Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Marie, Thank you for the advice and encouragement. Did you slack off when you hit your long plateau or were you doing the same thing you had always done? I know plateaus are going to come but one for that long whew seems scary. Susan I have slow draggy days also. Today happened to be one of them. I got to the gym early and did my workout but my heart rate would not get going and I have been dragging all day. I have just learned to accept it and keep going. Just keep on going and it will get better. Lack of sleep does seem to affect me a lot also. Have a good day ladies.
    Vicki m.

    Vicki you are most welcome....when I experienced those dreaded plateaus I tried doing everything I could...I zigzagged my calories and even increased my workouts. I really must admit that I was getting so frustrated but I was also determined to hang in there. I attributed it to my body trying to adjust to the changes it was experiencing. During this last plateau I have not able to workout as strenously as I have been since November 08 because of my knee issue. So maybe that jump started the scale to move again:smile: . I also had some incredibly stressful issues around that time that I am sure that didn't help. Stress, frustration and lack of sleep can all play a part in the big picture as well. Hang in there and try to concentrate on what you can control and I just bet things will turn around for you:flowerforyou:

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    quote "THANKS, I NEEDED THAT! :love:

    My scale hasn't moved in weeks.

    I am so glad that it did:flowerforyou: after all we are all in this together right? I know it is difficult but hang in there:heart:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We’re getting back into our familiar routine and loving it. :heart: Jake played golf yesterday and I enjoyed the few hours at home alone to do my household puttering. Today we had beautiful weather, perfect for taking the dogs to the dog park and then later taking a walk with Jake. We explored a different walking route that turned out to be too steep.:sad:

    Our neighbors are back. They have been in Florida since February for him to have an experimental cancer treatment. They were home for a few days, then he had a setback and spent a few nights in the hospital and now he’s home again. They have been so positive and filled with faith and gratitude through this whole ordeal. They inspire me. They have continued have faith and look forward to better times no matter what. That’s what I strive to do through this weight loss journey----continue to put one foot in front of another and keep on no matter what the evidence says.

    It’s late so I’m not going to write more. Just keep on doing all those positive things and the results will be good.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning ladies, :flowerforyou: to all of the ladies out there who are stuck in a rut and on that plateau, just keep working at it. We've had to struggle to get this far and with the love and support of our MFP family I know we can do it, one day at a time. Congratulations :drinker: to those of you who are losing and keeping it off. Living with someone who isn't dieting and who is resistant to you losing weight can make sticking to your plan very hard. Just remember how it feels to get on that scale and see those numbers keep going down. Love to all. Prayers and Hugs,:heart::love: :flowerforyou: Rosemary
  • steph54
    steph54 Posts: 28
    Good Morning! Thanks for the inspiration. I just wanted to say that this is the first time I have not let a small setback defeat me. I gained 2-1/2 pounds last weekend. Before I would have let that be an excuse to give up and eat anything and everything. But this time I got right back on the program and not only have lost the 2-1/2 but 1/2 lb more, so I am now below 210!!! I can't wait to get below 200. That will be a real rush. Keep posting, it helps!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    If the scale isn't moving check other indicators like measurements. If that doesn't help either, try looking for other indicators of improvement. Like something you use to not be able to do, but that you can do now. There are so many things that are changing as we loose weight and get healthy. Keep your eyes open and look for some positives and I bet you will find them.

    For me - I just realized that my nails have changed. I've never had nice nails, but now I do. So, when I hit my last plateau and was looking for something positive and look down and saw I had nice nails, I went and got them done. I brought my daughter with me and we had a nice mommy/daughter day with the manicure and the pedicure. It was something we had never done before. (and probably can't afford to keep up) But, it was sure fun.

