Still hungry - looking for ideas

Hey there, I started here two days ago on a limit of 1200 calories per day, and I'm finding I'm always hungry. I'm on my feet most of the day with a toddler, but its really difficult to establish what kind of calorie burning that is...I feel as though I am burning through the food too fast, but not able to reflect it on my exercise diary.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions regarding:
How to log moving around after a toddler all day on the exercise diary,
Any suggestions for healthy, fresh, more filling food?

Thanks and good luck to everyone :)


  • saraht131
    saraht131 Posts: 86
    Don't record your lifestyle as sedentary because it sounds like you're quite active with a toddler! Also, eat more. It's much better to eat more and burn off excess calories to keep your net calories at 1200 than it is to eat 1200 calories and not exercise.
  • Sneeze1970
    Sneeze1970 Posts: 18
    Gosh thats a tough taget, I'm on 1380 and find it hard but rice cakes & corn cakes have been my saving grace. I find they really fill me up especially with cottage cheese or hummus and then a bit of protein (ham or chicken) on top. I've also hunted around to find snacks that are satisfying but not too high in calories that I can spread out through the day.

    I'm also on my feet most of the day as a teacher aide but don't log it as exercise as I don't want to be tempted to eat it back (if that makes sense). Not quite sure how you'd account for it but every now and again I use the 'Light Housework' option.

    Good luck!
  • rohenna
    rohenna Posts: 21
    Thanks guys - I'm the same as you, Sneeze :) I don't want to record it too much in case I am not doing what I think I am, but then, I only literally count when Im doing housework, not lifting my son or chasing after him or playing with him. I might just add an extra hour per day and be done with that, filed under Light Housework. Love the ham/chicken/hummous on rice cakes idea. Will try it tomorrow, thanks for the tip. :)

    Thanks Sarah, I'm gearing up to more and more exercise, which is pretty good considering it was only incidental. I recorded my lifestyle as the one above Sedentary, as Im certainly not that with a toddler!
  • hikerchic
    hikerchic Posts: 23
    I agree with the others. I have mine set to loose one pound a week and get to eat enough that I don't feel like I am dieting, never feel hungry and get to treat myself too. If calories are set too low you may not be able to stick with it that long. My mindset from the beginning has been to do this from now on so i can get healthy and stay healthy for the rest of my life. If I only had 1200 calories to eat I know it would be temporary and the weight would come back on as soon as I quit. I would shoot for something liveable for a long time. By the way, Since I started I have lost at least one pound a week. I rather do it slow and comfortable, than starve for quick results that will be short lived. Good luck!

    I eat raw veggies and dip them in mustard. Hardly any calories and can be very filling.
    Also eat things with high fiber and protein to stay satisfied longer.
    Drink lots of water, sometimes hunger and be confused with actually being dehydrated. And a big glass of water can hold you over a little til mealtime by faking a filling feeling.
  • ehalps26
    ehalps26 Posts: 25 Member
    here are a couple ideas. gum, diet soda, anything from walden farms. arnold palmer zero. anything with zero cals will obviously be irrelevant to your macronutrient breakdown so use them in between meals to save you
  • urnmor
    urnmor Posts: 9 Member
    Have you looked into buying an inexpensive pedometer that counts the number of steps you take some even convert them to calories. Or if you have a smart phone you can buy an app that does the same thing. I have one on my IPOD touch that I use when I am either walking or cooking in my kitchen. I then post the data as part of my exercise.
  • NNsMomma
    NNsMomma Posts: 18 Member
    Well, it sounds like your 1200 calories are not nutritious calories - in other words, they are empty calories which will leave your body looking for nutrition thus making you hungry. You have to get the most out of the 1200 calories. Make sure everything you eat is wholesome and close to nature. No processed frozen foods. Lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. You will have to shop and cook. Leave the "diet" foods at the store. They are designed to tempt you but not fuel your body.

    Once your body rids itself of the sugars and processed foods, your' hunger will dissipate. Just takes a day or two of eating healthy. Plus, remember, feeling hungry never killed anybody. 1200 is more than enough fuel if you get the most for your caloric buck!
  • lidybug1984
    lidybug1984 Posts: 71 Member
    I've been having a protein shake in the morning, its really filling with the protein powder, frozen fruit (no sugar added), spinach and a little agave! Tastes great and it keeps me full until lunch and sometimes even longer!
  • SuprGirl33
    SuprGirl33 Posts: 5
    Hi, remember that fiber and protein help you feel full and are also good for you. Of course with those you'll want to find some lower calorie options. It looks like you got some good ideas on those from other members here.

    I also wanted to share a website that is great for finding out how many calories you burn during a particular activity. I'm not posting it in opposition to MFP, only for the benefit of the calorie burning calculator. with children, light&mets=2.8

    That particular page will have you enter in your weight and duration of play, thus giving you an amount of calories you burned for 'playing with children, light'. But you can go and find out how many calories you burn for many more activities and then count them as exercise and at least be able to eat a few more per day. If you're expending a lot of energy then your body probably needs a little bit more than 1200. Hope this helps!
  • yabba45
    yabba45 Posts: 35
    I eat lots of veggies, and man I feel full all day long...never did when I ate all my junk
  • goturtlego
    goturtlego Posts: 3 Member
    After a few days, it gets easier. You're probably used to just always having a full belly- I know I have been. Your body will get used to eating less. You can also fill up on fruits and veggies. Lettuce has hardly any calories but will fill you up. Snack on carrot sticks or slices of jicama throughout the day. Drink lots and lots of water, that will help to fl your belly, too.
  • rohenna
    rohenna Posts: 21
    Thanks guys - I have noticed I tend to eat more carbs than protein, even if the food is usually fresh - I'll have homemade soup but with noodles in it, or a salad rool with I'm trying to change that.

    I also calculated my BMR and it came out at 1474, so I've changed my daily calories to that, and found Im not starving anymore, and I still have managed to lose a kg...(couple of pounds).

    I have looked at those protein shakes, still considering them. I love fruit and raw veg, but my metabolism tends to speed up heaps once I get exercising, so I've just been starving on them. Now I throw in some sliced meat or similar to protein it up - much better.

    And water, oh yes water! Its a great filler til the next meal. Which reminds me...gotta go drink some now. Thanks again, all of you - such great advice.
  • rohenna
    rohenna Posts: 21
    Well, it sounds like your 1200 calories are not nutritious calories - in other words, they are empty calories which will leave your body looking for nutrition thus making you hungry. You have to get the most out of the 1200 calories. Make sure everything you eat is wholesome and close to nature. No processed frozen foods. Lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. You will have to shop and cook. Leave the "diet" foods at the store. They are designed to tempt you but not fuel your body.

    Once your body rids itself of the sugars and processed foods, your' hunger will dissipate. Just takes a day or two of eating healthy. Plus, remember, feeling hungry never killed anybody. 1200 is more than enough fuel if you get the most for your caloric buck!

    I hate the idea of diet foods - anything with numbers I prefer to keep away from if possible. I prefer basic, homemade, simple foods, and I love to cook, all of which are working in my favour. I just have to steer off the empty carbs and up the protein, I think. Sugar is a bad one though - I have been addicted to it in the past. Now Im trying to replace sweet food with fruit - still sugar but much better for me.
  • rohenna
    rohenna Posts: 21
    Have you looked into buying an inexpensive pedometer that counts the number of steps you take some even convert them to calories. Or if you have a smart phone you can buy an app that does the same thing. I have one on my IPOD touch that I use when I am either walking or cooking in my kitchen. I then post the data as part of my exercise.

    What a great idea! I have been adding an hour of light housework to my exercise each day to cater for chasing a toddler and basic housework etc that I don't think to include, but this is much more precise. I'll look into it, thanks!