Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    So good to hear from all of you. I grew up with a garden also. My grandpa, whom I lived with for a year whtn I was six, used to take me into his garden and we would pick veggies and eat them right there in the garden. I love almost all veggies. Dont know if that is the reason, but glad to have the memories. When I was 12 I planted a small green bean garden on the side of our house. ( it was about 2x2 ft ) We lived in the city. It actually grew beans that we ate. My hubby and I used to plant a garden but dont seem to have time any more. Maybe after retirement we can get back to it.
    I am doing well with eating and exercise. Went to shower yesterday and ate only fruits. Had already eaten lunch so considered that snack. Going to another today so will do the same. Will have to force myself to get to gym later. My sinuses are killing me. Must be something in the air. Hope it is over soon. If still feel this way in the morning will got to doctor for shot. That always make it better. Hope you ladies have a good Sunday. Talk to you later. Marie your family picture is great. I will post another pic after a few more pounds.
    Vicki M
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Hello, all.

    I've been debating about trying to grow some vegetables in pots, too. I'm not fond of bending way over or gettng on my knees to weed!:laugh:

    I was pleasantly surprised to find out that an egg mcmuffin from Mcdonald's with only half the muffin is just 230 calories, with 18 grams of protein!

    Subway for lunch today...yum.

    Do most of you find that you have to exercise to keep from feeling food deprived? 1200 calories without adding exercise calories is not enough!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bonnie, I have been making my own Egg McMuffins. I use whole wheat muffins, low fat cheese and I poach the egg instead of frying. My husband loves whole wheat so he also eats them, but he uses regular cheese and still likes his eggs fried. He also will eat of them while I eat only one.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki M, That is how I was raised also. I think that is why I love vegetables now.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, thank you for the comment on my family picture. I am planning on having my daughter help me put another one here. One with me alone. I weighed 19 pounds more when that picture was taken.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Hi Everybody,:heart::heart:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, your article about the hidden persuaders was right on. Last night we ate our dinner in our hotel room then went down to the restaurant to chat with our friends while they ate dinner. I was sitting with the bread basket in front of me and a man eating French fries next to me. I could hardly wait to get away and go down to the fitness room. The thing I remember most about serving size is when I used to put hazelnut creamer in my coffee. It seemed so benign until I realized that I was probably using about 10 servings in each mug of coffee.

    We are home safely and glad to be here. We kept to our calories, drank a lot of water, and did some exercise walking outdoors, using the stairs to get to and from our room on the fourth floor, and using the equipment in the fitness center.

    It’s gray and 55 F (14.7 C) and threatening to rain so we decided that the exercise bike was a better choice than going for a walk. We can’t pick the dogs up until tomorrow so there’s no going to the dog park.

    :flowerforyou: Marie----Congratulations on your continuing weight loss. You are such an inspiration the way you find ways to cope with pain, weather, and other roadblocks. I was talking to a friend Friday night at this event we attended and she was telling me about some health problem and how she couldn’t walk for more than a few minutes and how that was why she couldn’t even think about losing weight right now and an hour later she walked by with a huge bowl of ice cream with a bunch of toppings.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki
    we had a five acre farm for a few years and I remember weeding the spinach and eating the spinach as I worked. I hope you feel better.

    :flowerforyou: Bonnie----I try to eat as clean as possible and eat food that is very nutrition dense with a lot to eat for very few calories. Big bowls of salad with spray dressing or no dressing and steamed vegetables are the ways I can eat a lot of food for 200-300 calories. I eat some of my exercise calories and often I am inspired to get back on the exercise bike or go out for a walk just so I can have my cereal and almond milk in the evening.

    :flowerforyou: Becky---I’m looking forward to seeing a more current picture of you. You look great in the picture you posted so I bet you’ll be fabulous in one with more weight lost.

