Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am so sorry to hear the additional news about your brother. At least now you know, but I know it can't be easy. Hopefully you can concentrate on the wedding.

    Heather--Can I borrow your cat? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: or maybe the plastic thingy it was playing with?
    I haven't been able to walk at all this week, other than with the dogs, and that isn't as fast as I like to go on my own. I have been busy w/my friend's needs (the one who was in the hospital and has no family nearby) when I am not working, and there always seems to be something. I am staying on track with eating and still logging everything, but I am afraid I probably won't post a loss when I weigh this weekend.

    :flowerforyou: Hello to All. I haven't had time to post, on this thread, only to read lately.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Home Barbie and Jake, even though you are gone again for the weekend. Do you guys really NEED a house? You are never in it. Think of all the money you could save!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I am ready to ship Mai Li to the highest bidder, maybe I will pay THEM!! (Just kidding, I could never send my baby girl away:heart: )

    Pepper is at the vets today getting a routine semi-annual exam, and she has been driving me crazy.
    'Barkity bark, I want food," ..."Barkity bark, no not THAT food, ".... "Barkity bark, what I really want is some baby carrots mom, like you always have late in the morning when you come home from work.":noway:

    Mercifully, she is sleeping now, so she can't bark!! Though if she could, I bet she would!!!:laugh:

    Well I am off to an appointment so take care all. Happy weekend.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We’re out of town for the weekend. We dropped the cats off at “The Cat’s Pajamas” on Thursday morning and took the dogs to the vet in the afternoon right after an hour at the dog park. It was very quiet in the house without them.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, you are right about the dogs. When they’re bugging me I want to give them away and then when they aren’t here, I miss them. And, by the way, I’ve missed you these last few days when you didn’t post. Your stories add so much to my day.

    We left the house early this morning in beautiful weather. I walked around the passenger cabin on the ferry for twenty minutes and burned some calories while seeing beautiful water views out the windows.

    I got trapped into eating lunch in the hotel restaurant but they had a yummy vegetable stir fry that stayed within a reasonable calorie range for lunch. I’ve been posting my food on MFP for so long that I know a lot of calorie counts and I recognize a lot of foods that sound healthy but actually have hundreds of sneaky calories. Then we went to the hotel fitness room. I walked on the elliptical that had a TV with headphones attached so I could watch “All My Children” while I exercised. Then I went for a walk with my friend for another 45 minutes. Now I’m collapsing in the air conditioned hotel room.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, I know you’ll keep concentrating on your goals so you don’t eat for comfort this weekend. Remember that most people fail is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT. You want the scale to go down more than you want to eat something yummy to make you feel better. I’m so glad you have all of us to share with about your brother and your concerns about him. I will continue to think positive thought about him and his family and about you and your strength to walk through this difficult time. That’s so smart to stay focused on the wedding and not worry yourself about other things. A wise friend told me to “stay in the moment”.

    :flowerforyou: Onmyway
    welcome to the group. I hope you’ll check in with us regularly and get to know us. This is a great group for motivation and support. They changed my life and I hope they will change yours. Congratulations on your weight loss and best wishes for continued success.

    :flowerforyou: Zaza, I’m glad your weekend went well and glad you came back afterwards to check in with us. As long as you keep coming back this weight loss journey will keep getting better for you.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, I am so glad to hear from you again. You have been an inspiration to me since I started on MFP and I look forward to hearing from you. You are candid about your ups and downs and you never give up. Your “staycation” sounds great. I’m so glad that your new thin self is getting in and out of the jeep with ease. That’s what this is all about.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I love how you never give up. Your knee has been doing everything it can to discourage you and you keep on going.

    :flowerforyou: Esther, I’m glad you like the South Beach Diet. I’ve read a little about it and it seems to be very popular and successful. I hope it helps you get over the sugar cravings. How great that your hubby is being cooperative and supportive. That makes so much difference.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, thanks for your positive and upbeat messages. I love hearing how you get good eating and exercise combined with all your family events.

    :flowerforyou: Steph, welcome to the group. Congratulations on your weight loss so far. Your goals are great----staying cheerful will help a lot on this journey.

    :flowerforyou: Lianne, what a bummer about having to keep that splint on so much longer. You have such a positive attitude about it. Congratulations on sticking to your food plan. Being immobile could be such an invitation to pig out all day. I love your new doggie picture and the picture of you with the sunflowers.

    :flowerforyou: Heather----that darn scale will get you all the time. I remember that Kathy posted a cartoon awhile of a bathroom scale and a boy telling his friend, “don’t get on that, it’ll make you mad”

    Jake just dozed off so maybe I’ll read for awhile and then we can both go back to the fitness room.
    Hugs to all, :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Heather, that is so funny. I have also thought that I lost too much only to find that my kids were messing with the scales and had them off.

    I am doing good and am hoping that the scales will show a lose tomorrow morning. I am still doing the bouncing thing where I lose a couple of pounds, then gain it over the weekend and then by the end of the week I will have lost about three pounds. So, I guess I am losing about one pound a week.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Yippee! Hubby finished his job so we'll be attending the wedding together. :happy:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I've been having one of those hectic weeks where there are so many little things going I don't know which way to go first, but I know to be grateful that nothing is major and it all will pass.

    Reading all the posts from everyone helps keeps things in perspective. It's like stress release to know that I'm not the only one out there struggling and juggling life and the sress that comes with it.

    I've been over on calories all week, but still nothing like what I use to eat. I've been up and out so early everyday trying to get everything taken care of I've skipped breakfast the whole week until today.

    On a much lighter note-all of my size 16 blue jeans fell apart within 10 days of each other and the new pair I bought today are a size 14. I can't wait to wear them. lol :glasses:

    Sue- I'm glad hubby is able to join you for the wedding tomorrow. I hope you both have a great time and the day turns out wonderful.

    Good luck to all of us this weekend.

  • steph54
    steph54 Posts: 28
    Hi everyone - Your posts have made my day. Yesterday I ate lots and lots of veggies and low-fat things and felt stuffed and guilty that I had eaten too much, but when I logged it all I didn't even have 1200 calories.

    Fridays I watch 2 of my grand kids ages 2 and 5 and they keep me busy. We had a watermelon "pig-out" but I was still under my earned calories. But both days it felt good to feel full and still achieve my goals. Of course, walking earns me a few more calories each day as a safety net.

    Keep posting. It helps!
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning to all its 8:00 a.m. i am heading outside for the day again they say the rain will be back around 5ish what a beatiful past few days we have had. i would like to say hello to all new people and sending my prayers were needed this day.. yesterday was a great day until hubby came home from the bakering i could help it those eclairs were so go looking not lots of choclate and not to much cream in the one i took lots of airy bread.it didn't put me over my calories so that was a plus.. ok everyone please have a safe and blessest day and take one secound at a time love debbie and family
  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I haven't posted in a while. I attempted to take a week off from work starting June 22 since our twin daughters were coming home for a few days. I only had 3 projects assigned while I was off, but it worked out that I was able to do them while the girls were visiting with their friends. My mother and one of my brothers came up one day and my son, daughter in law and 2 year old grandson came over and we grilled out and I made homemade ice cream with strawberry shortcake. I had some but not a lot. I haven't tracked my calories since the 22nd and I haven't weighed - I need to do that but I have a bad feeling about it.:embarassed:

    After my week off the work load has been tremendous. End of the month, 2nd half of the year forecast for my 3 plants and having to explain everything compared to multiple time periods and scenarios. Most days since the 1st have been 18 hours day. I had to neglect my garden :cry: :cry: no lights. My neighbor and I did get the tomatos staked last Saturday all 130 of them. I was definitely glad of the help. :bigsmile: Finally Thursday night I managed to get home at 7:00 and I was totally mentally exhausted so I cranked up the garden tiller and tilled my entire garden all 30 rows, picked some cucumbers, squash, okra, lettuce, onions and a ripe tomato:bigsmile: :bigsmile: The good Lord took care of my garden while I was neglecting it. Yesterday I once again managed to get out of the office at 6:30 so my neighbor and I hoed the grass that I didn't get with the tiller out of 3/4ths of the garden before it got dark. I hope to get it finished today, but the trim work around the property has my name on it too.:laugh: :laugh: Next week we've been told is going to be even more horrendous since our forecasts are being presented to the Europe group and we may have to re-do them all:grumble: :grumble: Somedays I wished I had majored in something besides accounting - too old to change now though. Since my husband is no longer able to work and the kids still need our help I'll have to keep on going. One late night at work I was so stressed I realized that I had eaten 5 servings of M & M's the whole bag a whopping 1000+ calories of course I've been too tired to eat when I get home. My husband thankfully has been cooking some vegetables each day so he doesn't starve:laugh: :laugh:

    Well after my backsliding I'm going to try to get back on track. I've gotten so many comments on the weight that I've lost, I definitely am NOT going to pile it back on. Back to my 96 oz. of water:drinker: :drinker: a day and utilizing my new cookbooks - The Hungry Girl one has great recipes - I tried a few of them before my backslide.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you in need. I really enjoyed reading all of the posts, it really helps a lot we all have so much in common - not only the weight goals. I hope to post more often but we are heading into budget season in August so who knows:grumble:

    Well I'm going to get dressed and try to tackle the weed eating before it gets hot:bigsmile:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I would so much love to have a vegetable garden. I have a postage stamp size yard, though. My parents always had one and us kids would just snack all summer long on whatever we wanted to pick. I was just about living on carrots. Isn't that the way to go?
    I finally uploaded a picture of my family. That is me in the back with my husband. I was 17 pounds heavier when the pic was taken. Those are my girls. On the left in Elizabeth, who is 19. Next is Keziah, 17 and then Lydia 15. I really need to take a picture of my new self and I will as soon as I learn how to get it on the computer.:laugh: I am not too smart when it comes to electronics.
    I am down one pound from last week. Going sooo slowly.
  • Patsigirl
    Patsigirl Posts: 16
    It's a beautiful day in North Georgia, getting warm but still nice. I watched a family of cardinals leave the nest this morning with a lot of interest shown by the mockingbird, chickadees, and wrens. They all congregate when baby birds leave the nest and keep up a chatter until all the fledglings are gone. It's really cute to watch. The little boy cardinal was the first to fly and he could just barely go but he made it to the next tree. Love my birds.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    July Goals--eat carefully, walk more, make myself more presentable each morning.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Patsigirl..you and my husband would get alone very well. He is into nature and is breeding cockatiels in our home. He hasn't gotten any new ones this year but has five from last year. I would love it if he sold them.
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :yawn: good evening to everyone..
    becky what a nice famly photo i love my garden. at thee other house it was small i we learn that you can have a nice garden in planters..lisa was six at the time she had me pick her up some tall planters and she did her carrots and i was amaze how the did grow.. and i love my tomotoes so we had a few pots for them.. much easier on the weeds to ...
    patsi the cardinals are so beautful in red this year and many up here in mass.and i am seeing lots of yellow finches..i have been putting lots of bird feeders out and around..
    food question i have been trying to cook squash like spahetti and i keep having it come out to muchie and the last time i cook it i believe it was no more than 16 minutes 375 so i guess less could yous share some of the ways you cook this thank you ok its been a long day love debbie and famly
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    momof10, you need to tell me just how to grow vegetables in pots. I have tried without any success.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am so glad you posted a picture. what a nice family ( I know the picture shows only part of your family) I am especially happy to hear that you lost another pound. You are so close to your goal. How great for you. Just keep on doing what you're doing and you'll get there. :bigsmile:

    We're doing well on our weekend getaway. The hotel has a great little fitness room with ellipticals, treadmills, and TV. We worked out after our healthy dinner and now we're relaxing in our room.

    big hugs to all the great women on this thread, :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Well I'm going to get dressed and try to tackle the weed eating before it gets hot:bigsmile:


    Hey Nancy, I know you are stressed, but I think it would be better to eat veggies out of your garden rather than the weeds!!!:laugh: :laugh: Sorry, it is late and my mind is silly from lack of sleep. I know you meant the weed eatER, not eatING, but I just couldn't help myself.

    Take care of your self!!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    On a more practical note, the following was in the email I just reviewed and I thought it was worth posting.

    It is from the Everyday Health website, which sends me emails on health-related subjects:

    "The reason it can be difficult to eat healthily is that "hidden persuaders" can lead you into bad eating habits, says new research. Try these tips to avoid mindless eating:
    Be aware of the size and shape of containers. It's the amount of food that counts, not what it looks like.

    Use smaller plates and bowls. Empty plates and bowls, even those of a smaller size, cue some people to stop eating.

    Read nutrition labels, paying attention to the serving size listed. Consider the facts; don't guess at how many calories you're eating.

    Look past the packaging. The wording on a food's package or the language on a menu can influence you to actually like a food better, increasing your risk of overeating.

    Keep visual reminders of how much you're eating. Keep wrappers, empty containers, bones, and other reminders of how much you've eaten nearby.

    Think about eating a meal that's healthier overall. Don't just focus on separate parts of the meal.

    Control your impulse purchases. Don't let signs encourage you to buy more than you need"

    Sounds good to me:flowerforyou:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member

    On a much lighter note-all of my size 16 blue jeans fell apart within 10 days of each other and the new pair I bought today are a size 14. I can't wait to wear them. lol :glasses:
    Yippee :happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nancy, we can actually eat some weeds..like dandelions. My kids liked for me to flour the yellow blossoms, fry them and then sprinkle with powder sugar and a little cinnamon. Not a very healthy way to eat our weeds but they are tasty.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, thanks for sharing. We forget how packaging can mess us up. My kids will tell me that their candy bar is only so many calories but then they look at the serving size and they are getting probably twice that many calories. Also, I got to looking at the box of Crystal Light that I drink. I use the ones in small packs. The box claims that there is only 5 calories but if you read the back, there are two servings in each pack, so when I drink a pack I am getting 10 calories not 5. I haven't figured out how to get two servings out of one pack. They are not re-sealable.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good Morning all!

    A big thank you to all of the gardeners in the group and the stories gardens we had while growing up.

    We have almost 3 acres, but not a lot of water. Yesterday it dawned on me I actually do have a small place to put a garden next year. It's only 2 ft wide and 20 feet long, but it's out of the way where the dogs won't bother it.

    The previous owners had a dog pen which our dogs won't go near. There is an old flowerbed that everything had died in by the time we bought the place. So, I'll get out there and weed it and put some soil builder in there this year and get it ready to go for next year.

    The area inside the dog pen is too rocky and sandy, but this old flower bed should do nicely.

    It took me years to get the front flower bed going, only 1 bare spot left in it. The rose bush I planted this year is actually reblooming already. At least I now know what my next 5 year gardening plan is.

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Sunday morning:flowerforyou:

    Not much happening here especially in the weather department. Heavy duty thunderstorms yesterday, chilly and windy last night and today:grumble: I do not have a garden but plant my tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers in big pails alongside my house. Onions grow in bags of soil there too! However, with the crummy weather we are experiencing I am not so sure that we will reap any produce. Good thing I don't have to rely on just being able to consume what I can grow:laugh: :laugh:

    My knee is feeling a little bit stronger so I might tackle going for a slow walk later:happy: Also on a very positive note the scale is continuing to move for me and I am even more committed to keep moving forward:bigsmile: As of this morning I have achieved another 10 lb increment, so now on to the next 10lbs:smile:

    Have a great day everyone. Let's all keep thinking positive thoughts and keeping our eyes on the prize!! Remember you are so worth it:flowerforyou:


    :flowerforyou: Becky I love your new photo, what a great looking family:heart:
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Barb for the interesting article and for your sense of humour:heart: