Lenny0714 Member


  • I usually have a 650 cal or so breakfasts and that includes my post workout shake. For lunch it's about 450-500 cals,dinner 500' and snacks about 400. My snacks are at 4 pm and then after dinner. I'm aiming for 2000 cals. I eat pretty much the same things or types of things everyday. Hope this is helpful :)
  • Hiya, I can't comment on anyone else's deficit,but for me I'm usually at about a 250 a day deficit. I'm eating about 2000 cals a day. My TDEE is 2150 at med intensity according to scoobyworkshop.com and 2390 for 5-6 days a week at strenuous int,so I try to average the 2 since some days I'm more active than others. I have…
  • Ok cool. I was thinking that from the few posts I read. I was thinking the calf would be good only because only the first 8 mins are weights with arms and then arms are stationary holding the back of chair for support for leg and butt portion which is about 25 mins. Then abs/back on floor about 20 mins. Most of the time my…
  • My favorite go to drink right now is Whipped Vodka by Pinnacle with diet cream soda or diet Sunkist. A serving size of vodka is 1.5 oz at about 150 cals,so it does add up quick if your not watching or someone else is making it. I usually budget myself about 6 oz if I know I'm gonna hang with friends. I don't like to taste…