    Have a great day everyone,

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Good Morning all,
    Here I thot' I must have gained a pound or 2 and I have actually lost one. Yeah!
    But I hear everyone saying, be diligent, even when the results don't show, even when you don't FEEL like it, even when it seems like nothing is happening. So true, so important. And the reminders help.
    It feels so good to be under 200 finally, and now my goal is to stay away from it, get farther from it, and never see it again, ever.
    Barbie, you are an inspiration. You have lost so much weight, been so diligent and encouraging to others. Just wanted you to know that. Thanks.
    Barb, love your sense of humor. Hope your friend with the COPD is feeling better [not sure if that was the exact problem, asthma perhaps?]
    Vicki, great to hear from you.
    I guess I better not try to catch up with everyone at the same time, this will be tooooo long.
    Have a good day as we keep on keeping on.
    ps company of 6 arriving today. Thankfully my hubby is great to help with food prep. Mostly teens so I think it will be a picnic at the lake tonight, lots of hotdogs, and junk food, but enough of them to eat it all up. I'll stick mostly to the pack of blueberries I got yesterday. love them.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning everyone

    I'm going through some "stuff'' right now and am challenged by it but I will take the high road and come out on top.

    I have been reading the posts and alot have to do with plateaus and pushing through to goal weight etc. All that is true but also, it comes to mind that "goal" weight is not the end of the road. The day after goal we still have to get up and do the same things as far as nutrition and activity. Of course maintenance calories are higher, but the lifestyle, by and large, is the same. It is a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that we are all seeking.
    I find it very difficult to change my evil ways but I do keep trying. I tell myself that as long as I get up one more time than I fall, I will succeed. I am slowly eradicating bad foods from my diet and it is getting easier but still hard some days. The support of this group is a key factor and the constant reminder that we are worth it.

    I hope you all have a great day.

    Heather (from rainy, chilly Northern Ontario)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Barb, love your sense of humor. Hope your friend with the COPD is feeling better [not sure if that was the exact problem, asthma perhaps?]

    Actually she has BOTH!! The asthma got worse after the COPD showed up. She is doing much better. She off the medication that kept her from driving and has been out a couple of times this week. I can tell she feels better because she is getting ornery again:laugh: :laugh: By that I mean she wants to argue when I caution her about overdoing it. She wasn't giving me any protest when she was feeling poorly, but now she is more like her old self. I am still doing some errand running to help her out. And I discovered she had made some ill advised choices with her finances, so I had to threaten her with bodily harm if she buys anything more from QVC!!!:laugh: :laugh: I am kidding about the bodily harm, but she tends to be a bit impulsive, buying things she doesn't need, and then sending them back,sometimes, but most times not, then giving them away to someone else. She is not a wealthy woman, so I think I have finally convinced her to stop this. We shall see.

    She continues to improve every day. I am glad, because my walking program has suffered in these past few weeks.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    It took a day of detox to do it but the scale finally starting moving again. Question is can I KEEP it off?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    It’s about 71 degrees here (22 degrees C). It was even cooler this morning when I went to line dance. It was warm after lunch when I took the dogs to the dog park. We stayed only 30 minutes because the dogs lay down in the shade under the trees and came running over when I got the leashes so I knew they were ready to go. Later I took a walk for an hour down still another road less traveled in my neighborhood and found another way to get to the discovery trail. Jake had to go to Seattle so I did all this stuff by myself.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary
    don’t let anything get you down. Stick to your plan. You can do it no matter what family roadblocks come your way. Thanks for all your encouragement to all of us.

    :flowerforyou: Steph----congratulations on the weight loss and also on your sticking to your plan and not letting anything derail you. The successful people are the ones who keep on keeping on and don’t let anything discourage them.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie---you are so right to look for other indicators besides the scale and the measuring tape. I’ve noticed so physical symptoms lessen with weight loss. It’s so important to never never never give up.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen---thank you for the kind words. I have tried so many times to lose weight and am amazed that this time it has worked for me. All of my new friends on this thread have been a huge part of it. Congratulations on losing another pound.

    :flowerforyou: Heather----it is good to hear from you. Sorry about all the “stuff” going on. You are so right about not looking toward a goal as much as looking at this as a sustainable lifestyle. People ask me how long I’m going to be doing this and I tell them that it’s working today so I guess I’ll do the same thing again tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Barb----your friend is lucky to have you even if she is resistant to your good advice. I have a cousin who tells me that I give her such good advice and then she ignores everything I tell her and does the exact opposite. Besides betting on the horses as a hobby, she recently bought a cell phone and a computer and has used neither one. It’s time for you to get back to your walks and taking good care of yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Susan----congratulations on your loss. Of course, you can keep it off. You are motivated and focused and you have all of us to encourage you.

    All that exercise earned me some extra calories so I’m going to enjoy a big bowl of cereal and soy milk for the last snack of the day. Jake is safely home from Seattle and all the pets are more relaxed now that he’s home.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    It’s about 71 degrees here (22 degrees C). It was even cooler this morning when I went to line dance. It was warm after lunch when I took the dogs to the dog park. We stayed only 30 minutes because the dogs lay down in the shade under the trees and came running over when I got the leashes so I knew they were ready to go. Later I took a walk for an hour down still another road less traveled in my neighborhood and found another way to get to the discovery trail. Jake had to go to Seattle so I did all this stuff by myself.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary
    don’t let anything get you down. Stick to your plan. You can do it no matter what family roadblocks come your way. Thanks for all your encouragement to all of us.

    :flowerforyou: Steph----congratulations on the weight loss and also on your sticking to your plan and not letting anything derail you. The successful people are the ones who keep on keeping on and don’t let anything discourage them.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie---you are so right to look for other indicators besides the scale and the measuring tape. I’ve noticed so physical symptoms lessen with weight loss. It’s so important to never never never give up.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen---thank you for the kind words. I have tried so many times to lose weight and am amazed that this time it has worked for me. All of my new friends on this thread have been a huge part of it. Congratulations on losing another pound.

    :flowerforyou: Heather----it is good to hear from you. Sorry about all the “stuff” going on. You are so right about not looking toward a goal as much as looking at this as a sustainable lifestyle. People ask me how long I’m going to be doing this and I tell them that it’s working today so I guess I’ll do the same thing again tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Barb----your friend is lucky to have you even if she is resistant to your good advice. I have a cousin who tells me that I give her such good advice and then she ignores everything I tell her and does the exact opposite. Besides betting on the horses as a hobby, she recently bought a cell phone and a computer and has used neither one. It’s time for you to get back to your walks and taking good care of yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Susan----congratulations on your loss. Of course, you can keep it off. You are motivated and focused and you have all of us to encourage you.

    All that exercise earned me some extra calories so I’m going to enjoy a big bowl of cereal and soy milk for the last snack of the day. Jake is safely home from Seattle and all the pets are more relaxed now that he’s home.
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Well day 16 since my knee surgery and I am slowly moving along with physical therapy and returning to work half time. I appreciate all the wisdom shared today. I am doing good staying on track with my eating program.
    :heart: Barbie- Your progress is inspirational and I am looking forward to being able to take my dogs for walks and playing with them with my recovered knee in another 2 months. I am also looking forward to exercise. Yep I said looking forward. I really miss exercise.
    :heart: Rosemary-Thanks for the encouragement. MFP has been a important part of my weight loss journey and getting through knee problems and surgery keeping on track.
    :heart: Jeannie- What a great reminder of all the markers. I didn’t really think of it now that you mentioned it my nails are looking great and that has only happened since I changed to my weight /nutritional program. Thanks for that awareness.
    Thanks to all for your continued sharing. I feel empowered to stick to this process and you are all helping me with that.

    Lianne -drinking water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: as I type
    Fieldbrook, CA
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good Morning, :smile: Good Morning, :laugh: Good Morning:drinker: What a wonderful Fruday. Somedays life can just feel sooo good for no reason.:flowerforyou: I am looking forward to a nice long walk this evening, I will pray for all of those who are having bad days with personal or weight issues and rejoice with those of you who are winning your battles.
    :smile: Thank you to Barbie for you words of encouragement and friendship. Wish I could be there with you. Sounds like glorious weather compared to our 90 degrees plus stiffeling humidity. I love to walk unknown paths and experience new scenery. We walked and hiked alot on our vacation. There were small streams and steep hills. Lots of trees and vegetation I had never seen before. Enjoy your walks and think of me sitting behind this desk answering phones instead of hearing birds singing.:laugh:
    ::smile Lianne, Your welcome. We all need encouragement and acknowledgement, even if its from someone thousand of miles away.
    : smile: Susan how do you Detox?
    Love to all, Rosemary:flowerforyou:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Fruday I meant Friday Sorry.
    Good Morning, :smile: Good Morning, :laugh: Good Morning:drinker: What a wonderful Fruday. Somedays life can just feel sooo good for no reason.:flowerforyou: I am looking forward to a nice long walk this evening, I will pray for all of those who are having bad days with personal or weight issues and rejoice with those of you who are winning your battles.
    :smile: Thank you to Barbie for you words of encouragement and friendship. Wish I could be there with you. Sounds like glorious weather compared to our 90 degrees plus stiffeling humidity. I love to walk unknown paths and experience new scenery. We walked and hiked alot on our vacation. There were small streams and steep hills. Lots of trees and vegetation I had never seen before. Enjoy your walks and think of me sitting behind this desk answering phones instead of hearing birds singing.:laugh:
    ::smile Lianne, Your welcome. We all need encouragement and acknowledgement, even if its from someone thousand of miles away.
    : smile: Susan how do you Detox?
    Love to all, Rosemary:flowerforyou:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Susan how do you Detox?

    Nothing but raw fruit and vegetables LOTS of water and Probiotics from the health food store. Some people use laxatives, but I try to stay away from them unless I am truly constipated. Usually 2-3 days of this flushes things out. (Seems I have to do this every time we have been invited to alot of events with rich foods.) I have a friend who also soaks in Epsom Salts.
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :glasses: good morning to all its 11:36 am today is weigh in day i went to the left not by much though.so i amok with it i know i have been going over my cals and last night was a night that i ate afterhours.. ugh :frown: :frown: but today is a new day and new secounds :love: so i am not going to be down. lots of walking today we are doing a flea market again.
    i have learn to detox the best way is one day fruit and vegs and water. an d its the healthy way in the bible.
    rosemary sending you :flowerforyou: :smile: and a sun shining smile
    barbie do you use soy milk a lot i want to try it just can;t seem to do it i like my milk
    susan No one can change me, but me. TODAY I choose to make healthy food choices and stay active!
    i love this saying and today i have started to say it to myself this is a good motivation for me thank you
    ok heading back ourside love debie and family
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    picture to cool everyone off
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Debbie, thanks for the cool picture
    it is extra hot here today and we have all our fans going.

    It took me awhile to get used to soy milk. I started buying it for health reasons at the suggestion of a friend. I don't drink it by the glass. i use it on cereal that is already tasty so the soy milk blends with the taste of the cereal. The cereal I am eating now is Kashi Go Lean high protein and high fiber.

    I went out for a walk this morning by myself after I walked the dogs and couldn't figure out why I was feeling so weak until I realized that I hadn't eaten breakfast. Now I'm full of energy and all dressed to leave in a few minutes for line dance.

    Have a great day.:heart:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    I am sooo bad. :sick: .:angry::angry: :angry: I had a Coffee coolata this morning and when I looked it up it was over 800 calories.:noway:
    No lunch for me, just a 1/2 hour walk. I am definitly walking that extra mile today :glasses: With the heat and humidity like it is maybe I will sweat it off.....:laugh: Love to all, Rosemary