Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Barbie - i love your new picture! You are looking SO great and FIT!

    Becky - I would leave your ticker for now - wait 'till you lose the 3 and THEN change it. Actually - I wouldn't even change it right away. Just give yourself a little time to enjoy reaching that goal and practice maintenance for a couple weeks. THEN decide if you want to change it! I hope you do better losing your last 3 than i'm doing:tongue:

    Marie - you have no reason to be camera shy nemore!!!!!! You and hubby are a GREAT looking couple!

    Have a happy day everyone!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Barbie good to hear from you. Your picture is awesome. You look great. Have a good trip.
    Coleen enjoy your summer. What happened to 3 months of summer vacation like it used to be. 7 weeks is not long enough. I am going to get my hair done this morning, run errands, and have lunch with hubby. Should be good day. Will get work out in this afternoon. Have a good day ladies. Talk to you later.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks elli...I didn't even think about enjoying reaching my goal. I will do that. Just to let you all know some about me...I am 5 ft 5 and weigh 148. I feel this is too much. I have people telling me that I shouldn't be trying to lose any more. I am not large boned so I feel that I should weigh less. My arms and legs look pretty good. I have them toned. My trouble is my torso. I need to lose the weight there.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Hi Everybody, flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
    I’ve just finished reading some of the posts from June. There’s a lot going on with everybody,

    We are enjoying our visit to British Columbia. I’ve driven across BC before but it was on the Trans Canada Highway in the 1970’s and I didn’t stay anywhere long enough. We had a small bump in the road coming over the border. We were prepared with passports and shot records for the four animals. They didn’t ask for any info about the pets, but they asked about fresh fruits and vegetables (we had some, but that didn’t seem to be a problem) , alcohol, tobacco, and firearms (we had none), and our license plate (we have a Law Enforcement Memorial plate that has LEM written vertically and then only four digits). Then they said that the computer told them that they had to search our rig. So we got out with the dogs on leash and wandered around while they searched. I didn’t think the event was stressful until I found myself eating crackers and hummus after they left.

    heart Susan, I am so sorry to hear about your brother’s diagnosis. I will be thinking positive thoughts for you and him and his family as they walk through this huge challenge.

    heart doobiedoo, I am always glad to hear from you. Homeschooling five children is an awesome way to live your life. Your children are blessed to have you. I don’t post my daily goals, but I try to stay in the moment and be mindful of what I am doing today. Each meal, each walking or exercising event is a building block to the person I want to become.

    heart Barb, thanks for posting the tips for permanent weight loss
    it’s some to read over and over again.

    heart Heather, congratulations to your daughter (and you) for her humanitarian award. Those qualities will add so much to her life. How wonderful that others recognized that in her. I admire how hard you work and how much you accomplish.

    heart Marie, there are a lot of people riding bicycles here in the mountains of British Columbia and most of them are slim and muscular so your bike riding is putting you on the right path.

    heart Laurie, my friend who had lap band surgery five years ago couldn’t stay on her eating plan without a support group so she found a group that worked for her and continues to follow her food plan and is looking very slim and healthy. I’m glad you found MFP and the 50+ women to share your journey with you.

    heart Rosemary, we have been on vacation with no wifi and for a week we logged our food, water, and exercise on scraps of paper. You are so much more organized. Later today I will log it onto MFP and see how close I came in my calorie estimates Congratulations on your weight loss.

    heart Patsi, congratulations on losing four pounds.

    heart Iknowican, welcome to the thread. If you can find the help and inspiration that we’ve found, then you should be a part of the group. The age range is pretty flexible. Just start reading, posting, and using what you’ve learned and you’re part of the group.

    I'm still way behind on reading posts, but my turn on the computer is over. Now Jake gets the computer and I'll go do the laundry.

    Hugs to all,heart heart heart
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Today is crunch day. Met my the other sister-in-laws to clean at hubby's parents this morning. Now I 'm working on my own. Kinfolks start arriving over there this afternoon My daughter will be here by suppertime tomorrow. I'm sure excited!

    No time for formal exercise today, but mopping and climbing up and down the ladder should count for something. :wink:

    Wishing everyone has a safe happy 4th! :flowerforyou:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Susan: Enjoy your family. How fun! Be careful climbing that ladder :wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Hi Everybody,:love::love:
    I’ve just finished reading the posts from June and July and have enjoyed every word. I can’t possibly respond to everything but a few things stuck in my head.

