Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I have been up since 5:30 am this morning. Had to bring Hubby to work and then I went to the gym. Would love to go early each day, but cannot always drag myself out of bed. Have not been sleeping as well last week or so. Have been getting mini hot flashes again. Thought that was over but guess not.
    Susan so glad your brother has good prognosis. Will put him and sister in law in prayers. Dont understand negative people at all. My hubby bought himself a suit jacket from a thrift store on a trip to Williamsburg several years ago. I bought some stuff to throw in the dryer to clean it and he wears it all the time. No one can even tell even though he enjoys telling. I think it is great. I am where you are right now. I have bought a few simple things for the summer but do not want to buy anything else until I get in next smallest size. Hope to hear from everyone else later today. Miss those of you who have not posted. Have a good day.
    Vicki M.
    PS We have 2 Vicki's now so I will close with Vicki M from now on.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning All

    I'm just taking a quick break from work. Thought I would log on and say hello to my fellow 50+ people. We are having yet another cloudy and cool day here. I think that's playing a part in my lack of motivation at work. I made a little note of things I want to get done today and I am not going home until I accomplish that. I have to treat myself like a kid sometimes!!

    Today I will:
    drink 8 glasses of water - half way there already
    Eat ONLY what i have planned
    10 minutes on the elliptical
    30 minute walk
    I have decided to buy this ab roller kind of thing from Sears. I saw it on Friday and it looks like it would offer enough support for my neck and other various body parts that are shot. The best part is the price. Its reg 80 on for 30. I really mean to use it rather than just add it to my collection of unused exercise equipment.:blushing: I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes.

    Have a great afternoon

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    I'm headed off to our local thrift shop to take some size 12 pants and some size large shirts that don't fit me anymore. that's where I took all the size 16 stuff a few months ago when you told me to get rid of the big clothes. When I packed them up I imagined women who had gotten out of larger sizes buying them to wear for awhile until they moved on to smaller sizes. a few of the items I'm taking are ones that I bought at the thrift shop to wear for awhile.

    I read a great article about some full time RVers who were able to limit how much clothing they traveled with by going to a thrift shop at the beginning of a stop or a season and buying a bunch of clothing and then donating it back at the end of the stay or the season.

    A few years ago I mentioned a fashionable shoe store to a friend who always looked like a style magazine photo and she said "OMG, I never buy retail, I get all my clothes at thrift shops"

    So I'll be doing the same thing some of you are doing. After I drop my stuff off at the thrift shop, I'll go to the front and look for something to buy for me.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, I'm glad to hear that there may be good news for your brother. I, too, am an optimist. I write a gratitude list every day and try to stay in the moment and not bother my head with future problems that may not happen.

    the doorbell just rang, gotta go

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Barbie, that is great that you have clothes that are too big on you and that you can get rid of. Isn't that a good feeling?

    I am still going to the Zumba class. I am hoping that it really jump kicks my metabolism into gear.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    HEY VICKI M. Have you tried drinking soy milk and eating sweet potatoes? It worked for me. I was really lucky when I went through menopause. I had some bad mood swings and hot flashes. But nothing as bad as some of the horror stories I have heard. In those days I worked as an Elementary School Cafeteria Manager and spent alot of time in the walk-in. :laugh: The doctor gave me hormones, I took them and bled for 26 days. (my husband was NOT a happy camper :angry: ) I stopped taking them and have never had another problem. I started goin through it in my late thirties and was done by the time I was 45. I started my period when I was 12 so I guess my body said enough is enough. :laugh: LOL LOL
    TTYS, Rosemary

    Good Morning ladies,
    I have been up since 5:30 am this morning. Had to bring Hubby to work and then I went to the gym. Would love to go early each day, but cannot always drag myself out of bed. Have not been sleeping as well last week or so. Have been getting mini hot flashes again. Thought that was over but guess not.
    Susan so glad your brother has good prognosis. Will put him and sister in law in prayers. Dont understand negative people at all. My hubby bought himself a suit jacket from a thrift store on a trip to Williamsburg several years ago. I bought some stuff to throw in the dryer to clean it and he wears it all the time. No one can even tell even though he enjoys telling. I think it is great. I am where you are right now. I have bought a few simple things for the summer but do not want to buy anything else until I get in next smallest size. Hope to hear from everyone else later today. Miss those of you who have not posted. Have a good day.
    Vicki M.
    PS We have 2 Vicki's now so I will close with Vicki M from now on.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Suzz- hang in there with your brother. They can do so much more for cancer these days then they use to. I'll pray that he has a good doctor that is up on the latest and greatest treatments.

    Thrift shop shoppers- That really sounds like a great way to do things. Not sure if I'm up to it. I have started wearing a belt and I'm holding out for the next lower size. I think another 2-3 pounds should do it.

    I did really good with drinking water today. Eating hot green chili for lunch helps the water taste better. <-New Mexico humor.

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: hello and good morning to everyone. many prayers and thoughts were sending.
    i did my wii fit yoga this morning and my wii told me i left some more weight behind. that was good. i am realize how much i need to move moreand work out. i am working on fitting it in more i now give myself time outs like the children .. its the only way i am getting more work out time for myself. family thinks its pretty funny. they love me the way i am. ok my tea break is over and i don't want to sit move move move ok love debbie and family
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Happy Wednesday to you all! :flowerforyou: Drink your water, :drinker: stay active :glasses: and make wise choices. :wink: Together we CAN get healthy and make this the best decade of our lives one choice at a time!

    It tickles me to see how many of us "losers" are keeping both ends of the thrift shops open these days. :laugh: Personally I don't plan to buy anything retail until I hit my goal weight.:noway: It was fun to send ALL my jeans home with my daughter for her upcoming garage sale! :happy: I was a size 18 when I started all this and now am wearing mostly 14's and some 16s. My goal is to fit comfortably in 10s again. My daughter thinks 8's, but I'm trying to be realistic.

    Glad I picked a bouquet of Brown-eyed Susan's when I was walking yesterday as the highway department mowed them all down yesterday afternoon. Talk about timing! :laugh:

    After 5 months, trades offs are finally becoming a way of life for me. I skipped my middle of the afternoon snack yesterday to have enough calories for last night's birthday supper. My BiL wanted turkey and dressing and all the trimmings. I volunteered to bring a green salad and ate that, turkey and a smidgen of dressing and a few bites of birthday cake. Family has begun to comment on how little I eat. :tongue:

    Just finished my morning calorie burning session top dressing my shade garden with compost. I opted to walk back and forth between the bed and the pile with a single shovel full instead of using a wheelbarrow so I figure I burned about as many calories as I would push mowing. :wink: We're supposed to have triple digits the rest of the week so I like to get out early.

    Now its time to clean up and go buy a wedding gift. This will be the last family wedding for quite awhile (unless my daughter and her boyfriend decide to tie the knot) as the only niece and nephew that will be left are not old enough to even drive yet. Hopefully by the time my daughter weds I'll be slim again. At least that's my plan....
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I noticed that we haven't heard from Anne in awhile. Hope she is doing ok. Also Kathy, Zaza and Elli we miss you:flowerforyou: Sending you all warm positive thoughts:heart:

    Not too much to report other than the weather is again chilly and rainy:grumble: In fact the temperature tonite is not far from frost. It is very difficult to believe that this is July.

    Even though I am somewhat bummed about my knee issues I wanted to share some things that I am grateful for especially since I began my lifestyle changes:

    :heart: A wonderful supportive husband who loved me even when there was 'more of me' and continues to encourage and compliment me on a daily basis
    :heart: Terrific friends (especially the ladies on this thread) that inspire and motivate me
    :heart: The courage and determination to make the necessary long term changes for a healthier me
    :heart: The freedom and opportunity to make everyday a new slate to write on

    I am sure that there are other things too but I just wanted to share a few with you. My physiotherapist wants me to keep my knee active by biking a little bit so I hope to do that today. Even though I am unable to continue with my vigorous exercise routine the scale is moving. I am being very cautious about my food intake and I am sure that is what has helped.

