

  • I had this issue a lot when i first started.. am starting a new tactic now so will see if the same happens this time x
  • Yeah .. I live on my own but i have friends who call round regular who aren't on a diet and they're cake mad so they will help me get through them... i guess i could make a batch and freeze some too... ahah Creech6317 I love your comment about the guys... thats one thing they're brilliant for.. getting rid of excess cake :P
  • Experimenting sounds like a good plan :) i think i need to learn the art of moderation.... I'm not on a massive weight loss thing but i am acting like i am ... you guys are great ! x
  • Thanks.... I've changed my settings from losing lbs per week to just 1.5 and will see how i get on with that see if my measurements keep going down or if they stay the same.. THankyou so much for your encouragement.. your awesome xx
  • Thanks Gaby, I just used to do things like baking and enjoy it. or going to cafes and having a drink. even on a night out. now i will without hesitation think "how many calories is this? can my sugar handle it? wil it make me go over" and i don't bake anymore. i seem to have got almost obsessive *though i hate that word…
  • This is so refreshing... theres a big risk on a site like this for only negative comments. I've been sat browsing the forums for about 5 minutes now and so many negative posts are being made.. people judging other people negatively with no right. So thank you for this.... its really refreshing.
  • I'm the top end of 5' 7" and at last weigh in a couple of weeks ago i was 160.9 lbs... my goal weight is 145 :)
  • Hi! first of all don't worry... i've been at this about 2.5 - 3 weeks. and I've lost 2-3 inches of my waist and at least an inch off my chest thighs and hips... feel free to take a look at my diary to see what sort of things i eat. i am rarely hungry following my plan and i have sweet treats as well as healthy ones :) i…
  • I'm a 21 year old uni student and I completely get what you're talking about. its really difficult to eat at sensible times and eat sensible things.. feel free to add me if you want to chat
  • Sorry to sound stupid but i just calculated my BMR.. and it was something like 1500... my calorie target is 1200 a day but i can never eat enough to meet that... what does eating under your BMR mean/what are the effects?
  • I snack on hard boiled eggs, (though only one as 2 is a lot of cholesterol) dry roasted nuts in 28g portions... if you like cream cheese try that on crackerbread/ryvita/melba toast. also if you are into home baking... try making oat biscuits... they're really tasty and even with chocolate chips in they're not as bad for…
  • Hey, just to give this a little bump and also to offer support to any fellow chronic fatigue sufferers on here. I have have it since i was 14/15 and i'm now 21. Generally i can live a fairly normal life but I've just suffered a relapse and am slowly getting back on track. Love to all
  • I'm Harriet, i'm a 21 year old music student from the UK. I was always really tall and quite heavy, i used to think i was just big boned, then i got chronic fatigue syndrome and lost a load of weight, then when i recovered slightly, the weight piled back on and i was really chunky as well as being medically overweight.…
  • Hi, The fact that you want to change your eating habits is half of the battle, with some junk foods there are 'low fat' or 'low sugar' options. I personally have cravings for pizza and chocolate, and when that happens i try and refocus my mind onto healthier things like a chicken salad its really hard, nobody's saying its…
  • Hi Gabrielle, I'm a 21 year old university student and it would be good to swap support :)