    :flowerforyou: Eggs---- hard boiled with a little bit of mustard or in an omelette with tomatoes, peppers and onions using spray oil in the pan.

    :flowerforyou: Yogurt---plain non-fat yogurt with Kashi cereal as a bedtime snack.

    :flowerforyou: Breakfast: regular oatmeal with unsweetened applesauce and a banana

    I did more restaurant eating this month than I wanted to. The best one was where I ordered charbroiled salmon with two servings of steamed vegetables with no butter as the side dishes. The worst one was in a Chinese restaurant where I ordered “dry wok green beans” and didn’t ask what was in the dish besides green beans. It turned out to be peppers, dried shrimp, and pork. :explode: Now I know to ask more questions.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I love your new photo. You and your hubby look great.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Diane, your new grandbaby is darling. Enjoy all the hugging time (how many calories do you burn while hugging babies?---probably a lot):laugh:

    Now about goals.
    I did well with two out of three of my goals for June:bigsmile:
    I lost 6 pounds in June (my goal was 4):bigsmile:
    I drank enough water every day and more than enough some days:bigsmile:
    Except for a few poses and stretches, I did absolutely none of the yoga I planned to do in the motorhome.:sad: :sad:

    Goals for July:
    *lose 4 pounds
    *keep drinking enough water
    * locate the walking trail in my town and start walking on it three days a week

    If we were to make group goals, here are my suggestions:
    *log food and exercise
    *stay in touch with each other

    It's sunny here. I hope you're all having a great day.
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Good evening.

    I've been trying to drink my water today. I still rarely get in 64 ounces. I "cheated " today and ate some Lays potato chips. Now, I'm trying to stay within my calories and fats and sodium. Oops!

    Barbiecat, you're doing great so far. I'm definitely impressed!

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: tea break.. good eveing to all.. camping sounds so nice if we ever stop having some rain we have a statepark campground we want to try. there is just a lake and lots of walking trails and i like getting outside with all the kids and get away from all the electric things.we brings lots of board games. today i went to college with my daughter allysa and will the stairs they have there i look up and up and up and than look at here and ask are you kidding.. well i did them.. walk up half took a little break walk up half and took a break and than did it to more times. when we reach the top wow was i sweating.. now that was a workout. i have been doing good with my workouts here the past few days. each day is getting better . does feel real differnent this time. i am doing this yes i am. ok everyone have a nice evening.... love debbie and family
  • TeenTchr
    TeenTchr Posts: 19
    I want to get to 200 before we leave for our cruise on July 26. Oh well, that's 29 lbs which is more than a pound a day. Guess I better be more practical.

    SW - 243
    PW -229
    GW - 215 this month

    14 lbs this month
    3.5 lbs/wk

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • TeenTchr
    TeenTchr Posts: 19
    I really dislike water. I find it easier to drink if I add "just cranberry" cranberry juice to the water. To one liter of water I add about 1/8 c of juice. I like it better than adding lemon and its good for your kidneys beside.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Elli - I know this is a little late,but I just read your post about your son. I am so happy for you that he'll be home next month!! Yeah!!! You are right - that is so much better than losing weight or anything else. I bet this month just won't fly by fast enough, but it will.
    Happy July 4th!!
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    All three of my sons are home for the weekend-Yay! AND we'll see my parents tomorrow to watch fireworks in their town. It should be a great weekend.

    I got up early to go ahead and exercise today. With four men in the house, overeating is a very real possibility. I can't let the exercise slide!

    Everyone have a great weekend!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: teen..I like water but I do use Crystal light in my sometimes. I use the metabolism one.
    I asked my Zumba instructor about what to do with my knee problem. She also has bad knees (worse than mine) and she said to wear dance shoes with a split sole. They take a lot of the stress off of the knees. I am also to stay on the carpet so that my feet will slide easier.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    ZaZa - thank you so much my daughter in law, my other son and his gf and i are all so anxious for August to be here! We can no longer send things over there and that makes us KNOW we are so close!:happy:

    Wishful - you're doing so great to stick to your exercise! You're not kidding about how easy it is to overeat with all those men around! When i have both my boys around me i want to be cooking all the time AND eating!

    Debbie - i love your idea about getting away from all the electric stuff! Before I had my 2nd son my older boy and i lived in a trailer on our mountain property that only had 2 photovoltaic panels for electricity. We got 2 watch 2 tv shows a day (Mr. Rogers and Disney) and then the picture started getting smaller and smaller. lol. Those were some good times tho! After we moved here and they were small we had "TV Free Week" one week out of every month. LOTS of board games and books. I loved it. Of course they both are into their tvs and video games but they definitely remember those times. Hopefully they'll pass even a teeny bit onto their own children some day. WOW - sorry, didn't mean to go on such a trip down memory lane!:laugh:

    All right ladies - i better get some work done since i'm planning on closing early today! I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th :heart: elli
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    This will be a wonderful weekend of family and fun, but LOTS of chances to blow it! After last weekend's failure, I plan to make wiser choices and drink lots of water. :drinker:

    TONIGHT we are taking our daughter and her boyfriend out for Tex Mex. A landmine of sodium and fat. I'll be eating fruit and veggies all day to pull that one off. I'll be keeping my great nephew this morning, so maybe we'll go for a walk and I'll pull him in the wagon.

    SATURDAY we'll gather with about 50 others for the in law's 12th annual Barbecue. Gonna be 5 kinds of homemade ice cream there.... I'm gonna eat a salad before we leave home.

    Then SUNDAY is my in law's 53rd anniversary so we'll all gather up again for a fish fry, that evening, not to mention the fact my daughter has already announced she plans to make us all "yummy French toast" for breakfast.

    If I can make it through this weekend without blowing it, I can do ANYTHING! :tongue:

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend; I'm gonna! :happy:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    Thank you Elli and Barb for the compliments on the photo. It is just a little idiosyncrasy of mine, one that I am trying to overcome:glasses:

    One of my July goals was to get my knee checked out by my dr so that is on the agenda for this afternoon. Unfortunately the knee has gotten progressively worse so I have not been walking on it anymore than I have to. I did do 20 minutes of sitting down exercise on my weight machine day before yesterday...today I will do the same with my hand weights...can't let the momentum I have built up pass me by:smile:

    I am also so happy to write that my scale is moving down again and that has me over the top of the moon:bigsmile:

    We are on our 5th consecutive day of rain and if anyone knows how to build an ark let me know:bigsmile: :bigsmile: All kidding aside the rain has made everything green up and look very lush so that is a blessing:happy:

    Have a great day all and hoping that everyone has a very Happy 4th:bigsmile:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Barbie: Sounds like you're having a great time. We're going on another trip the end of July to Diamond Lake to camp. I'ts our annual family campout.

    Teentchr: I just bought some of the Special K Iced Tea Protein Water Mix powder packets to put in my water. I add it to my 20 oz water bottle and end up adding another 10 oz after drinking some - it’s a little too much for me. It’s 30 calories/0 fat/ 7 gr carbs. I like water though so I only use this once in awhile. Maybe it will help for you??? 29 pounds before the 26th of July!!!! IF you did that it wouldn’t be healthy but maybe a pound or two a week would be a better goal? :flowerforyou:

    Debbie: Good job on the stairs. You’re making those wise choices we all need to remember to do.:flowerforyou:

    Susan: I hear you! Wow - so many opportunities to blow it but if we focus and make wise choices we can be successful. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I’ll be thinking about you while I’m being tempted!

    Those of you with family home - enjoy your time. We will only be having one of our kids with us and we will be celebrating my hubby’s parents 50th on the 4th (so Susan, I WILL be thinking of you) :wink: . Hope you all have a safe 4th of July.

    Kathy - Where are you?!?!?

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ......I just bought some of the Special K Iced Tea Protein Water Mix powder packets to put in my water. I add it to my 20 oz water bottle and end up adding another 10 oz after drinking some - it’s a little too much for me. It’s 30 calories/0 fat/ 7 gr carbs. I like water though so I only use this once in awhile......


    I haven't tried the Special K water mix, but I just ran across the Crystal Light Strawberry Banana Apple one for appetite control. It is a little sweet, but also has 30 calories, some protein AND fiber, and I found it really did dull my hunger pangs when I drank some in the afternoon while at work, so for what it is worth......:drinker:

    Today it is going to be about 92 degrees around here, and I have already done 1.5 miles w/doggies and another 4 miles on my own, for walking. Then I met a friend for lunch at TGI Fridays and had their Key West Shrimp skewers with broccoli---less than 300 calories and very yummy.

    Happy 4th everyone.!:flowerforyou:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Eliminating duplicate post..so good I guess my computer decided it needed to be read twice--not:laugh: