

  • Hi...I'm from Maine! be pleased to support you!
  • Honey, maybe this isn't about you at all....just maybe this is about him. He just may be feeling that he should make some changes in his life and it isn't as easy as having your ear pearced. Be thrilled about the grand things you are doing for yourself! You deserve to celebrate! Just Love him anyway even when he's being a…
  • Maybe you should try to trick your body by changing what you are doing....Eat your heaviest meal at breakfast, medium meal at lunch, and very light at dinner time....with a light exercise early evening to keep the "furnace" burning all night. Try that for a couple of weeks and see if things don't start moving on the scale…
  • Hi Everyone. I've been away for such a long time. It's hard to know where to begin. I went on vacation and seem to have lost my way with my eating program. I'm up 10lbs...:grumble: but today is the start of another day and I'm in for the long haul. I go to my support group tonight and I'm gonna get back on track. Hope you…
  • Hi Anne. No, Absolutely no regrets about the surgery. It has helped me immensely. I have so little self control without it. I've tried so many times to lose weight, and can never seem to stay on track. Right now I'm having difficulty feeling full, so I need to get an adjustment and have the band tightened. Today was the…
  • Hi Momof10, I started last October @ 268lbs. I had lapband surgery. It helps to control portion size. I eat 1200 cal.per day. I eat 3 small meals and usually 3 snacks. I did have a 3 month lapse when I really did not follow my program and I lost no weight. It's a constant battle every day to choose to eat right and keep on…
  • Vicki....Thanks for letting us know....I know words are never enough. It's wonderful that they can try again so soon. I'll keep her in my prayers. I hope the rest of your day is a peaceful one...Hugs, Laurie
  • Vicki - Still praying for your daughter... everyone else - you are all doing so great! Wonderful trips planned, family gatherings, and you're all preplanning and making the choices that will bring you healthy success! Awesome! New England is still dripping. Will it ever stop raining and warm up a little? Yuk..... I weighed…
  • I'm so sorry about your daughter and her baby.....I am praying for them right now. Hugs.....Laurie
  • Jayne, My name is Laurie, and I live in Kittery, Maine. Nice to have a fellow New Englander on the air! I'd love to be a support to you! Hugs, Laurie
  • Vicki, You are awesome! I have a few more lbs to get under 200. You go girl! I think 20lbs is alot to lose in 2 1/2 Months. I think 12 is a better goal, what do you think? Laurie
  • Hi New friends! I'm doing good! I weighed in this am. and I'm down 1lb. Yeah!!!!!! Can't seem to get to exercise early in the week. I have a more physical job thurs-sat, but the rest of the week, well.............. I need to kick myself in the rear and get going. You all are sooooooo good! I'm gonna do it too!!!!!!! Hugs…
  • Hello! This is the ticket for me! I'm 55, Mom of 2, Mimi of 4 with a new little one on the way. Are any of you lap banders? I'm Laurie from Maine....
  • I'm on 1200 cals per day, on drs. orders. I think everyone is different. I need to have a minimum of 50-60grms of protein per day as well as some healthy fats, fiber etc. I think visiting a nutritionist and having them design an eating plan for you personally is good. In my case I had Lap-Band surgery last October, and my…
  • Hi....I'm a Christian too. It's good to know you are out there. I'll be praying for you too! I had a great week this week ...down 4lbs! wooooohoooooo!:drinker:
    in I'm New!!!! Comment by Mimis5 June 2009