    Cheers to all :drinker:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member

    It tickles me to see how many of us "losers" are keeping both ends of the thrift shops open these days. :laugh: Personally I don't plan to buy anything retail until I hit my goal weight.:noway: It was fun to send ALL my jeans home with my daughter for her upcoming garage sale! :happy: I was a size 18 when I started all this and now am wearing mostly 14's and some 16s. My goal is to fit comfortably in 10s again. My daughter thinks 8's, but I'm trying to be realistic.

    My goal is to get into my size 10's comfortably as well. I have sooooo many jeans that will fit if I get to that point. Good luck Susan.

    Today is a new day and a new start for those of us who have been struggling. Look ahead and not back. (unless it's to learn from our mistakes :smile:

    Hope you all have a great day,
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Good afternoon. I just finished a drip-down-your-chin juicy peach. Yummy, fresh fruits!

    I discovered a way to improve condensed campbell's chicken noodle soup yesterday. I tossed in a cup of frozen broccoli and cut up some mini carrots, then simmered until they were done. Since the condensed soup is too salty anyway, the vegetables were already flavored. I did add a dash of pepper to the bowl after serving though. It's amazing now that I look for ways to add vegetables to my meals.

    Oh, that half pound that I'd relocated is now gone again. Now to work on the pound that seems to love sticking around!

  • Patsigirl
    Patsigirl Posts: 16
    Hi Folks,
    I've been a bit under the weather; picked up a bug somewhere and it laid me low for about 10 days. I'm still on the South Beach Diet but my husband insists that I'm not eating enough while I'm sick. So for two days, I sorta played it by ear. I'm in Phase two and that's so much easier than Phase I. I have not suffered at all and surprisingly, have not experienced any gas or bloating with this diet. No heartburn either so I've decided that sugar gave me the heartburn and I don't get any on SB. Lots of salad and healthy foods which I like and now I can add fruits, like strawberries and blueberries etc. Perfect summer diet!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Bonnie: That peach sounds so yummy!:tongue: (this is me slobbering:laugh: ) Good job on persevering with those pounds that cling! :happy:

    There you are Patsigirl. :flowerforyou: I've been missing you. Hope you continue to get healthier each day.

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hi everyone

    Patsigirl - sorry you are feeling under the weather Hope you are better soon:flowerforyou:

    Suezzque You are doing really well aren't you. Your attitude is really good too.

    Healthier - I also wondered where the other girls are. I hope all is well with them. Glad your scale is moving in the right direction.

    Wishful - You make that peach sound good!! I can't get past the fuzzy but I enjoy them if peeled.

    Barbiecat - I like your list and have similar thoughts about the role they play. You have been home for awhile now - must be time for a roadtrip!!

    Debbie - You are aways so kind in your posts - and motivated to succeed. Sounds like you enjoy a happy life.

    Ester - Size 10 is but a dream for me!! I would be pleased to get into a size 16 - Especially since I bought a couple of pairs during a particularly positive shopping trip:laugh: They were meant to be my 'incentive' pants but I still can't do them up. I won't give up though.

    I stayed within my cals yesterday and drank my water - exercise goal?? Not so much!!

    Hope all others are doing well.

    Today I will:
    Drink my water - I drank 3 glasses while morning coffee was brewing - makes it easier to meet quota
    Eat only as planned
    walk for 30 minutes
    Dust off elliptical and hop on!!

    Have a great day

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Day is over half done, dentist, run about chores, lunch with sister and hubby. Still have 1/3 of my allotment of calories left for the day, and not at all hungry. Yeah.:smile:

    Thanks for the compliment re new photo, Barbie.:happy: I'm starting to feel better. Slow going with the weight loss but taking it slower is part of the strategy right now.

    I still have lots of clothes to wear, finding some I couldn't wear comfortably last summer, but hate the thoughts of having to shop for a whole new wardrobe. I think the thrift store idea is a good one. I'm NO Where Near size 10 either. At this point, find it hard to imagine myself there. I think I must have been 10 years old the last time I wore a size 10 anything. So many of you are so close to your goals, that's great.

    Take care everyone.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good Evening Ladies, I am having to do extra exercise today. Hubby decided on the way home from work, Quiznos for dinner (we had coupons for buy one get one 50% off) I have no will power. I figured tuna torpedo with no dressing would be a good bet. But when I got home and entered it on MFP, over 900 calories. ....:grumble: so I did an extra 45 minute walk.
    I will keep you all in my prayers for Better Health and Sunnier Days.
    Smiles and Hugs :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile: :smile: :smile: Rosemary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hi Everybody,
    Sasha, my red poodle has a big swollen area around her eye so we skipped going to the dog park and saw the vet late in the afternoon. The good news is that there was nothing seriously wrong. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and she is being treated with an antibiotic cream. The bad news is that is cost $97 and we didn't get to the dog park so my exercise is way down today.:sad:

    It is cold enough today that I turned on the furnace before getting in the shower this morning and I'm wearing a turtleneck and a sweatshirt now.

    Line dance was great this morning. I am so happy to be back to my usual routine.

    hugs to all:heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    So good to hear from so many of you. Glad you are all doing well. I sent Anne a message and she is doing fine. She is dealing with some things and will be back when taken care of. She is eating right and still exercising through it all. I ate well today, but did not exercise yet. I am headed to my elliptical and treadmill right now. Have a good night. See you tomorrow.
    Vicki M
  • onmywayto130
    Hi Grammymaxx,
    I am in the first half of my 50's also and I noticed we have the same amount of poundage left to lose.
    I am so excited to be doing this well in such a short (relatively) period of time: I lost 6.5 pounds in 5 weeks.
    Keep being faithful and we'll both reach our goals!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I’ve been remiss again. When I have a lot going on, mfp goes by the wayside. Takes me too long to read and write here. or to track calories.
    I’ve had several meetings lately and had to digest legal financial material (144 pages!) while preparing for a houseful over the July 4th week-end. Wanted everything as perfect as it could be since my son’s girlfriend’s family was sleeping over. It was the first time her mother had been here and only the 2nd time we’d met.
    I also just gave in to enjoying the week-end without thinking about what and when I ate. Bottom line, it was a great week-end and I had a wonderful time with my kids, their friends, my parents and my oldest son’s girlfriend’s family. :happy: We had people sleeping in almost every room of this house, but it turned out fine and everyone seemed happy and relaxed.

    This week-end will be a lot more people (primarily my husband’s family, 40 to 45 people I think) but no one should be sleeping over except my own kids. So, I probably won’t be on mfp til next week. I need to get my act together so house, yard, food, etc is ready for Sat.’s festivities. I just feel so blessed to have this time with extended family and to be able to enjoy my kids and everyone else.

    I never got around to setting goals for July. While I’d obviously like to lose weight, realistically I’ll be satisfied if I don’t gain. Maybe I’ll manage to lose even a pound or two.

    Barbie – that is great news about your pants. :drinker: You are giving away size 12 so soon after giving away size 16!!! So impressive. You must feel so motivated and rewarded for your hard work. I have to say it is motivating for me. Makes me want to get into high gear and get out of my size 12s and back into my size 10s. My goal ultimately is to fit comfortably in size 8, but one step at a time.

    Congrats to Susan, too, on your smaller pants size! :drinker: These are great accomplishments!!

    Becky, I’ve been taking Zumba a couple times week too. I love the class, but I don’t think I could handle it more than 2-3 times per week. If that class doesn’t burn calories and rev the metabolism, nothing will. I have to say that my knees are feeling it a little bit, but I love the music and the instructor.

    Marie – great news that your scale is moving!! :flowerforyou: (Mine has too – just not in the right direction. :laugh: )

    Patsigirl, hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    onmywayto130, great job on your weight loss!! :drinker: So nice to know that, even at our ages, it can be done. You are all so inspiring.

    Keep up the good work everyone. Sleep tight.