Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • Patsigirl
    Patsigirl Posts: 16
    I got lost this morning---is there an easy way to find you every day? Someplace to click and be there? Anyway, thanks, Esther , for pointing me in the right direction.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting

    July Goals: lose 6-8 lbs
    Start using the treadmill
    Put on a little make-up every morning.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I drink the Crystal Light for metabolism. It is only 10 calories but if you read the box carefully that is for one pack which they consider two servings. Sort of deceptive.
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Hi, Everyone,

    We're home. Haven't checked in for the whole time we were in Edmonton, no wifi!

    So sorry to hear of the troubles with some of you, especially your brother, Susan. We will pray, and as someone said, treatment these days is so much improved. May he be well again.
    And congrats on your great month of wloss in June.

    I've not met my goals at all. This last trip was not like the May one, I think I've actually gained a couple of pounds, will wait till the am to say for sure.

    Haven't caught up on all the news yet, but nice to to see more new members.

    Glad you are enjoying BC Barbie and Jake. It's pretty hot here compared to Alberta. It was a lovely trip through the mountains tho'.

    So many of you are doing so well, it encourages me to get with the program again. Have kind of taken the last 2 weeks off.

    Talk to you again soon, off to look after some laundry - not nearly as exciting as travel.

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :yawn: good eveing everyone.. sounds like everyone had a nice day going.it is 9:45 pm here. everyone is settleing down. today i did lots of cleaning and in between rain yard work. i weigh in today and have stay the same this week but i am ok with that. as long as i don't go to left anymore. people are shoting of fire works all around us tonight. we leave at the end of town so it take at least 20 minute for the police to get here glad people around here do not have many emergancy i never thought about. happy fourth to everyone that does celbrate i have some good food choices for tomorrow that i am happy about. we have lots of fruit so we are making some didfernt fruit platers.. and hubby went deep sea fishing so are yous ready for this instead of hamburg and hotdogs i am cooking on the grill fresh cod and haddock..i am not sure who is coming by this year is our quiet year. last year all the children were here and this year they go in to the inlaws. six of our children are married so it helps them.. will everyone have a good evening and god bless love debbie and family
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Hello Vicki, we must be about the same age. My first diet was in 1972 when I was 16. (Like you said "Twiggy" was all the rage.) I went to live with my mother (whom I hadn't seen or heard from in 8 years) and she decided I was too fat (150lbs) so she sent me to weight watchers. I had to transfer 2 buses and go to the YWCA in Baltimore City. Dieting then was alot easier because my mother did the buying, measuring and cooking. I walked every day after dinner, walked to the furthest bus stop in the morning before school and got off 3 blocks before my stop after school. In the evenings I put records on the record player and danced to all my favorite songs. The weight came off. Then I went back to live with my father where everyone was overweight and no one cared what I ate or if I exercised. To say the least the weight came back on. When I was18 I left home. In the course of a few months I got down to 135 lbs (mostly chest at a 44 DD) and got married. In a month I was pregnant with our first child. I haven't seen that 135 lbs since. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: " too :flowerforyou: Have a wonderful day

    Good afternoon ladies,
    So good to hear from all of you. Sounds like all are doing pretty good today. I am having a hungry day. I ate my lunch. A grilled chicken sandwich on wheat, ( which I have eaten before and very satisfying) When we left the food place and went to the store, I told my daughter that I was hungry. I was really hungry, not just wanting food but hungry like I had never eaten. I ate nothing until my snack of watermelon just now because I was busy but I was hungry. Trying to decide on something very good and satisfying for supper to get rid of that hunger for good. (until next meal at least)
    I was thining of my past last night for some strange reason and thought of this. When I was 18 years old I went on my first diet. I went to a place called Gloria Marshall. They gave you good meal plans and they had some equipment that they put you on to move your fat around. I went there 3 or 4 times a week. I had to drive about 30-40 miles one way to get there. Anyway the point is when I started there my weight was 150 pounds. How ironic that 150 is my goal for now. If only I knew then what I know now. That was in 1973 and of course we all wanted to be like Twiggy. Anyway sorry if I bored you just thought that was interesting. Talk to you all later. Have a good night.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Hello everyone, I am back from vacation and boy did I miss all the support. I kept my journal and just finished posting everything in MFP. I didn't do to bad, thanks to all the hiking and biking. I ate quite a few of my "Chicken Pockets" I took aluminum foil and doubled it to make an envelope added about 4 oz of cubed,bonesless, skinless chicken breast. I added about a cup of red, yellow and green peppers, some fresh mushrooms, onions and curry seasoning, I sealed well and put on the grill for about 20 mins. YUMMY:drinker: Sorry I haven't had time to read all that has happened since I've been gone. But will continue to keep everyone in my prayers. My goals for this month are to: start with AB exercises to help firm up the flab as I'm losing weight and to try to eat more fruits and variety of vegetables. I would like to increase my walks to 4 miles (if my legs are willing) I am having problems with my calves burning. To all of my MFP friends I wish a successful July and Happy Independance Day. May every day in July and forever be "Independance of food" day.:laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Rosemary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We're home. We decided while driving though some more beautiful British Columbia mountains that we wanted to come home rather than spend the Independence Day weekend at a campground. So jake drove almost 400 miles to get us home. We had to wait two hours in line at the ferry because of the holiday traffic but we were fine since in the motorhome we had our own washroom and the makings of a great lunch (wasa crackers, garlic hummus, and fuji apples). I walked for 20 minutes on the passenger deck on the ferry, then 20 minutes at the dog park so the girls could play, and then rode the exercise bike for 30 minutes. Now I'm ready to collapse and go to bed.

    I'll write more tomorrow,

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I got lost this morning---is there an easy way to find you every day? Someplace to click and be there? Anyway, thanks, Esther , for pointing me in the right direction.

    When you click on the Community tab, you will see "My topics" listed below it. When you click on that, you will see the last 25 places you posted, and this thread should show close to the top if it has been posted on by you recently.

    Hope this helps.:flowerforyou:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ....... I ate quite a few of my "Chicken Pockets" I took aluminum foil and doubled it to make an envelope added about 4 oz of cubed,bonesless, skinless chicken breast. I added about a cup of red, yellow and green peppers, some fresh mushrooms, onions and curry seasoning, I sealed well and put on the grill for about 20 mins. YUMMY:drinker: Sorry I haven't had time to read all that has happened since I've been gone. But will continue to keep everyone in my prayers.

    My goals for this month are to: start with AB exercises to help firm up the flab as I'm losing weight and to try to eat more fruits and variety of vegetables. I would like to increase my walks to 4 miles (if my legs are willing) I am having problems with my calves burning.


    Your "pockets" sound delicious, planning to try one soon.

    Regarding burning calves, this can be a sign of low potassium, which can also cause night time leg cramps. The solution could be as simple as eating a banana before you go walking, or taking a potassium supplement. Not enough magnesium can also have an effect on your legs as described.

    If you are not hydrating enough, it could be a build up of lactic acid in your leg muscles after strenuous activity.

    Thes are all just possibilities. You can search online for more specifics than I have given. Good luck.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My girls should be going to their dad's today and will be gone until Monday. That is unless the plans change. And, knowing my ex...they may. I am hoping for a break from anyone under the age of 21.:happy: My husband made his Italian chicken last night. I didn't even check to see how many calories I ate. Do any of you have husbands that will strategically place your favorite "no, no" snack in your car? I found a bag of salt and vinegar chips in mine yesterday. Ok, so I had a few. Why do I not find gala apples? Or rice cakes? He is good at buying me my low fat snacks also. Maybe he is just testing my willpower. Failed again.:laugh: I am not complaining about him....he is really a wonderful man.
    Please be careful this weekend but have some fun also.
  • Patsigirl
    Patsigirl Posts: 16
    Good morning from North Georgia! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary

    Would love to be camping in my Casita this morning.
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    Glad the vacationers made it home safe and sound:smile: we missed you:flowerforyou:

    Well my dr apt didn't go as well as I had hoped. On a positive note the dr was very impressed in how well I was doing:bigsmile: In my regards to my knee he feels that it is a cartlidge issue and will probably need surgery:noway: I have to get it xrayed and am on a waiting list for an MRI. He also prescribed some anti-inflammatory pills to see if that would take some of the swelling down. However, I am staying positive and am hoping that it is not what he says it is...just the osteoarthritis acting up. Doesn't seem right does it...you shed 40 lbs and instead of my body parts being happy about that they start acting up:huh: Has any other member gone through knee issues? I am open to trying just about anything to help.

    Since I am not able to exercise like I normally do I have been using my handweights (sitting down of course). My doctor seems to think that I should still try to bike but I cannot bend my knee without a lot of pain so I will hold off on that. Swimming is also good for me to do but the weather has turned very chilly here and I just don't feel like breaking ice on my pool:laugh: :laugh: I have also been monitoring my food intake very closely.

    Take care everyone and hope you enjoy your day:flowerforyou:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, maybe we can help each other. I posted recently that I have tendinitis in my knees. They started really acting up when I began Zumba classes. So many people have told me to stop the classes. But, I talked to my instructor and she let me know that the shoes I am wearing are not good ones. I realize that your problem is different but we can still encourage each other. Can you do any exercises at all? I do know what you mean about losing weight and then having parts of our bodies give us trouble. I know that weighing less is good for knees, though. I read somewhere how much extra pounds feel to the knees but I can't find the paper it was in. I will post that information here if I ever find it. Do be careful with those knees. Do just a little exercise to keep them healthy.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Hey Barb :flowerforyou: I drink between 3 and 4 16 oz bottles of water everyday. Perhaps I should try to bump it up. I walked 3 miles today in about an hour. My legs burned for the first mile or so, but it seemed the longer I walked the better they felt. Thanks for all your support and suggestions, Rosemary
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Happy 4th of July.

    My surgery went fine and as I lay here on my delicious Temper-Pedic bed with one of my best cuddling cats Toby snuggled close I am grateful to be feeling pretty good. :wink: :wink: Not much pain and they sent me home with this wonderful gadget. :heart: :heart: I have a full leg splint but wrapped in the bandage is a bladder that is hooked up to a little ice box with tubes and a motor. Fill it with Ice and water and plug it in and plug me into the hoses connected to the ice box and every 90 seconds it flushes the system wrapped around my leg with very cold compression. This reduces swelling and controls pain. I am in love with this thing. :heart: :heart: What will they think of next! My husband is the best care giver and my pets are the best company keepers. I have managed to stay focused on eating according to my program. No exercise except lugging this splinted leg around has made my stomach, thigh and arm muscles talk to me pretty good. I won't be able to weigh until till next Friday when this splint comes off.:grumble:
    Marie-I hope your knee problems get worked out. I know that much good can come from trying everything before turning to surgery. I did just that. Losing weight, physical therapy, swimming instead of biking but alas it was time for me. Let me know if my experience can be helpful in anyway.
    Barbicat-Great to have you back from your trip. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I love your new picture. All that hard work has sure paid off.
    Suezzque-Sounds like a big wonderful family holiday. I am happy for you.
    Bonnie-How lovely to have all three sons home at the same time.

    Well I have 3 dogs barking their heads off at the neighbors fireworks. We live in a rual area and many folks have lots of impressive (illegal) fireworks going off out here and my dogs don’t like it one bit so I am going to lock them in the house until all of the exploding sky stop. They are certain something is very wrong.:frown: :frown: :frown:
    Warm wishes from Fieldbrook:love::love: :love:
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :glasses: oh yea the fun glasses are on and and i would like to give everyone a blessed sunday it its 10:08 morning and i am on tea break:drinker: we are having our flea market /craft sale this weekend.its the brimfield flea market time. my picture is my son shawn 16 and grandson stevie. today i will be riding my bike that sit stills . i have been going over last week and i can see were i thought i was eating good and moving a lot but my weight stay the same. i have been eating more calories than i should and of couse not moving everyday like i really need. i thought i was doing good . today my breadfast will i have been doing good anyhow hubby brought home donuts and i had the worst one of all boston creme filled.. with a glass of water.. how long do i need to ride the bike to work that off and i am serious ... i haven't had a chance to read post yesterday to see how everyone was doing so i would like to say prayers were need be and i hope everyone had a nice day... love debbie and family
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm still pretty new to using forums here and hadn't seen this one before.

    I'm 56 and put on all my weight after I had children. (I'm sure that sounds familiar to many of you.) When I started MFPin November I weighed 178 , now I'm down to 162 heading for 125-130.

    I'd like to join in your forum. The post really do sound motivating and supportive.

    My goals for July are:
    -get to 159 lbs by 7/24 and not put on weight going on vacation
    -drink more water (I'm really bad at drinking it)
    -Do Wii Fit 4 x a week for 30 minutes each: 2 strengh and 2 aerobic days. I'm in the Wii Fit challenge forum too.
    -Do other forms of exercise the other 3 days and in addition to the Wii.

    Jeannie from New Mexico

    PS: I loved the vacation post on British Columbia.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeannie...welcome to this thread. One way that I have found to enjoy water more is to put Crystal Light in it. I use the metabolism one.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome Jeannie:flowerforyou:

    I think you might be the first member hailing fr NM in recent memory. This is a WONDERFUL group of women, and even if you read more than you post, you will gain much from staying with this thread. We start a new one every month, so just follow along and enjoy. (Some of us also post on the "Senior Golden Sneakers thread that is under Fitness and Exercise category.)

    Your ultimate goal is similar to my own. I just got on here this morning to say :drinker: "WOO HOO:drinker: --I am now down 23 lbs, and more than half way to my goal for Labor Day. I missed my 4th of July goal by a couple of pounds, (got derailed last week when a friend who was moving disrupted my exercise schedule and then too, us all to Izzy's buffet--YIKEs!! :devil: I actually DID lose 25 lbs by July 4th, but unfortunately, their were 2 that didn't want to leave so I had to lose them TWICE!!:laugh:

    Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th!.:explode: <the closest symbol we have to fireworks is the one for exploding:laugh: My doggies were blissfully unaware of all the mayhem outside, thanks to a loud radio, a white noise machine and a noisy kitchen fan. I came home about 11p in the midst of what sounded like a war zone.

    The Lahsa,, Mai Li, staggered to the door with one eye open:yawn: and Pepper, The Shih tzu was MIA--made me a littel nervous that he had used the doggie door, gotten scared and somehow out of my fenced back yard, but instead, "Mr. Sleepyhead" emerged from the bedroom, where he had been snoozing away.:yawn:

    This was the most uneventful 4th I have ever had with my doggies, thank goodness!!:drinker: More about the rest of my night later.

    Happy Sunday!!!

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :glasses: goodafternoon hope it is going well what a beautiful weekend we have been having. that should have said sun glasses early. didn't have my glasses on . i rode the bike for 30 mins. this afternoon. been watching my eating. i am really happy with things. today. the kids went to the landry mat so i was able to just work the tag'craft sale today. :drinker: i am having my water break now thought i would come in and say hi. everyone have a nice aftenoon. love debbie and family