Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning Ladies,:drinker: I really love getting up in the morning and checking in to MFP. :wink: It gives me that extra boost I need to get through the day. :flowerforyou: Barbie, you are the most amazing person. You get on and remember everyone, you give inspiration, encouragement, and congratulations to those of us who need and deserve it. Some days I feel like no one in my family ( husband, kids) notices or cares I'm losing weight. :frown:
    But I can always depend on you to give me that. :love: Without the compassion, congratulations and encouragement I get from the ladies here somedays I don't think I would be able to stick with it. Thank you so much to the wonderful Ladies of MFP.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile: Love & prayers to all, Rosemary
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning Ladies,:drinker: I really love getting up in the morning and checking in to MFP. :wink: It gives me that extra boost I need to get through the day. :flowerforyou: Barbie, you are the most amazing person. You get on and remember everyone, you give inspiration, encouragement, and congratulations to those of us who need and deserve it. Some days I feel like no one in my family ( husband, kids) notices or cares I'm losing weight. :frown:
    But I can always depend on you to give me that. :love: Without the compassion, congratulations and encouragement I get from the ladies here somedays I don't think I would be able to stick with it. Thank you so much to the wonderful Ladies of MFP.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile: Love & prayers to all, Rosemary
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: sending everyone a flower this morning i am feeling so good this past week i thought my clother were feeling a little loser just a feeling will today my capris are a little sliding down so i have to pull up. wow i am amaze it has been a long time so i guess this journey we are on is working.. my clothes have always been a bit big and sometimes to small cause i i squeeze in them but to fit this way thank you i am on the wiifit game and it weigh s you everyday which i wish i could shut off some days but monday i am always gain but on friday i always see the weight lose so i always use friday as my weigh in day. mondays is just not good. we all agree on that i see.
    rosemary you said it right my hubby and family don't notice either.. but on here this is good and i thank everyone also
    barbie line dancing that sounds so neet. it must be fun
    bonnie love the tune that is a good group of sayings
    homegrown tomatoes are wonderful i can not wait to eat fried green tomotes in olive oil
    ok i am off to work everyone have a blessed day love debbie and family
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Blue, blue
    My world is blue.
    Scale will not move;
    Don't know what to do.

    Gray, gray
    My day is gray.
    Oh, how I wish
    Fat would melt away!

    (to an old tune in my mind)


    LOVE the sense of humor I find here at MFP! This could be my song too as I seem to have come to a standstill. Today is one of those days I'd like to just crawl back in bed and cover up my head. I'm still dragging from our fast trip to the wedding. NOTHING in me wants to exercise today. If I had junk food in the house I'd most likely be eating some right now.

    Got word from my oldeset brother last night.: Ken saw the oncologist Monday and the doctor confirmed that he is in either stage 3 or 4 of Hodgkin's Lymphoma, depending on if it is in the bone yet. Right now it is in a majority of his lymph nodes and his spleen. He has a bone marrow biopsy today and is scheduled for several other big tests this week.... just waiting for the insurance to approve them first. On top of everything else he needs a couple of stints. Hopefully he'll wind up testing this week so he can start chemo next week; they are talking three rounds. I am told Ken is in good spirits and does not look sick. Mostly right now he is just very tired and having trouble sleeping. I'd appreciate it if you'd add him to your prayer list.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    It is so good to hear from all of you. I still have not mastered answering each one personlly so please forgive me. Susan I just put you and your brother on our church prayer list. I know these are trying times. I have down days too. Just do some exercise or find something to get busy and it will get better. I have already been to the gym this morning for an hour. Burned 600 calories. I am bumping up my workouts this week to try to give my body a jolt. I really feel good once I have done it, but not always easy to get started. Have a good day ladies. Hope to hear from all of you later.
    Vicki M.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello everyone:flowerforyou:

    Well, I thought it would be easy getting back on track.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: HOWEVER, it is extremely difficult. I have been doing so much entertaining that I have had junk food around the house and eating it. So, yesterday when my grand kids came over I gave each one the left over cheese cakes, potato chips, & dips to take home. I just could not have them in the house.

    Then my parents come for dinner and bring a lemon pie. :grumble: .
    I have explained that my "party" is over and I have to get back on track, but it was difficult not to have a piece. So I did. But, I sent the rest home with them.

    I did get to the fitness center yesterday but did not go today. I have a dentist appointment soon (in minutes) and that occupied my thoughts. I hate going to the dentist. I get all nerved up. I know it seems like a bad exercise not to work out but that is my story and I'm sticking to it.:sad:

    I hope getting back on this thread will help. It is so tough. AGAIN. I was doing so great. I have to rethink my goals all over again.

    Well, that is it. I just wanted to let all know how I was feeling. :sad: :sad:

    :heart: Kathy
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello everyone:flowerforyou:

    Well, I thought it would be easy getting back on track.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: HOWEVER, it is extremely difficult. I have been doing so much entertaining that I have had junk food around the house and eating it. So, yesterday when my grand kids came over I gave each one the left over cheese cakes, potato chips, & dips to take home. I just could not have them in the house.

    Then my parents come for dinner and bring a lemon pie. :grumble: .
    I have explained that my "party" is over and I have to get back on track, but it was difficult not to have a piece. So I did. But, I sent the rest home with them.

    I did get to the fitness center yesterday but did not go today. I have a dentist appointment soon (in minutes) and that occupied my thoughts. I hate going to the dentist. I get all nerved up. I know it seems like a bad exercise not to work out but that is my story and I'm sticking to it.:sad:

    I hope getting back on this thread will help. It is so tough. AGAIN. I was doing so great. I have to rethink my goals all over again.

    Well, that is it. I just wanted to let all know how I was feeling. :sad: :sad:

    :heart: Kathy


    Don't let the dentist take too big a BITE out of your day (Sorry, you know me...can't help myself:laugh: )

    Seriously, we all have ups and downs. You have done well so remember your success and use it to help build your future success. Sending the goodies out of the house not ONCE , but TWICE:drinker: :drinker: That takes commitment!! Hang:flowerforyou: in there!!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:

    ........:flowerforyou: Barb, I tried to stay up late last night to see if you would post something but my droopy eyes took me to bed at 9:30. It was fun to get up this morning and read your great narrative. You are such a good friend to so many people and you have such a great knack for telling the story of your adventures.

    :flowerforyou: Bonnie, I love your song.........

    .....:flowerforyou: Heather---maintaining is always better than gaining.........


    Sorry I kept you up late. If I posted as much as I would like, I would lose my job due to not being able to get up in the morning:yawn: I always enjoy reading what you and others have been up to, even if I don't have time to respond to everything I see.

    And I like Bonnie's song too. Someone mentioned that song was done by Sinatra, and he may have had a version of it, but I first heard it as an instrumental. I looked it up online, and in 1967 the version I remember was released by Paul Muriat and his Orchestra. He died at the age of 81 in November of 2006. I didn't take the time to search deeply, but it appears he wrote the song, but I am not sure about that.

    I agree that maintaining is better than gaining. Despite the week before the 4th and the week of the 4th, and then this week, when all kinds of tempations kept popping up, I managed to maintain NOT gain!! Part of that is due to the fact that I continued to eat carefully 95% of the time, and on the days when my "sins" were greatest, I made darn sure I got a walk in.

    As for stories, so far the only exciting thing I have done today, besides wake up at 4:30 and leave the house at 4:45a and make it to work ON TIME, was to successfully argue to my financial institution that if their website says that transfers between accounts are effective on the date they are posted, then they should NOT wait til 6:05p on that day to make the transfer (when it was scheduled 2 days earlier). and $30 in the process!! :noway: As a result, they bounced my car lease payment, and I was NOT a very happy camper when I discovered this fun fact about 9p last night.:explode:

    I got the best outcome possible, an apology, reversal of fees, and a promise to reimburse me for the charges on my lease account that resulted from the error. Apparently, their computer needs more caffeine so it will start working on transfers earlier in the day!!:laugh:

    The other windmill I had to tilt this morning was to call my home telephone service provider and tell tham to STOP calling me every two hours to ask how I like their service. The second call today came during nap time, and THAT didn't make me very happy either!!!:laugh:

    Hope every one is having a good day. I am going to finish my nap.:yawn:

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member


    Don't let the dentist take too big a BITE out of your day (Sorry, you know me...can't help myself:laugh: )

    Seriously, we all have ups and downs. You have done well so remember your success and use it to help build your future success. Sending the goodies out of the house not ONCE , but TWICE:drinker: :drinker: That takes commitment!! Hang:flowerforyou: in there!!


    Barb thanks for the encouragement. I will be on this site more often now. I did gain and it really is a bummer . However, I made it this far so I just will keep reading and logging my food in and keep going. Life is just to short to get me down totally.

    I did fine at the dentist. He is such a great guy. I get so nervous and he really helps me keep my nerves under control.

    To all the ladies that have maintained during these months GREAT JOB. You sure keep me going.

    :heart: Kathy
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    I am at 198 this morning. I have reached a plateau. I knew it would be coming, but was halfway hoping I would not have to face it. I am not discouraged, but very dissappointed. I have been following my food plan and working out. i even bumped up my workout this week. I know I have to just keep on going but this is my trial. I have to stay focused not to backtrack. When I am losing the motivation and incentive is great, but doing all this to stay the same is hard for me. I appreciate all of you and I could not do it without your support. Hope all of you are having a good day.
    Vicki M.
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Good Morning,
    Back from vacation will catch up on posts later just wanted to sign in and get busy losing. Have a great day everyone.
    Lynn:drinker: :drinker:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki, You are an inspiration to me because you have gotten on the other side of 200! If you can hold it there, you will start losing again. We all plateau at times, but don't lose your focus. You CAN do it!! I so look forward to the day I'll be on the other side of 200. That will be glorious. Keep on keeping on...:flowerforyou:
  • Mimis5
    Mimis5 Posts: 19
    Hi Everyone. I've been away for such a long time. It's hard to know where to begin. I went on vacation and seem to have lost my way with my eating program. I'm up 10lbs...:grumble: but today is the start of another day and I'm in for the long haul. I go to my support group tonight and I'm gonna get back on track. Hope you are all good. TTYS, Laurie
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Thank you doobiedo. I appreciate your support. It is great to be on the other side of 200 and I plan to stay there. This is why I keep coming to this site, to get the encourgement i need. I look forward to the day when I can celebrate you being on the other side of 200.
    Vicki M
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :smile: good morning to all one more beautiful day here in new england..
    vicki under 200 that is good one step at a time don't forgot the water
    laurie welcome back from vacation.. just one step at time those 10 will be gone again
    lynn welcome back from vacation hope everyone had nice weather
    kathy the lemon pie sound so good specially when wanted something cool. is there a lot of calories in it. i will have to look at that i have been adding squezze lemon juice in my water..
    ok will i am doing another flea market/craft sale today not sure about the rest of the week they said today rain oh no not again. ok everyone have a nice day love debbie and family
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Trying to get back in the exercise routine... :yawn: I'm feeling VERY droopy today. When I don't rest well at night it is just hard for me to get it going the next day... :yawn: I went back to bed for a few hours after I got hubby off to work but am still dragging. :yawn:

    Our air conditioner is on the blink so we've been waking up hot. Looks like we're gonna have to break down and replace the entire unit. So until it comes in we have been sleeping with a table fan blowing on us and not even a sheet for cover. Well, last night about an hour after we FINALLY fell asleep a 4' fluorescent bulb hubby had leaned against the corner window and forgotten crashed and woke us up. I'm guessing it was from the vibration of the fan. We had both forgotten it was even there. So even though we cleaned the worst of it up last night I am STILL finding shreds of glass here and there.

