Hammie023 Member


  • I went to a BodyPump class at my local Y yesterday. The instructor was very supportive and helped me get a good starting weight setup. I quickly found out how out of shape I really am. However, I am going to love this class. Have not decided if I will go once or twice a week. Good luck!
  • I just go out and do it around my local park. My house to the park , a full lap around the park, and back home again is 2.3 miles. Today, I outpaced my dog. He held me back... :-) Just remember to bring baggies. ;-)
  • Whether you are a fast or slow runner doesn't matter. It is the fact that you are making the effort to start and finish that is important.
  • If you're doing it right, never. :-)
  • I'm not sure if you directed this at me, but since my post was included in your response, I'll comment. Maybe I did not make my self clear enough, but that is the reason I said "weight" training in addition to strength. I do higher weights with less reps for my weight training and lower weight higher reps for my strength.…
  • You are correct 1 pound is 1 pound. The perception that muscle weight more is due to the volume each occupies. Since muscle has less volume than fat, to gain equal volumes, muscles will have a heavier weight. (That sounds awkward, but I hope you get the point). I also agree with others about the water retention and eating…
  • Maybe it is just me, but if I use a large med ball to squat down on, I feel less "silly" looking while doing them. :-)
  • How much cardio are you doing? Adding cardio to your strength training will help in seeing a possible weight reduction. Measurements and body fat percentage are better indicators of your progress than weight alone. I have noticed that my weight has sort of plateaued as I increase my strength/weight training. However, my…
  • I love a good burpee. I'm in. I just want to confirm that you define a burpee with a push-up after kicking your legs back.
  • I always understood that the closer the feet the more your core is working. For example, I have stacked my feet on top of each other and have really felt it in my abs. Same as a single leg pushup. I agree with the start high with your hands philosophy. In September, I shattered my wrist. Part of my recover was starting…
  • I use a fitbit to track my walking. I have also tracked my cleaning if it was more than just walking around vacuuming, i.e., moving objects, bending over, or scrubbing hard. I have found most cleaning tasks under the exercise database. I do not think it is cheating, especially if you feel that you heart rate has increased…