    It's time to get back on the exercise bike
    hugs :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    So today I burned almost 800 calories with over 2 hours of walking, and ate just about all ot them + my 1200 for the day at the birthday barbecue we had today for a close friends teenaged son, who just turned 15. Carrot cake, carmel apple pie, Coldstone Creamery apple pie ice cream, and Dreyers slow churned French vanilla were all in attendance,:noway: along with burgers, chips, and corn on the cob.:heart: There was also a very big salad. I confess to having a little bit of everything, along with a couple of Mike's light cranberry lemonades.

    I consider it good to have maintained since July 4th weekend, due to not having any time to walk until this weekend. 6 miles today and 4 miles on Saturday. I am getting to the point where it looks like my friend who was ill is going to be able to do a lot more for herself. I know she feels better--keeps threatening to drive before she is complete off the meds that preclude her from doing so. I told her I would take the battery out of her car if she didn't promise to be a good girl and stay off the road!!:laugh:

    I was hoping the experience of her next door neighbor would convince her it isn't worth the risk. Her neighbor insisted on driving when she should not have been, due to health problems, and she got into a serious accident and put someone else in the hospital with a broken back!!

    I did take my friend to church on Saturday evening and then we went to dinner, so I think she is over the stir crazy feeling she had. It should only be a few more days and she will be cleared to drive again.

    Getting that birthday party to come together was easier said than done. The barbecue that another friend had given to my friend, (the mother of the birthday boy), had a major problem with the burner, and when I took a closer look at it on Saturday, I realize we were probably lucky we didn't blow ourselves up on the 4th:explode: when it was in use. The only way to solve the problem was to get MY barbecue to her house--easier said than done, since it is too big to fit in my Toyota Matrix. (This is the only negative I have found to downsizing from a Huyandai Santa Fe last Fall.) I ended up leaving my car at her house and driving across town to my condo in her Jeep, and after a little prayer, and some "angling" in, the barbecue managed to make the trip back to her house.

    So today, we managed to get all the grilling done before the skies opened up, and as I was sitting in my friend's living room, commenting on how fortunate we were, another party guest, who had been outside earlier, just happened to ask, "Hey Barb, is your SUNROOF still OPEN?" :noway: :grumble: YIKES!! That was the fastest I had moved all day, even faster than when they brought out the carrot cake!!:laugh: :laugh: Fortunately, it was a fine mist, rather than a downpour, so my front seats were a little damp, but nothing was soaked!!

    When everyone else decided to play monopoly, I heard the sofa calling my name, :yawn: so I took a nap. At one point, I was awakened by the 4 year old son of the same party guest who asked me about my sunroof.

    This little guy broke his femur about 2 weeks ago, and he is pretty much immobilized. He has a cast that extends from ankle to hip on the broken leg, but also goes around his body and runs down to just above the knee on the other leg. There is a bar that runs across from knee to knee to keep the broken leg from moving. It actually comes in quite handy as a "handle" for steadying him when picking up the little guy. He was remarkable good natured about everything, but sitting on daddy's lap watching the monopoly game must have gotten a little boring, so he decided to start making a noise that I guess he thought sounded like a train whistle. I woke up to "WOO HOO...WOO HOO!" and after a few more "Woo's and Hoo's" the party hostess said, " Beau (child's name), I 'll give you $100 to stop making that noise." :laugh:

    There was a pause, and I couldn resist the opening. From the couch "WOO HOO!! WOO HOO!"
    I began, and cracked everyone up!:laugh: :laugh:

    The birthday boy scored a wonderful gift from his dad. He lives about 35 miles from where son and mom do, and when the son visits, he and some friends he has there have been working very hard refinishing a small sailboat (catamaran) that belonged to "dad" but there reward was going to be using it, as he lives near the river. Today, the son learned that the title to the boat is being transferred to his name by "dad" as a present. Hopefully, he will be so busy sailing, he won't want a car for his 16th birthday as so many kids do!!

    Well, I hope everyone had a good weekend. :flowerforyou: I hope to get back into my walking routine this week, and post a loss by next weekend.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning everyone. :flowerforyou: I have had a busy weekend and have not had time to post. Went walking with my grandson (he rides in his car, I push) on saturday for an hour. On Sunday Hubby and I went fishing for 4 hours, I was really surprised how many calories you can burn fishing. I have to admit I have had a few indiscretions last 7 days as far as my eating,:blushing: but I am increasing my exercising, I have a new walking buddy and we are walking 3 or 4 days a week. We are trying out new routes (picking up cans as we walk) and then checking the mileage using the car. I keep track of how long we walk and she likes to track mileage:happy: and it has paid off, another 2 pounds have gone on the wayside. :noway: Doin the happy dance....:laugh: :happy: Hey Barb sounds like you had a really fun weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday:flowerforyou: :love: Gotta get back to work. Rosemary
  • steph54
    steph54 Posts: 28
    Your gardening posts have made me homesick. I grew up on a 40-acre farm with a huge garden and room to roam. I have tried gardening in pots, tomatoes are the only thing I have had success with.

    Yesterday I spent the day on a boat whale watching with my grandkids and their other grandma who brought 3 bags of potato chips (all of them my favorites). I ate them. I came home telling my husband I couldn't help it when they were right in front of me.

    But this morning I realized that eating them was my CHOICE. I had brought healthy snacks and chose not to eat them. So this week I walk more and stick to healthy food and get rid of the 2-1/2 lbs I gained from yesterday and quit making excuses! Difficult but definitely possible!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Saturday was a wonderful day. :happy: It was fun to have a reason to get dressed up and take special care with my hair and make up, not to mention reconnecting with that part of the family. We stopped at a steakhouse with an outstanding salad bar on the way for lunch and skipped supper for the wedding reception. They served us fruit and finger sandwiches so it was easy to keep track of how much I ate. Instead of a traditional cake they had a cupcake pyramid so even cake portions were manageable. I drank water instead of punch or champagne. There was a DJ at the reception so we had lots of chances to work off the calories. We ALMOST won the anniversary dance. We're working on 32 years, but got beat out by the bride's maternal grandparents at 52 years.

    We met my brother and his family for Sunday brunch so I had plans to visit the pool or fitness room first thing Sunday but didn't sleep much Saturday night so let it slide, knowing we planned to walk through the American Airpower Heritage Museum that afternoon. Well, turns out they all changed their hours, from what is posted online or in the travel guide, so we ended up spending the afternoon driving home instead of walking around. Hubby was sure disappointed. He has talked about seeing these planes for years. By the time we got home sleep deprivation was taking its toll and I didn't care if I walked or not. The only thing that kept me under my calories for the day was being in a car where there was nothing to eat for most of the day. It was a disappointing end to what began as a delightful weekend.

    This morning I feel like I have molasses in my veins cuz I am moving in slow motion. It would be SO EASY to just go back to bed for awhile, :yawn: but I'm keeping my almost 21 month old nephew today. He always keeps me moving ~ such a fun age!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    Barb, I am still laughing after reading your "woo hoo" story. Hysterical!:laugh: Timing is everything. You are obviously very quick, even when resting.

    Susan, I am so glad your husband made it to the wedding. Sorry for the disappointing end, but it sounds like you had a nice time and even managed your food choices. Impressive!

    Nancy, you exhausted me reading about how much you have accomplished. You don't belong in the over 50 group - you sound like an energizer bunny. No offense ladies.:wink: I'm just speaking for my lazy self.

    Wishful, you mentioned growing vegetables in a pot. We have herbs in pots and it's great. Last year we also had a fruitful tomato plant in a big pot. I have to remember to get one at the farmer's market. I will have to look into growing a vegetable in a pot. Will let you know what I find out. It's a little late, but all the rain and cool weather was a very weird start to summer. It's still not that hot. But, I'm not complaining. We're saving on air conditioning, but I'm sure we spent a fortune heating the pool this week-end and last. :ohwell: But, we had great times both week-ends. I am so lucky to have my kids close by and most of my husband's family. My parents aren't too far either for the summer.

