lianluo Member


  • Oh man reading these posts makes me feel I'm not alone! I'm convinced it's a big part of my weight gain. I have no problem saying no to desserts but wine? That is sooo hard those darn cravings!
  • Listen to Virgodess! She's tread your path, don't give up! It may eventually come that you might want or need a bit of nip/tuck to remove extra skin. But give it time and motor on through this valley of your journey. I've gone under the scapel for the saggy girls (genetic, always that way even as a teen) and I have ZERO…
  • I like LaCroix sparkling water. No sodium/no sugar...just carbonated water, but feels like Soda. I particularly like their Grapefruit flavored for a bit of flavor. I find that it is a good substitute for sodas and makes me drink more water than I would otherwise.
  • Well that is the challenge...the motivation. How about trying small steps such as parking far out in the parking lot so you add more walking. Stop while you are working to do 10 air squats every couple of hours, etc. Just try to build in a little bit more while you are working. I struggle with the same thing-in fact, I…
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