

  • Ooooh, I love chef friends. :D ! I start the actual hands on classes in the Fall, and I'm suuuper excited. I hope I can get to the point where I can resist the temptations brought by the culinary industry. x_o; Also, if YOU want to chat, too, feel free. XP I enjoy new people, haha.
    in Ohai. Comment by smassattack April 2012
  • Wow, five years? I'm so glad you're better now. I'm still not there yet, but I'm trying. I'm learning that it's okay to eat as long as I work it in. And, considering I just started, I'm still learning how to change my eating habits so that I can work things I like (such as dark chocolate chip vanilla protein pancakes!)…
    in Ohai. Comment by smassattack April 2012
  • That... is a fantastic idea. o.o I'll have to try that ASAP.
  • Sure, three main meals a day is a good start, but when your total calories for a day are under 1200 calories a day... it's not good for your body. You're putting yourself in starvation mode. With the hectic life of being a mom, I'm surprised you can eat so few calories a day and not pass out. Toast and butter is not a…
  • <3 I WANT A CAT. ): Stupid boyfriend being allergic. Q_Q We'll get there, the right way! :D
    in Ohai. Comment by smassattack April 2012