Am I a cardio junkie???

Hi All,

I have been using MFP for a month now and have lost 2.4kgs and 15.9cms. I eat between 1300 - 1400 cals per day and exercise for 45mins a day.

My excerise is mainly cardio, either via my cross trainer or a boot camp dvd that incorparates some light weights.
I have 2 toddlers and am studying my diploma so all of my excerise is interval training to maximise by fat burn in a short workout.

I keep reading posts and blogs arguing that I should be eating more calories (which I find really hard to do) and doing a lot less cardio and focusing on doing weight training instead. They say that people eat 1200-1300cals and are cardio junkies will bun out fast and give up.

At the moment it is working for me. I enjoy cardio and cannot fit in lengthly training sessions. I also find it hard to eat alot more than 1400 cals. The only times I have is when Ive eaten junk food and that cant be good.

Any ideas or tips out there? SHould I just keep doing what I am doing and stop reading blogs?


  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi Andrea,

    I would not classify you as a cardio junkie.

    My advice to you is that it is early days yet. Make yourself and your fitness your new hobby for 2013. Read as much as you can about health and fitness and do what is right for you and what fits in with your lifestyle, family and time committments and long term goals. What is realistic for you that you can keep up for the rest of your life?

    In my opinion, some excellent threads and groups on this site are:

    In place of a Road Map:

    The explanation and spreadsheet on BMR and TDEE: I downloaded it and was very impressed with the detail. It is a great tool that changes your TDEE depending on cardio or weights and percentages. Also, the author answers questions personally so you can always ask if not sure.

    The Basics, don't complicate it:

    Links in MFP you will want to read again and again (lots of links here, all good):

    This is actually some really good information, but if you are sensitive to (censored) language (I have warned you), don't read it:

    Most of these threads also have references to other sites which make for some great reading.

    I have found that since joining MFP, I started doing it one way and have changed not only my thinking, but also my attitude and behaviours to food and exercise. It was all there, just a matter of putting the pieces together in the right order.

    So, again. Do what is right for you. Perhaps this month you can keep up the cardio regieme that you are currently doing, and then next month try doing weights. In the meantime - RESEARCH - nothing is set in stone. If you decide tomorrow that you are going to do more weights, that's fine. Change is good.

    And one more thing, by asking questions - of yourself, of others - you will get answers :)
  • AndreaLee16
    Thanks for the advice. Makes a lot of sense. I will have to have a good read of all those threads over the next few days.
    My main concern is that I am suffering from information overload and a lot of the information is conflicting. I'm worried that it will all just get too confusing and complicated and I will just give up.

    For now, I am happy with my progress so I will continue what I am doing and see how I feel in another month. I am in it for the long haul and have given myself til xmas to lose the weight so Im not interested in quick fixes anymore.

    Thanks again and good luck on your journey. You seem to be doing very well so far.

    p.s. I am so not offended by bad language lol!