

  • The veterans center that I work at now used to have onsite childcare but of course that was shut down... budget cuts and all that.
  • jedi mind tricks...... i think im scared
  • Ive lost 31 pounds and havent dropped a size. yes my clothes are baggy but I can't fit into a size smaller yet. This really messes with your head.
  • Ever seen the movie Love and other drugs.... it really proves what you said true.
  • do I count? Im 27 and Im back in college to get my BSN...?
  • I know exactly how you feel. I hate all of my wedding pictures!! I actually want o renew my vows once I lose my weight so I can have pictures I might actually hang up.
  • my true reason to lose weight was because of my daughter who is now 15 months old. I decided that the way I was living my life I was not going to be around very long I would probably never see a grandchild and I want to be around as long as possible for my family.
  • Alright thanks for the advice!!!
  • bump
  • Oh I have the same problem!! I hate using different scales to be weighed on. Im so bad for weighing myself twice a day just to see if I have gained any weight and then I hate myself afterwards because I have of course.
  • Thank you :smile:
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • All right you want my medical tone of voice then you will get it. Yes I made a mistake plain and simple. I trusted an advertisement on tv, I trusted girls I work with who are also BTW RN's as well and have used this diet to lose a large amount a weight and it worked. For Them! So are you skeptical about Jenny Craig?…
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • What exactly do you mean? The way I express myself? Yes I am a registered nurse!! Again with the attacks, I'll just stick to doing my diary and forget posting in here since people can't help but be rude!
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • Ok no im not being a bi*** and no I don't know anything about diet or nutrition. Yes I am a nurse and I take care of other people but I've never taken care of myself so I am trying to start. So please don't be rude. Thank you people for what support you have offered me but if people can only be rude to me I will not…
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • Oh thats a good question! I was wondering the same thing.
  • Thanks for the luck! I hope I can do it. I feel like the little engine that could only Im falling backwards down a giant mountain.... I think I can I think I can......
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • Thanks so much!! I would love some help! I sent you a friend request so any recipes or anything that can help please send my way.
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • No I don't know how to cook lol. Even if I did I wouldn't have time to cook... ok I take that back yes I could cook on tuesday and have food for everyday I work but ..... ahhh nothing else just but.
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • Sometimes all you ever need is a hug :flowerforyou:
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • The diet pills have been gone for weeks and I haven't taken a senna in a long time. The protein shakes I drink to help keep me from eating because if I didn't have the shakes I would be eating much worse so they do help that much.
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • I'm trying! I have actually never really dieted in my life. I never had a reason to want to be healthy before my daughter. I've always been the depressed person that looks for ways to end it all you know. Once she came around I found something to live for and I really want to be healthy as long as I live.
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • In the end all I really want is to be healthy. I have a 15 month old baby girl that I want to be around as long as possible for. I want to have more children and actually look pregnant. I don't want the looks when I am pregnant, you know the ones, is she pregnant or just fat? Yeah I got those ALL THE TIME! I never looked…
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • LOL that would have been the logical thing to do but I was looking for a fast way to drop a lot of weight because I really hate myself you know. So i picked the medical weight loss and am stuck paying for something that doesn't work for me. I'm out a few thousand dollars with no results.
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • Oh definitely not. I mean I already had some bowel problems... called spastic colitis which basically mean I poop about 3-4 times a day or well after at least every meal haha. Now with all the protein I started going maybe 1 every 2-3 days and that is not comfortable for me. I had to start taking senna sometimes to help me…
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • Wow I never realized how whiny I sounded. :embarassed:
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • See that's the thing you only see the doctor once a month if you ask them to let you see her. Then she only gives you a prescription and you leave. The people that work there have used the diet to lose like 30 pounds they aren't trying to lose major weight like someone like me. Yes they do tell me that I need to eat…
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • Haha you are a brave man for admitting that.
  • ah dont feel bad im in the same boat you are. Ive been at 22 pounds for 2 months and would give anything to start losing again.
  • Well I have stopped the diet pills. I haven't taken them in a few weeks actually so I never really had any withdrawel or anything from them. The only thin with the medical weight loss is I had to pay for that and am still paying for that no matter if I lose or not and it is A LOT OF MONEY. I was supposed to lose 100lbs in…
    in Diet pills Comment by cassienp May 2012
  • Actually it is healthy to lose 2 pounds per week so she's not asking for too much. Anything can be considered exercise really. Trying dancing! Get into zumba or even get the just dance game and have fun. You really burn a lot of calories doing that.