    I have the house to myself right now and I am reveling in it. It was nice to catch up a little here, but I better get some things done. My husband is a really good guy and is driving his partially paralysed sister 3-4 hours each way back to her house. He picked her up on Thurs so she could be here for the family party. So, the least I can do is get some chores done around here.
    Take care and enjoy your day.
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: :glasses: Good morning to all.. what another beautiful today. i think maybe summer is coming finally. i probably should not be saying that. i still can not believe it was in the 40's thee other night.. we had to play a lot when we started doing the pots vegable gardens.. and a little bit of work we save yougut cups and that is how we start our plants.. and than i think how big i wanted them to grow and thats the sixe pots we put them in. i had mix the ground dirt with veg potting soiled i had the wooded sticks in them i made nets for the beans plants it wasn't a lot of work my daughter had pick up the long plant holders and did radishs i think we at one time try everything
    i am back at my tag sale today. we had a busy weekend.. it looks like a good week to. i have been getting in a lot of walking doing this.. i have my stationry bike outside so when nobody is here i ride the bike. and drinking lots of water i think this week i may see under 215 its been a long time above that so i am pretty excited about going under that. i would like to send prayers were needed and hope everyone has a wonderful day.. love debbie and family
  • Patsigirl
    Patsigirl Posts: 16
    Like some of you, I grew up with a garden always nearby. Mother was an avid gardener, planted by the moon and signs, like her father and the garden was always lush. But me, I found a spot that was about 10 feet long and 3 feet wide beside my front walk (I live in the country) and planted green onions, cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes and basil. It all grew beautifully and I could just walk out the door and pick what I needed. Now that space is concreted and part of a driveway so I had to hunt to find a place to add a few tomato plants. I have 8 and they are loaded. Can't wait to have "home-grown" tomatoes, mozarella and basil. Yum!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Blue, blue
    My world is blue.
    Scale will not move;
    Don't know what to do.

    Gray, gray
    My day is gray.
    Oh, how I wish
    Fat would melt away!

    (to an old tune in my mind)

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am very frustrated because I didn't eat desserts yesterday anticipating my Monday morning weigh-in. It was really hard to refuse dessert:cry: , but I knew I wouldn't be sorry that I did, this morning. Well....I didn't have a loss!:cry: But on my Thursday weigh-in I had lost the three pounds I gained while in Denver (Winchell's donuts:blushing: ) plus two new pounds, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Self-restraint is always a good discipline so I guess I should stop feeling sorry for myself. Anyway, I hope each of you have a wonderful day. Keep on keeping on...
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hi everyone

    Bonnie -

    When we met how the bright sun shone
    Then love died, now the rainbow is gone

    I remember that song - love is blue by Frank Sinatra (don't know if he is the orig)
    Your version suits my life better lately:laugh:

    I hung in there with a maintain - grateful for that! I have two weeks to lose 4 lbs - seems doable but then again its me were talking about:laugh:

    Doobie - I think you better only weigh in on Thursdays:laugh: Good job on the loss.:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is well

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Doobie- I had a doctor tell me years ago to never weigh in on a Monday or a Friday. His point was that Mondays will depress you after the weekend and Fridays make you over confident for the weekend if they show a loss. He had all of his weightloss groups checkin/weighin on Tuesday-Thursday.

    I agree with Heather - loose the Monday weighin. Gratz on your Thursday loss.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I have to agree with this doctor. I have experienced both of these. Last Friday and then again today.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: doodbie, I would be alright to not have gained any over the weekend. You will probably see a drop this week.

    I had some calories left tonight and then I put in the calories burned. I have over 600 left to use. I am not hungry. Don't know what to do.:frown:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hello everyone:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Barbie for your kind words...you are a true sweetheart:heart:

    What works for me is to always try as much as I can to look at the positive side of everything. Must be being 10th of 15 kids in the family:laugh: Since my knee starting acting up a month and a half ago it could have been easy to give up but I know I have worked too hard to throw in the towel now. I am sooooo determined to succeed:bigsmile: I must admit I am hoping that I soon hear about when the MRI is scheduled so I can soon get some answers:huh:

    Yesterday I got a walk in (albeit a slow limping one) and mowed the grass. Today I did a workout with the exercise ball, hand weights and resistance bands. I even did one legged pushups:blushing:

    The discussion about gardens reminds me of my wonderful father:brokenheart: who always had two huge gardens every year. Even though most of us youngsters were expected to help with the planting, weeding and harvesting some of my fondest memories are being in the garden with my him:love: and when we got older his sharing his bounty with us. He took such pride in his garden and you would have to look really hard to ever find a weed anywhere:noway: In the fall we were expected to stay home from school to assist digging potatoes etc. Thanks for taking me down memory lane with the garden discussion:bigsmile:

    Take care all you wonderful hardworking terrific women:flowerforyou:

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    Doobie- I had a doctor tell me years ago to never weigh in on a Monday or a Friday. His point was that Mondays will depress you after the weekend and Fridays make you over confident for the weekend if they show a loss. He had all of his weightloss groups checkin/weighin on Tuesday-Thursday.

    I a
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :laugh: I used to weigh in on Sunday mornings. It seemed like I was always grumpy when I got to church. My husband (the Pastor of our church) asked me why it always seemed like there was something bothering me on Sunday mornings... He suggested that I pick another day to weigh in and it worked. I am cheery and ready for services every Sunday morning now!! I appreciate the suggestions, I think you're right.:ohwell:
    (this post was supposed to be with the quote above, but I guess I don't know how to do that??:ohwell:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
    It is so good to be home but there’s not as much interesting stuff to report. At line dance this morning we had a nice mixture of familiar dances and new ones so my brain wasn’t quite as tired as usual. We dance in a garage and it was really cold so I left my sweatshirt on through the whole class.

    I picked the cats up before class and Jake and I went to get the dogs after lunch and then took them to the dog park. They ran around like crazy and we got a good thirty minute walk.:bigsmile:

    While Jake was making phone calls I went looking for a walking trail within walking distance of my house. Someone had told me about it when we moved in four and a half years ago and this was the first time I went looking for it. It’s a 20 minute walk down a quiet road through an area where some new big houses are being built. At the end of the road there’s a parking area so we could drive that far if we wanted and then walk the trail. I walked the trail for about 10 minutes and then turned around and walked back, making the walk a total of 60 minutes.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I tried to stay up late last night to see if you would post something but my droopy eyes took me to bed at 9:30. It was fun to get up this morning and read your great narrative. You are such a good friend to so many people and you have such a great knack for telling the story of your adventures.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, congratulations on your weight loss. I think you are much more focused than you realize. How great that you have a good walking buddy.

    :flowerforyou: Steph, how great to hear what you learned about the choice to eat or not eating tempting stuff.

    :flowerforyou: Zaza, I’m like you liking to have the house to myself for awhile. I don’t want to live alone, just have some time alone. Your husband sounds like a very thoughtful guy.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, you are always so busy. I like how you have the stationery bike nearby so you can ride it a lot.

    :flowerforyou: Patsi, I am so envious of your home grown tomatoes.

    :flowerforyou: Bonnie, I love your song.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Doobiedo—thanks for bringing up the subject of what day to weigh. I weigh morning and night every day and don’t post a new weight until I’ve stayed there for a few days. Sunday works for me because I don’t eat any different on weekends, if I did, then I’d pick a weigh in day in the middle of the week. Congratulations on your loss.

    :flowerforyou: Heather---maintaining is always better than gaining.

    :flowerforyou: Becky
    I don’t eat all my exercise calories although right now I may just go ahead and eat the ones I’ve accumulated today.

    :flowerforyou: Marie----your determination is inspiring. I hope the MRI will be soon and give you some solutions to what ails you

    I know this will be a good week for all of us including the women we haven’t heard from recently. This is such a positive and inspiring group.

    Hugs to all, :heart: :heart: :heart: