Driving me mad



  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Agree with many other posts. You need to eat more. Add fruit, veggies, protein & fiber to your diet. I bet if you increase your calorie intake you will lose the last 7 pounds.

    Maybe the 3 meals a day plan isn't working for you. Maybe try 5 mini balanced meals a day. Also, drink plenty of water.

    It is better to lose weight slow & healthy - for long term weight loss.
  • caeliumspecto
    caeliumspecto Posts: 42 Member
    I believe that you that you don't have an ED, but you probably feel fine because your body has given up trying to tell you it's hungry, not because you're eating enough. I was in a similar situation about a year ago (only I was netting around 800-900 Cals daily). I bumped it up to 1200 and started losing weight like normal.

    Also, I noticed a lot of your calories are carbs. This is very destabilizing to your blood insulin levels, and high insulin has been very strongly correlated with a decrease in weight loss. So add some protein and healthy fat into your diet prevent spiking your insulin. (You don't need to decrease carbs since you eat so little in general, but I wouldn't eat more than 125g in a day.)

    Also, though you eat three meals a day, your meals average less than 300 Cals each. To me, that constitutes a snack. I used to each three 400 Cal meals and two 100 Cal snacks in a day. It was very effective.
  • caeliumspecto
    caeliumspecto Posts: 42 Member
    Also, if you need easy/quick calories, nuts are a great way to bump up your intake by 200 - 300 cals daily with almost no prep. Seriously, 1/4 cup of most nuts is 200 cals!

    And congratulations on the wedding. I'm sure you'll get there.
  • MissLucyDee
    MissLucyDee Posts: 66 Member
    How about trying some resistance training instead of or on top of your cardio? I heard that it's meant to speed the metabolism. Body pump is good fun if you're a member of a gym that offers it.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Toast and soup are not meals. You need protein, fruits, veggies.... You will die if you keep eating 300-400 calories a day.
  • underw64
    underw64 Posts: 26 Member
    I have to agree wholeheartedly with everyone's comments. Three meals per day is fine, as long as each meal is at least 400 calories to get your proper nutrition! Everybody needs 1200 calories to sustain their life. That's why MFP won't set a goal lower than 1200 no matter how much weight you have to lose.
  • gnomiut
    gnomiut Posts: 3 Member
    We recently had a sports fitness trainer (http://www.peakcenterak.com) speak to a group at work and she stressed the importance of:
    (1) eating protein - especially at breakfast, but some every meal, and
    (2) slowing down during exercise! Yes,slowing down. She said if you are breathing hard during exercise you are NOT in your fat burning zone and will have a more difficult time getting the weight to drop off.

    ...fyi, she also recommended the use of myfitnesspal.com, which is how I found this community!
  • I have a very hetic life and my main goal is to eat three main meals which i have been doing, i have been told that if you eat the three main meals then a diet should work, some days i do snack also

    Sure, three main meals a day is a good start, but when your total calories for a day are under 1200 calories a day... it's not good for your body. You're putting yourself in starvation mode. With the hectic life of being a mom, I'm surprised you can eat so few calories a day and not pass out.

    Toast and butter is not a meal. A decent breakfast would include toast, sure, but would also have, say, eggs, fruit, and milk.

    Further back into your diary, it looks like you're setting your intake goal to 1000 and then eating like, only a tenth of that.

    Also, make sure you drink plenty of water so you don't damage your kidneys. Eating so few calories could put you into ketosis. x_o

    Overall.. just be careful. The way you're losing weight is dangerous. Stay safe.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    lay off the exercise for 2 weeks and see what that does.

    If an excessive calorie deficit is impairing weight loss you can reduce it by doing less as well as by eating more.
  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks for all the posts, i honestly didnt see what i was doing, when people say diet i automaticaaly believed you should reduce the calories to allow your body to lose weight, as eating to many calories got me to the stage where i want to lose, when i started i ate between 900 -1200 calories a day then in March i went on a stand still with my weight loss so belived i should drop the calorie count again to lose more weight. To me this was the logical thing to do.

    I understand now that this is not the way and i will now up my calorie count to what it was when i first started i know people are saying it should be 1200-1500 but for me that is to much of a jump so will aim for around 800-1000 a day with three times a week exercise.

    I will let you know how i get on and again im sorry if i have offended anyone with my post it was not my intention to

    Love to you all :heart:

    For most of the people who have responded I don't think they are offended just concerned for you and your health. I hope you can take some of the advice and use it to your benefit. My diary is public - feel free to have a nosy - it is public for that reason. I am by no means perfect in my journey but I do eat a pretty balanced diet and I have recently increased my daily cals because I stopped losing (I increased from 1200 - 1600 because I was netting around 1100 cals a day but didn't realise it). If you need something to up your calorie intake as others have said eat nuts - 50 grams of plain cashew nuts are about 300 cals. I am still struggling a little bit but I am netting about 1200 - 1500 a day now - weigh in day tomorrow for me to see if this has made a difference. Take care xx