jmp2020 Member


  • I wish I could still run. I immediately have to pee as soon as I start jogging lol.
  • I have done the ellipitcal throughout this pregnancy. Usually do about 45 min of that and then lift weights. Early on I had no weight restriction. Now I am limited to not lift more than 30lbs. So I just do a lot more reps to get the same result. I also do Zumba, Spin, walking etc. My doctor has me on very limited…
  • This is my first. I started wearing on a regular basis maternity clothes probably around 18-19 weeks. Things were definitely tighter on my waist and not as comfortable early on due to bloat, but now I couldn't squeeze into a pair of regular jeans even if I wanted to. 25w.
  • I am in the 2nd tri and have mine set on maintenance. Only because I inevitably go over almost every single day so it pretty much is equal to me gaining 1/2 lb a week in calories I consume. So far so good. I am exactly on track finally as of this week (25w). Before I was slightly ahead of the recommended weight gain…
  • Almond butter is a better alternative for pb. Tastes yummy too.