Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just a little water humor to make your Friday go better :drinker:

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Good afternoon.

    I have a question that I've never seen addressed. Everyone talks about muscle weighing more than fat, but if we're eating well and exercising, isn't our bone density also improving. And wouldn't that also weigh more?

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hi everyone

    Wishful - It's not that muscle weighs more - its that it takes up less room on our body. You will hear it said (and its true) that a pound is a pound but somewhere on the site is actual pictures of a lb of fat and a lb of muscle - the muscle being alot smaller - yet weighing the same. As far as the bone density?? dunno that one. For myself I just hope to be fit and don't really care what the scale says. Mind you I check it out almost daily to chart my progress - or lack thereof:happy:

    Have a great weekend

  • Patsigirl
    Patsigirl Posts: 16
    Ouch, had my first gain----not much but enough. Once I fall off the wagon, I have trouble catching up but I've got to do this. Last week was a careless eating week and I see how quickly it can make a difference. So, back to work!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Hang in there, Patsigirl. Everyday is a new day when you're trying to change bad habits. You can do this!

    Thanks, Heather. I am curious about bone density from a health standpoint. I guess it's something only a doctor can measure.

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :drinker: good morning to everyone 9:17 a.m. here and i just wanted to come on and say i hope everyone has a good day for our eating and moving plans. we are having a raining morning but that is going to be changeing and the rest of the weekend will be nice i am so proud of myself i rode the bike yesterday for over 20 mins a one time. now i know that does not souond like much but until the past few mth i didn't do anything and the past week i have been riding for 10 minutes at a time at least two times a day a few days i did 3 times but yesterday i did two 10 minutes and than the 20 minutes so today i am going for 15 minutes bike riding at leasst three times a day. ok hope everyone is having a good day love debbie and family
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Debbie----taking baby steps worked for me
    rejoice in every step forward---one day at a time, one minute at a time, your goal is possible. Your enthusiastic, upbeat attitude will get you where you are going.

    :flowerforyou: Heather----That bone density question interests me too. That's possibly another reason to use scale, measurement, and how your clothes fit as a combination of evidence that you're moving toward your goal

    :flowerforyou: Patsi----start today with a new attitude and new resolve and you'll be on your way again.

    There's a big festival in town this weekend with food, fun, and shopping opportunities everywhere. I'm going to buy a festival t shirt in my new smaller size and say no to all the food treats and frivolous shopping opportunities

    I wish you all a healthy and productive weekend.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: P.S. I sent personal messages to Anne and Elli and am happy to report that they are both maintaining their good health, their extra busy schedules, and their positive attitudes:bigsmile: :bigsmile: .
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning all..:flowerforyou: Hot and Humid in Delaware:grumble: I think I will do my exercising indoors today.:happy: I have a new DVD I want to try out. It is "Total Body Workout" "A super exciting Kick-Boxing routine" wish me luck:laugh: If you don't here from me for awhile you'll know it didn't go well. :laugh: :laugh: Love to all and have a wonderful weekend... :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Rosemary
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    I hope all of you are having a good Saturday. Great work to those of you following your goals. Those of you that have slipped a little, just get back on track and keep on going. WE are here for you. You can do it. I have been doing good on calories, and on exercise. I am going to gym early in morn for the next few weeks until school starts. If I want to continue then I would have to go at about 6am and not sure i can get up early enough to do that, but I will try. We have been going to our local college and walkin each evening for at least an hour and burning an extra 5-600 calories. I hope we can keep this up. I want to find a walking trail close to home like Barbie talked about. not sure if we have these or not. Have to go now. Have a great weekend. Talk to you later.
    Vicki M
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    This picicture if of my husband, my grandson, Matthew and me (at 221 pounds) taken in December 2008.
    I will post and updated one when I get to 190.
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :smile: good afternoon. lunch time and nobody is home so i thought i would stop by and say hi. the rain has stop and so in a few i am heading outside to ride the bike. i had a busy morning giving rides to everyone and than i walk through walmart. i think i might have reset it my step counter says i have done 1277 steps today. that doesn't sound good to me. kcal it says .34that doesn't sound good at all hum.. ok everyone have a nice afternoon... love debbie and family
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    We are having a heat wave here in the Southwest. Temps in the high 90's and breaking 100 here and there. Still my walking buddy at work and I managed to walk for 10 minutes 3 days last week for our break. Unfortunately, it was our busy work schedules and not the heat that made us miss the other 2 days.

    Luckily, we work for a boss that understands when we come in and take a break right away so we can walk before the heat sets in by 10AM.

    Now that I can do the 10 minute Island Lap (running in place) on my Wii fit my teenagers have informed me that starting tomorrow morning, I am going with them as they do their daily jog for school sports. lol They're only going to do a mile tomorrow instead of two. (Aren't they good kids? Being so nice to their old Mom?) lol

    Tonight is family movie/dinner out night. We are going to see the new Harry Potter and to Chili's.

    Our weekend will end at a pool party over some friends to beat the heat.

    Good luck with the weekend and have a great day today.

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    good evening to all :drinker: water break an settleing in for th e night. pretty good day today
    jeannie you have wii fit we do wii fit and wii active now our wii fit has help me out dearly i will be so glad when it stops telling me everyday i am obese. i get it .. it makes me laugh and that is a good way to start the day. i can run good now use to run walk run walk now i can slow run the whole time. have you had it long three mths for us
    hope everyone else has had a nice day hope the weekend will be a good one.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Debbie, I don't have wii fit but I do get on my scale the last thing at night and the first thing in the morning. It doesn't talk to me but the numbers remind me that I am not the weight I want to be so I have to keep doing healthy things for myself. We are on a lifelong journey to health and fitness and whatever we have that reminds us to keep going is good for us.

    :flowerforyou: rosemary, that is a very cute picture. When Matthew is older he will look at that picture and ask who the lady is because you will be so slim that he won't recognize the way you were :bigsmile:

    We went off to the festival in town today. I bought a. festival t shirt in my new smaller size. It's long sleeve, purple, with a beautiful picture on it. jake had a honey lavender ice cream sandwich and after reading how many calories, he decided we should walk back to the parking area (a mile or so) rather than take the shuttle bus:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I spent a little time in the yard pulling weeds----enough time to get something done and get some exercise but not enough to hurt myself :bigsmile:

    brandy hurt her foot so we stayed home from the dog park:sad: :sad: :sad:

    enjoy the rest of you summer weekend.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Well ladies, the kickboxing didn't kill me:laugh: but it sure made me sweat,:smile: I really liked it but I couldn't do all of the exercises :grumble: (my boobs are tooo big to be doing jumping jacks) and all that bouncing stuff, I will leave to the teeni boppers. But as far as the actual kickboxing, jabbing, punching, kicks and knee lifts, they were a blast. Think I will do that DVD 2 days a week, I can really feel it in my abs. Tomorrow will be interesting, I have relatives coming from out of town for Matthews birthday party. There will be pizza and cake. It is going to be at the zoo so there will be lots of walking.

    Well enjoy the rest of the weekend. Hugs and Prayers for will power and perserverence.:love:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I haven't posted on this thread in a few days, so thought I should let you all know I still count myself among the living. :laugh: I went out on my usual walking trail today and did SEVEN miles!!! :noway: Took me about 3 hours, including about 20 minutes of stopping here and there, and it was about 85 degrees F, but the humidity was very low, so it was not bad out there. To be safe, I brought a whoe quart of water, instead of my usualy 16 oz.

    By the time I got back to where my car was parked, I still felt like I had a couple of more miles left in me, but I still had other things to do today, so I quit while I was ahead. I also decided to do a water, veggie and fruit day, like Suzzeque mentioned, in hopes it will jumpstart the downward spiral on the scale again.

    I have an appointment with my doctor on Aug 4th--just a checkup--since I take blood pressure medication--and I would like to be down at least another 7 pounds by then. She hasn't seen me since before I started my program, and I would like to surprise her, AND, hopefully get my dosage reduced. My goal is to eliminate it completely,:drinker: :drinker: but that won't happen for a while.

    I burned about a thousand calories today, and didn't come close to eating my exercise calories, so I hope that makes SOMETHING happen by Monday anyway.

    If my body isn't protesting too much on Sunday, maybe I will do another 4 miles while it is cooler in the morning.

    Barbie- Sorry to hear about your baby's foot. Hope it heals quickly. I wish I didn't live so far from the Peninsula, because a honey lavender ice cream bar sounds like a wonderful treat. I guess I will have to content myself with a Crystal Light raspberry pop before I crash and burn for the night.

    Happy Sunday and Blessings to all,

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :glasses: Good morning hope your days are going well. i am our side tag saleing i have been walking around i am up to one hour now. I am going to hoop on the bike pretty soon i just had a cheese stick. a little protein and dairy i think and i have my apple all ready for when i am off the bike i am going for 30 mins on the bike ok prayers i am sending were are needed .. love debbie and family
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :glasses: Good morning hope your days are going well. i am our side tag saleing i have been walking around i am up to one hour now. I am going to hoop on the bike pretty soon i just had a cheese stick. a little protein and dairy i think and i have my apple all ready for when i am off the bike i am going for 30 mins on the bike ok prayers i am sending were are needed .. love debbie and family

    Hi Debbie,

    I hope your sale goes well.

    I must thank you for a chuckle. I had this mental image of you trying to shoot baskets while riding your bike around the driveway--because of you saying you would be "hooping" on your bike!:laugh: :laugh: I knew what you meant, but it was still good for a smile:smile:

    I also noticed an "oops" on my post of last night. What the heck is a "whoe" quart.?--should have been "whole":laugh:

    I am also happy to report that after my workout of yesterday and my fruit and veggie and water day, I am DOWN TWO MORE POUNDS!! WOO HOO!!:drinker: :drinker: Good bye "logjam on the scale!!"

    I haven't decided if I am resting on my laurels today or walking some more. My calf muscles are a little tender today, due to the longer distance and the hill that was part of my return trip yesterday.

    Have a good day, all!!

  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Good morning MFP’ers
    :happy: :happy: I have hit my mid way mark of 15 pounds. I am so jazzed. My clothes are getting big and I feel smaller. I think about Barbie’s saying of nothing tastes as good as thin feels (or something like that). I used that last night as my husband was having his Ben and Jerry Carmel Sutra and I just went into our bedroom and got on line and read the posts from MFP for inspiration. It worked, out of sight out of mind.
    Barb-I love:heart: the way you equate your loss in terms of your dogs. We have three-
    Codie our Border Collie =44 lbs, Scrappy Tu our Bichon=20 lbs and Rotten Old Grizzley a very old Shih txu/Poodle mix=15 lbs
    So I have lost one Grizzley!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I am onto the next 5 lbs. I will have a full leg brace on from my knee surgery for another 2-3 weeks so I’ll just keep doing what I have been doing.
    Have a great day everyone.
    From foggy Fieldbrook, CA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Brandy’s foot is better so we went to the dog park. :bigsmile: There was a good sized crowd of dogs many of whom were from out of town and here for the festival. Dogs are allowed at the street fair but not at the farms so many people take advantage of an outdoor dog sitting service provided by the local therapy dog club set up near the street fair while the people go visit the farms.

    We got a lot of our exercise today working in the yard. I think someone is coming in after dark and planting more weeds because no matter how many I pull there are more the next day. :explode: :explode:

    Last night Bernie was nowhere to be found at bedtime so we reluctantly went to bed with him still out. At 12:45 AM I was awakened by Brandy and Sasha barking. I got up and went out on the back porch and found Bernie under the table howling terrible things at the cat next door. Fortunately he let me pick him up and bring him into the house. After that, we all slept better

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary----how great that you like your new kick boxing DVD. Finding exercise that you like is half the battle. I wish you luck finding your balance with pizza and birthday cake. Walking will certainly help.

    :flowerforyou: Barb----all the walking you do amazes me. I’m glad you’ve been able to get back to it after putting so much of your energy into doing things for others. Congratulations on your weight loss. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Debbie
    I like your plan of healthy snacks for today and your great walking routine. Thanks for all the encouragement. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Lianne
    congratulations on your amazing weight loss…..so if you carry Grizzly around with you then you’ll know how you felt walking around before you dropped the pounds. I love your idea about logging onto MFP to ward off temptation. I sure admire your patience and good attitude about wearing that leg brace. Will you still be able to go to work with the brace? I notice that one of your goals is to recover from your knee surgery. It looks like that might be the most challenging of your goals.

    I guess everybody else must be out enjoying good summer weather and doing fun things.
    Hugs to all :heart: