Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HELLO EVERYONE!!!!

    I have gained, but I'm not discouraged. I have had a wonderful vacation with my hubby and I'm still on it I don't go back until next week. OMG, :glasses: :glasses: Ya, right sun glasses. We have had more rain then sun here. That is probably why I have gained. We have eaten out so much. (Sorry Barbie I wish I could have as much will power as you:flowerforyou: )

    I just had to post my gain so I would start working on it now. I do believe it is mostly water and getting back on track will be the best. I'm not sure about getting completely on track until next week but I do feel that I have to get myself motivated and this is my home for that.

    I hope all is well and I will respond back, when I get a chance to sit again. to all my friends that worried about me. It was so nice to see messages when I popped back in. This is the greatest place.

    My sister's 4th of July party went wonderful. I bought a NEW outfit and got some great complements. Yea.:bigsmile:

    I do hope everyone is well. I see this tread is going strong. How can we go wrong with this kind of support.

    My hubby & I could not managed to spend money to go far but I have been having the best time driving my new jeep with the top down. That is when the rain stopped. :wink: I just feel so young and happy. Believe me if I had not lost the weight i would have had so much trouble getting in and out of it. Now I have to remember that when I eat lobster, stuffed shrimp etc. with butter. :happy: I know but I don't eat lobster with butter everyday. My "Staycation" will soon be over and I will be so happy that I got to have a slice of fun.

    Stay safe and happy and I will check in again.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Kathy
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    Glad to see that Zaza and Kathy checked in and are doing ok. Also glad to hear that Anne is doing ok as well.

    I managed to follow the physiotherapist's recommendation and get back on my bike. My DH adjusted the seat again and I was able to go for approx. 20 minute slow ride:bigsmile: without my knee complaining too much. Also went for a little walk about (or limp about:laugh: :laugh: ) and then came home and and iced the knee for 10 minutes and then another 10 minutes an hour later. So far the knee is not any worse and I was sooooooooooo happy to get on my bike again:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The sun is finally shining so I can catch up on some laundry and outside work.

    Have a great day all and don't forget to drink your water:drinker:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Heather: Don’t give up on getting into the “incentive” pants. You can do it.:flowerforyou:

    Onmyway: Welcome.:flowerforyou: Glad you have joined this group of supporting women. Everyone is so encouraging!

    Zaza: Sounds like you are having a wonderful time with family. Enjoy. Sounds like you’re running all over to keep things ‘ready’ so I’ll bet you’re working those calories off!:laugh:

    Kathy: There you are! :happy: Glad you’re back. Enjoy your time with your hubby.

    Marie: Good for you to get back on the bike. And doing Boot Camp (modified)! It will continue to get better. I’m glad you’re doing better. You’re amazing!:flowerforyou:

    I started the South Beach Diet Tuesday and my hubby said he would help me by eating what I eat. He is realizing that eating healthy is not as easy as he thought. He has never had to worry about his weight but now says he doesn’t like his little belly pooch so he’ll do this for awhile with me. We leave on the 21st for our annual family campout and my goal is to have my sugar cravings gone before then! That is what the SB is supposed to help us with so I'm giving it a try.

    Hope everyone has a great day and get your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and exercise in! I'm headed to workout now.

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: sendig flowers to everyone this morning. i am on a time out for myself this is good. my children thinks it is funny because when someone does a time out it is for how old they are so a few monutes isnot much. will my time out could be pretty neet that would be 56 minutes..but i don not want to seat that long.. i waned to say that i have email anne also and she is ok. i did let her know i and we miss her post and how inportant she is here and how we miss her not being here...
    i am waiting for the sun to come out they say it is going to be a nice few days.. so much rain .. the weeds are so loving this.. i have so lost control of them.. our gardens have so much water when a sunny day everything is growing so big.. i have been having fresh broclli and snap peas this week.. lettuce for a few weeks.. ok i am needed outside again we are having a tag'craft sale this weekend. be putting lots of foods together so i don't have to spend much time cooking. everyone have a nice day and we send our prayers out to everyone... love debbie and family
  • steph54
    steph54 Posts: 28
    Hi Everyone! I am Steph and I joined at the end of June, so I am a newbie. I gained 100 lb+/- over the past 22 years of a sit-down job and now that I am working at home (and on my own schedule), and i have found this website, I am hoping to lose at least 75 of it. So far I have lost 7-1/2 pounds since I joined and 14 since my highest of 225-1/2. You are all an inspiration to me.

