urnmor Member


  • When I retired as a hobby, I took up cooking and baking. I not only tasted what I was making I also ate the finished results either at meal time or as a snack. I justified this because i also exercised. I put on over forty pounds. I am now taking it off with the help of MFP. By entering the foods that I ate I learned the…
  • I hit both a speed bag and a heavy bag however that has never happen to me. My guess is that you over exerted yourself and may not have put sufficient fluids back into your system. Bottom line is i would ask either a fitness specialist or your doctor why this happens just to be on the safe side.
  • If you decide to cook them with skin on take a couple of slices of lemon in place under the skin then grill or bake. I also add salt and pepper or a BBG rub on the skin. Be sure to remove the skin before eating. Another option is to pound them out an stuff them, then grill them. You can use almost anything for the…
  • Have you looked into buying an inexpensive pedometer that counts the number of steps you take some even convert them to calories. Or if you have a smart phone you can buy an app that does the same thing. I have one on my IPOD touch that I use when I am either walking or cooking in my kitchen. I then post the data as part…