

  • SW: 93.9kgs (207pounds) CW: 90.9kgs (200pounds) GW For the month: 88.4kgs (195pounds) Weigh in Dates: 2/1 - 90.9kgs 2/8 - 89.6kgs 2/15 2/22 3/1 (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost so far: 3.7kgs Just for fun: When Ive lost another 5 pounds I am going to join a Body Pump class.
  • Thanks for the advice. Makes a lot of sense. I will have to have a good read of all those threads over the next few days. My main concern is that I am suffering from information overload and a lot of the information is conflicting. I'm worried that it will all just get too confusing and complicated and I will just give up.…
  • SW: 93.9kgs (207pounds) CW: 90.9kgs (200pounds) GW For the month: 88.4kgs (195pounds) Weigh in Dates: 2/1 - 90.9kgs 2/8 2/15 2/22 3/1 (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: Just for fun: When Ive lost another 5 pounds I am going to join a Body Pump class.
  • All great ideas, thanks! I will definately be trying my hardest to do all of them. I dont really mind if I dont lose any weight this week but I just dont want to gain any. Im off in a couple of hours, so I will chat with you next week and tell you how I went.
  • Thanks for all that info SkimFlatWhite. I will have to sit down and try to let it all sink in lol! I am really confues about all the BMR and TDEE etc etc etc.....I started on MFP thinking it would be simpler and I wouldnt have to count all day long. I absolutely HATE calorie counting and thought I'd just be able to punch…
  • I am returning to MFP. I joined 12 months or so ago but then decided to try the shake diet thing instead. Big mistake. Sure I lost weight quickly but as soon as I stopped it piled back on. And you're right, its cost way too much! I agree with you PammeFi, and Im going to try this again so that I learn how to change my…