    My goal for this month is to lose AT LEAST 5 pounds, walk 4+ times a week, and stay cheerful and positive.
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am Steph and I joined at the end of June, so I am a newbie. I gained 100 lb+/- over the past 22 years of a sit-down job and now that I am working at home (and on my own schedule), and i have found this website, I am hoping to lose at least 75 of it. So far I have lost 7-1/2 pounds since I joined and 14 since my highest of 225-1/2. You are all an inspiration to me.

    My goal for this month is to lose AT LEAST 5 pounds, walk 4+ times a week, and stay cheerful and positive.

    Welcome Steph to this absolutely wonderful site and the great ladies on this thread:flowerforyou: I know for sure that I would not have come as far as I have without my deep determination to get healthy and the encouragement, motivation and support of this site:heart:

    Congratulations on dropping the lbs you have and I wish you all the very best:flowerforyou: Glad you found us and check in often, the more the merrier:bigsmile:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am Steph and I joined at the end of June, so I am a newbie. I gained 100 lb+/- over the past 22 years of a sit-down job and now that I am working at home (and on my own schedule), and i have found this website, I am hoping to lose at least 75 of it. So far I have lost 7-1/2 pounds since I joined and 14 since my highest of 225-1/2. You are all an inspiration to me.

    My goal for this month is to lose AT LEAST 5 pounds, walk 4+ times a week, and stay cheerful and positive.

    Great job Steph. You are headed in the right direction. Good for you! You are so right - stay cheerful and positive.

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :happy: Hi Steph,
    You will find alot of encouragement, compassion, empathy and ideas on this thread. It is different when you get older (although 55 is definately not old), but it is still possible! It is good to have a bunch of kindred spirits here and many times makes a difference between choosing the right thing over the wrong thing!!
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Good evening. (For some reason, this greeting reminded me of Lurch on the Adams Family--You rang?)

    I've had a good day. I'm still due 2 glasses of water and a little exercise. I had corn on the cob at supper. I feel a little bit like an old manual typewriter when I eat it!:laugh:

    Welcome, Steph. You'll enjoy this program.

    Keep working hard everyone!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Steph,

    I'm new to this forum too.

    I know what you mean about the "sitdown" jobs. I've sure had enough of them over the years.

    There's a lot of support on this site, a lot of good ideas and a lot of good recipes too!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    WELCOME to the new gals! :drinker:

    I'm a bit frustrated today. :grumble: I''ve been running wedding related errands and doing laundry for the past two days getting ready to go out of town for my niece's wedding and now hubby thinks he isn't going to be through with his job in time to go. Which means I get to drive 3 hours one way and stay in a 4 star hotel suite alone. :ohwell:

    I've already eaten all my alloted calories for today but FEEL famished! He's still at work and it's too hot to go for a walk, which is what I usually do to let off steam. :explode: Here's where the rubber meets the road... Will I be able to stay away from the stress eating tonight?
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    WELCOME to the new gals! :drinker:

    I'm a bit frustrated today. :grumble: I''ve been running wedding related errands and doing laundry for the past two days getting ready to go out of town for my niece's wedding and now hubby thinks he isn't going to be through with his job in time to go. Which means I get to drive 3 hours one way and stay in a 4 star hotel suite alone. :ohwell:

    I've already eaten all my alloted calories for today but FEEL famished! He's still at work and it's too hot to go for a walk, which is what I usually do to let off steam. :explode: Here's where the rubber meets the road... Will I be able to stay away from the stress eating tonight?