    I'd REALLY like to go take a nap right now, but instead I am FORCING myself to do my BL Boot-camp DVD instead. Hopefully that will give me some energy. I haven't had any since spending the day in the car Sunday. Its hard to believe today is already Wednesday!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    I'd REALLY like to go take a nap right now, but instead I am FORCING myself to do my BL Boot-camp DVD instead. Hopefully that will give me some energy. I haven't had any since spending the day in the car Sunday.

    It took a jolt of caffeine, but I did manage to get through bootcamp and I DO have more energy now. Funny how exercise does that.... Time to drink more water. :drinker:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone

    Hope you are all doing well:flowerforyou: Today is our one day of sunshine for the next couple so I am taking advantage of it and getting some laundry on the line and some outside work done:smile: but I wanted to touch base with the group:smile:

    The physiotherapist has recommended that I only use the stationary bike for 10 minutes at a sloowwwwwwwww pace to help keep my knee mobile. I told him I would rather use my regular bike and bike outside...maybe I should take my stationary bike outside hmmmmmm talk about spinning your wheels and not going anywhere:laugh: :laugh: So following his sage advice I am going on my stationary bike for 10 minutes at a time then icing the knee down for 10 minutes....I'll try anything to reach my goals:wink: I also told him I was using the exercise ball, hand weights, resistance bands, even doing one-legged pushups and he didn't feel that was a problem just don't aggravate my knee.
    So today I did all those things and I am none the worse for the wear (no pun intended):laugh:

    For you ladies that are working so diligently to get below the 200 mark....just keep working at it:happy: I know that it can be so difficult and challenging but you can do it:heart: Trust me when I share with you that it doesn't seem that long ago that I was there and the feeling of getting on that darn scale and seeing a # that doesn't begin with a 2 motivates me to keep going on. Vicki I understand about your plateau I have gone through a few of them. Initially when I first started my lifestyle changes my weight was consistently dropping and then it remained the same for a long time...even fluctuated up, then I dropped one at a time for a long time, then another plateau...from April to the end of June I stayed the same weight...talk about frustrating but I have made a few changes with my diet and definitely with my exercise routine because of my knee and the past 2-3 weeks the scale is moving down again:happy: So please, please don't give up, hang in there....all of you have worked so hard and you can reach your goals. Please know that I share in your frustrations and celebrate your success:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Keep drinking your water and thinking those positive thoughts:drinker:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    For you ladies that are working so diligently to get below the 200 mark....just keep working at it:happy: I know that it can be so difficult and challenging but you can do it:heart: Trust me when I share with you that it doesn't seem that long ago that I was there and the feeling of getting on that darn scale and seeing a # that doesn't begin with a 2 motivates me to keep going on. Vicki I understand about your plateau I have gone through a few of them. Initially when I first started my lifestyle changes my weight was consistently dropping and then it remained the same for a long time...even fluctuated up, then I dropped one at a time for a long time, then another plateau...from April to the end of June I stayed the same weight...talk about frustrating but I have made a few changes with my diet and definitely with my exercise routine because of my knee and the past 2-3 weeks the scale is moving down again:happy: So please, please don't give up, hang in there....all of you have worked so hard and you can reach your goals. Please know that I share in your frustrations and celebrate your success:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Keep drinking your water and thinking those positive thoughts:drinker:



    My scale hasn't moved in weeks.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Marie, Thank you for the advice and encouragement. Did you slack off when you hit your long plateau or were you doing the same thing you had always done? I know plateaus are going to come but one for that long whew seems scary. Susan I have slow draggy days also. Today happened to be one of them. I got to the gym early and did my workout but my heart rate would not get going and I have been dragging all day. I have just learned to accept it and keep going. Just keep on going and it will get better. Lack of sleep does seem to affect me a lot also. Have a good day ladies.
    Vicki m.
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