

  • Totally agree, I have been a PT for just over 10yrs now and I am still researching new things and finding new ways of doing stuff, even with my vast knowlwdge and back ground. I learnt more in 2 months when I worked for a hospital doing rehab then I ever did on all my courses. I only took that job to open my eyes to other…
  • Hay Desirai, Its a common problem with people who train and want to lose weight because they are so fixed on the cal they burn, but what they forget is it isnt till you get out of the gym and start eating and fueling back up,that is were the real magic begins. When people cardio they should really be doing it to fat burn…
  • Strenght Training first always then cardio
  • As a master trainer From the UK I have seen the fitness industry become a joke, 8 or 9 week courses then your a PT Thats worl wide, you cannot learn the origins or insertion points in that time properly never mind ALL the knowledge that it takes to become a PT. Sorry if I offend anyone on here, but it is so fustrating when…
  • Hay Katy, what I mean by weighted interval training is exercises using weights, working your full body at a high RPE. The more muscles you work the more fat your going to burn. we dont want weight off we want body fat % down, big difference. Google/youtube full body interval training and that will give you a good idea of…
  • Hay Jane, what do you mean by a little girl, because a little girl shouldnt be worried about ab's they should be worried about boys and dolls etc etc lol, send me an email and explain in depth abit better please. I have trained people with eating disorders who were like stick insects and they didnt have ab's either, all…
  • Mine would have to be face, smile eyes then body. But From behind it would be calves, my god a woman with a great set of them drives me up the wwall lol. ok calm down karl lol
  • Taylors lakes area. whats going on with this weather lol
  • Hay, we all have ab's, finding them is another matter. each individual has their own journey in the way they find them. The number one proven fact though is DIET. you can train every hr of every day, but if your diet is even just abit out then sorry you wont find your ab's. When I get ready for a photo shoot or a show I…