    YES YOU WILL! Remember the children's story about the little engine that could - well, just keep saying "I think I can, I think I can, ...." and you WILL! Stay focused Susan. Too bad I"m not closer I could drive with you and keep you company but I wouldn't crash the wedding :laugh:
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Well I went to the doctor for my 1st post op appointment since my knee surgery last Wednesday and the full leg splint has to stay on for at least 2 more weeks. :sad: :sad: I knew that the surgery was more extensive than I had hoped but the prognosis is very good and I need to be very good about not rushing this but one week of no activity is killing me. :grumble: :grumble: I am able to telecommute my work so that keeps my mind busy but I think I will try doing a small weight and abs workout sitting in the chair. Just to get the blood moving a little bit and keep my strength up. I start physical therapy Monday and will continue to work from home for another week. Food wise I am amazed that I have stuck to my weight loss program really well. My goal with surgery is to not gain weight and so tomorrow morning when I attempt my first saran wrap shower I am also going to weight myself to see how I did. Having a set plan of what I am going to eat, writing it down here every day and reading how you all are doing seems to be a great combination that keeps me focused on my goal. Oh sure I have slipped a bit here and there but still keep it under my calorie limit. I am being calorically responsible one day at a time.
    :flowerforyou: Kathy –thanks for reminding me not to be discouraged no matter what the outcome is tomorrow. Just being honest with myself and starting a new day is a great positive approach.
    Marie-great job going easy on your knee but also a work out. I look forward to returning to walking my dogs and riding my bike in 2 short months.
    :flowerforyou: Ester-It is great to have that support at home. It really helps to have a partner to share the journey.
    :flowerforyou: Debbie-A tag’craft sale sounds interesting. What is that exactly?
    :flowerforyou: Steph- Welcome to the group. I joined the end of May. So happy to have you with us. I have found great support and wonderful tools like the food journal and progress reports. And so many reminders to drink water:drinker: :drinker: which really does make a difference. Enjoy
    :flowerforyou: Bonnie-thanks for the laugh -manual typewriter corn on the cob eating works for me.
    :flowerforyou: Susan- I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I know the feeling of being hungry for no apparent reason. I am cheering for you.

    Well it is late and my knee is not hurting so I better get to sleep while the getting is good. But first a little more water for good measure.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I'm a bit frustrated today. :grumble: ...... I've already eaten all my allotted calories for today but FEEL famished! He's still at work and it's too hot to go for a walk, which is what I usually do to let off steam. :explode: Here's where the rubber meets the road... Will I be able to stay away from the stress eating tonight?

    I wish I could honestly report I didn't eat anything else the rest of the evening. In times past I would have binged on chocolate candy, cupcakes or cookies... but something chocolate and gone over my calories by at least 300. INSTEAD I nibbled on raw cherries which only put me over by about 70 calories, and still well under my BMR. :happy: I'm calling that a victory!

    More news on my oldest brother, Ken: Apparently they haven't been completely truthful with me. Talked to my youngest brother yesterday and he filled in the blanks. Seems when they removed the knot from his jaw they also took one off his chin and NONE off his stomach because there were too many. (Reading on the Internet tells me once malignancies attach to organs you are in stage 3 of the disease.) His oncologist appointment has been bumped up to this coming Monday. I wouldn't have know any of this if I hadn't talked to a different brother. Don't know if they think it isn't any of my business or they are trying to shield me. I was only 9 when he left home to go to Vietnam, so they often still think of me as a child instead of a grown woman (who cared for both our parents the last 5 years of their lives.)

    I'm choosing to focus on the wedding, and only the wedding this weekend and deal with this next week. I won't know until tonight if hubby will be able to go with me to the wedding , but I'm determined to have fun with OR without him as I haven't seen this part of the family since 2005 and already have reservations in the same swanky hotel they are having the reception.

    I'm off to mow now. Happy weekend to you all! :drinker: Let's all make smart choices. :flowerforyou:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Ladies

    Happy Friday!!

