the calories and how much I really need. If they figure my calories at 1900 per day and I don't take in that much is that good or is that maybe part…