January 2015 - No Alcohol Challenge!



  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Day 28: Still going strong and not even tempted...I think I've broken my bad habits at last! I'll be interested to see how everyone's weight has been affected by not drinking. I've lost 11lbs so far this month...I think a lot of that is to do with the no booze thing but I'm also off the sugar, sticking pretty strictly to 1200 cals per day and doing plenty of exercise. But laying off the booze means that I have better willpower to eat healthily and I'm not too hungover to exercise....so, it all comes back to the no booze challenge. Feeling great!

  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    I hope a new challenge starts in February. I would love to join. Drinking increases my appetite and lowers my inhibitions regarding my food choices. I tend to eat more of what I want instead of and less I what I should when I drink.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    loved1 wrote: »
    I hope a new challenge starts in February. I would love to join. Drinking increases my appetite and lowers my inhibitions regarding my food choices. I tend to eat more of what I want instead of and less I what I should when I drink.

    I am in is someone starts a February challenge. I don't want to be responsible for being the leader but I sure do want the support! Today is day 1 to follow this to the 2/14 extension. I was doing well until vacation that started 3 weeks ago and now I am back to drinking so wanted a group to go dry for a month. Or 5 weeks. :)
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Day 29: Nearly there....not at all fussed about the booze at the mo....the bad habit has been broken. Just a tad worried that when I start drinking again (in moderation at weekends/special occasions) that I'll start doing that 'I know it's Tuesday but I've had a bad day so I'm getting a bottle of wine' thing again. Is anyone else thinking that? Am worried that I'm such an 'all or nothing' type of person that I won't be able to do moderation. Don't want to give up my beloved red wine for good though. I guess I'll just try the moderation thing and if it all goes down that slippery slope then I'll have another break from it. Am hoping to keep off the booze until Valentines Day.

    How's everyone else doing? What are your thoughts about drinking again?
  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    Still alcohol free! 23 days and counting. This continues to be a world record for me
  • gemm30
    gemm30 Posts: 110 Member
    Day 29: Nearly there....not at all fussed about the booze at the mo....the bad habit has been broken. Just a tad worried that when I start drinking again (in moderation at weekends/special occasions) that I'll start doing that 'I know it's Tuesday but I've had a bad day so I'm getting a bottle of wine' thing again. Is anyone else thinking that? Am worried that I'm such an 'all or nothing' type of person that I won't be able to do moderation. Don't want to give up my beloved red wine for good though. I guess I'll just try the moderation thing and if it all goes down that slippery slope then I'll have another break from it. Am hoping to keep off the booze until Valentines Day.

    How's everyone else doing? What are your thoughts about drinking again?

    To be honest I'm a little worried about going down the slippery slope again, so I've decided I'm just going to keep going for a bit no exact date just going to keep reasoning with myself whenever I go down the wine isle, do I really want it or can I do without. If I Do have one no big deal just going to see it as a reset date. If that makes any sense at all.
  • JohnH71
    JohnH71 Posts: 123 Member
    gemm30 wrote: »
    Day 29: Nearly there....not at all fussed about the booze at the mo....the bad habit has been broken. Just a tad worried that when I start drinking again (in moderation at weekends/special occasions) that I'll start doing that 'I know it's Tuesday but I've had a bad day so I'm getting a bottle of wine' thing again. Is anyone else thinking that? Am worried that I'm such an 'all or nothing' type of person that I won't be able to do moderation. Don't want to give up my beloved red wine for good though. I guess I'll just try the moderation thing and if it all goes down that slippery slope then I'll have another break from it. Am hoping to keep off the booze until Valentines Day.

    How's everyone else doing? What are your thoughts about drinking again?

    To be honest I'm a little worried about going down the slippery slope again, so I've decided I'm just going to keep going for a bit no exact date just going to keep reasoning with myself whenever I go down the wine isle, do I really want it or can I do without. If I Do have one no big deal just going to see it as a reset date. If that makes any sense at all.

    Like you both, I also want to still drink, but not as much. The 'hard Tuesday' example sounds just like me. My plan is to not drink this weekend, even though some of my friends who also abstained for January are calling it a day on Saturday, and not drink next week in the work day evenings. Then I'm going out on a birthday do a week tomorrow, that will be my first drink, then an afternoon drink either Sat or Sun depending on when my mate wants to go out.

    Then I'm going to see how I feel. If I feel I can limit it to once or twice a week, and never, ever, on a work night, then that will be the plan going forward. If this doesn't look like its going to work, then I know what I need to do. Stop all together.

  • caddir
    caddir Posts: 150 Member
    I'm still going strong and plan to keep it up until the start of February. I thought of doing until next weekend because I want to keep alcohol just for weekends, though my sister is visiting next Friday so I imagine that I will share some wine with her.

    The biggest issue for me is the wine we put in cooking and the hot chocolate with brandy which we tend to have some winter nights. That's been something I am having to turn down with a slight regret.

    Since I started the diet with no alcohol, it will be interesting to see how much of an effect it will have on my weight loss to reintroduce alcohol into the mix.

  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    gemm30 wrote: »
    Day 29: Nearly there....not at all fussed about the booze at the mo....the bad habit has been broken. Just a tad worried that when I start drinking again (in moderation at weekends/special occasions) that I'll start doing that 'I know it's Tuesday but I've had a bad day so I'm getting a bottle of wine' thing again. Is anyone else thinking that? Am worried that I'm such an 'all or nothing' type of person that I won't be able to do moderation. Don't want to give up my beloved red wine for good though. I guess I'll just try the moderation thing and if it all goes down that slippery slope then I'll have another break from it. Am hoping to keep off the booze until Valentines Day.

    How's everyone else doing? What are your thoughts about drinking again?

    To be honest I'm a little worried about going down the slippery slope again, so I've decided I'm just going to keep going for a bit no exact date just going to keep reasoning with myself whenever I go down the wine isle, do I really want it or can I do without. If I Do have one no big deal just going to see it as a reset date. If that makes any sense at all.
    JohnH71 wrote: »
    gemm30 wrote: »
    Day 29: Nearly there....not at all fussed about the booze at the mo....the bad habit has been broken. Just a tad worried that when I start drinking again (in moderation at weekends/special occasions) that I'll start doing that 'I know it's Tuesday but I've had a bad day so I'm getting a bottle of wine' thing again. Is anyone else thinking that? Am worried that I'm such an 'all or nothing' type of person that I won't be able to do moderation. Don't want to give up my beloved red wine for good though. I guess I'll just try the moderation thing and if it all goes down that slippery slope then I'll have another break from it. Am hoping to keep off the booze until Valentines Day.

    How's everyone else doing? What are your thoughts about drinking again?

    To be honest I'm a little worried about going down the slippery slope again, so I've decided I'm just going to keep going for a bit no exact date just going to keep reasoning with myself whenever I go down the wine isle, do I really want it or can I do without. If I Do have one no big deal just going to see it as a reset date. If that makes any sense at all.

    Like you both, I also want to still drink, but not as much. The 'hard Tuesday' example sounds just like me. My plan is to not drink this weekend, even though some of my friends who also abstained for January are calling it a day on Saturday, and not drink next week in the work day evenings. Then I'm going out on a birthday do a week tomorrow, that will be my first drink, then an afternoon drink either Sat or Sun depending on when my mate wants to go out.

    Then I'm going to see how I feel. If I feel I can limit it to once or twice a week, and never, ever, on a work night, then that will be the plan going forward. If this doesn't look like its going to work, then I know what I need to do. Stop all together.


    I'm glad I'm not the only one who is a tad worried about losing control. Am sending you both a friend request. It'll be nice to stay in touch once January is over.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Day 3 for me. Reading all your posts has been really inspiring for me. 2-3 days is usually not an issue. 4 to 5 I start wanting the relaxation and escape a few glasses of wine can bring so this weekend will be my hard time. Hopefully a few of you will keep on so I can have company. Congrats to all in this thread for your success.
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    I didn't do this challenge BUT cut down my alcohol consumption pretty dramatically (usually would drink maybe 14 days out of the month, this month it's been maybe 3-4) and I've lost 5kg haha!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Well weigh loss was my original motivation but I also want proof I can do it. I did a diet a few years ago that excluded alcohol for a few months but haven't tried not to drink since and the frequency and amount of my alcohol has increased as well. So in addition to the weight loss it will good to do a check in on the role of wine in my life. :)
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Day 30: Nearly there!!! Stay strong!!! Is anyone else having crazy cravings now that we are getting to the end of the challenge?

    Really want to continue until Valentines day....but worried I'll cave on Sunday because the official challenge will be over.

  • gemm30
    gemm30 Posts: 110 Member
    Day 30: Nearly there!!! Stay sBtrong!!! Is anyone else having crazy cravings now that we are getting to the end of the challenge?

    Really want to continue until Valentines day....but worried I'll cave on Sunday because the official challenge will be over.


    I've just been invited out tomorrow night with 2 of my friends that have also done the challenge, it's going to be a big lots of alcohol blow out, so have politely declined not solely because of te alcohol, it's to cold to go out I'm a bit of a hermit in the winter, instead if feelin gutted about not going, I feel great that I'm not going to be hungover Sunday.
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    gemm30 wrote: »
    Day 30: Nearly there!!! Stay sBtrong!!! Is anyone else having crazy cravings now that we are getting to the end of the challenge?

    Really want to continue until Valentines day....but worried I'll cave on Sunday because the official challenge will be over.


    I've just been invited out tomorrow night with 2 of my friends that have also done the challenge, it's going to be a big lots of alcohol blow out, so have politely declined not solely because of te alcohol, it's to cold to go out I'm a bit of a hermit in the winter, instead if feelin gutted about not going, I feel great that I'm not going to be hungover Sunday.

    We were invited to a party on Saturday but declined as I'd hate to cave at the last minute....but my cravings are getting BAD....and my husband just came home and said 'I'm dying for a drink!'.....We really are as bad as each other. Lord knows how we've managed 30 days off!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    This is my 26th day! Fourth weekend in a row coming up. The future hubs wants to take it to the end of February! I can do it! (maybe.. )
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    ill go crazy if I don't have a drink
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    good work all you guys, this is month ten for me, and I know what a pain it is to even give it up for a weekend.
  • lianluo
    lianluo Posts: 5 Member
    Oh man reading these posts makes me feel I'm not alone! I'm convinced it's a big part of my weight gain. I have no problem saying no to desserts but wine? That is sooo hard those darn cravings!