    Welcome to the newcomers. I hope you post often in our group. Although I haven't been as successful as I could be, I do know that I would have given up long since if it wasn't for the support of the women here. I fail miserably at times but I get right back at it. My days of not focusing on my health are few and far between now instead of the norm. Sometimes all it takes is a positive word of encouragment or a reminder of others success - it is possible as many of you have proven. I have made friends on this thread and that means alot as I have zero support at home. I'm not really complaining, but I sure envy those of you who can count on your spouses to hang in there with you.

    I have a funny story for you This morning I hopped on the scale - my eyes popped out of my head!! I lost 4.5 pounds overnight!!!!! I got on and off about 10 times and still saw the same lower number. I danced around in my nothings for awhile, praising the virtues of getting all my water in all week, and then went upstairs to continue getting ready for work. I just kept thinking - Naw that can't be right! So I went back downstairs to check one more time - Still the same low number! Then my daughter's little kitten was pawing around under the scale playing and wouldn't you know it out pops a little plastic thingy (from a pr of socks) and poof just like that my wonderful weight loss was gone!!!! I would have been completely bummed out except I actually did lose a pound and a half!! Sorry for the novel but seeing that new number, however briefly, has got my motor running again!!

    Have a great weekend all:heart:

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Friday ladies,
    I hope all of you are doing well. Heather wow that must have felt great to have lost over 4 pounds even if for only a breif moment. At least you did lose. I always say I want at least one biggest loser week. Guess that is not happening. LOL I did Jillian's 30 day shred yesterday for the first time and I feel it today. Hope I can do it again today. I have to run errands today so I will get my workout in later. Have a good day ladies. Susan hope your hubby gets to make the wedding. Still praying for your brother also. Hard for me to understand why people think they have to keep things from us. I personally do better if I know everything. Talk to you ladies later.
    Vicki M
  • Patsigirl
    Patsigirl Posts: 16
    Finally, I'm over the "bug" that I had. Down one more pound this week, mostly from not eating enough. Got to really stay on top of this SB stuff now. Got goals to reach!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    YES YOU WILL! Remember the children's story about the little engine that could - well, just keep saying "I think I can, I think I can, ...." and you WILL! Stay focused Susan. Too bad I"m not closer I could drive with you and keep you company but I wouldn't crash the wedding :laugh:

    :smooched: MONSTER HUGS to you Esther. How sweet of you to offer to be my travel buddy. I wouldn't consider that crashing a wedding.... Maybe someday we WILL meet face to face. My best freind I met on xanga 5 years ago and she lives in Pittsburgh. We make a point to see each other at least twice a year.

    :flowerforyou: Susan
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: :glasses: i am wearing my sun glasses today.. the sun is out and it is so nice our temp drop down in the 40 last night.. i put up out tent because i told my 10 year old we would camp out and it was a bit chilly. i wonder how many calories i burn trying to stay warm.. it was fun ... we are having a good day so for with our tag sale.. craft... i have a tag sale and add a few tables for my homemade crafts.. we live on route 20 the highway part and so we sometimes have some nice sales.. its a lot of work though.. walking setting up bending up and down. burn burn burn the fat i say ..i am doing good with my water that was not easy getting use to drinking so much i have toally cut out the soda now. and the last time i had a little it was not good tasting anymore. and i use to drink a lot.. this is a home were i an the only one who canit eat the snacks that are guey that is my hard part because we have lots of sweets here but i have come a long way and most days now i don't touch them anymore.. move and keep busy .. i hope everyone will have a nice weekend and many prayers going out. i over see a prayer shawl minstry were we send a shawl or lap cover to help lift someones spirits and to let them know they were thought about if anytime anyone would like something sent pleae email me me the name and address and we will be very happy to send out a box.. they ask no p.o .boxs address.. ok my break isover love debbie and family
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    A quick hello before my husband starts calling for me to help him w/all the party prep.
    Lianne, I hope you're feeling better. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Better to follow dr. orders and not have complications. All easier said than done and still frustrating, but I dont' know what else to say except I feel for you and hope you're not in too much pain.
    Susan, I feel for you too. You have a good plan - concentrate on the wedding and fun. I really hope your husband can join you. Then next week, you can turn your attention to your brother. My heart does go out to you.
    I've got go, but have a great week-end everyone!!!