

  • Oh...and make sure you stretch really well when your finished exercising. I didn't last night and my legs are a bit sore but if I do I'm fine the next day. If you check out fit2fat2fit.com I do the stretches he did for the first month once he started working out again. I do them each for 30 seconds. Takes a bit of time but…
    in Stuck Comment by Tibur86 September 2012
  • I'm doing couch to 5k right now and haven't ran in about 10 years. Each week bumps up the amount of time your run. I usually can't do the first day without walking for few seconds but the second and third days go much smoother. The first week I had no idea how I was going to run longer than 30 seconds and last night I ran…
    in Stuck Comment by Tibur86 September 2012
  • I don't like seafood :( But it sounds like it would be a good recipe with chicken! Thanks :)
  • I have not tried pineapple yet. It's one of my favorite fruits though so I will juice that soon!! Thank you :)
  • It is tough when you aren't the one cooking. This weekend my boyfriend and I went back to his parents and I my body doesn't feel as good just from those few days of not eating very healthy. What I always try to do is cut back on the portion size I would normaly take, and take extra veggies. My boyfriend and I both love…
  • I just had a subway turkey & ham on 9 grain wheat with american cheese and veggies for lunch. YUMMMMM!! With Spicy Chipotle Sun Chips and tea... 540 cals.
  • I usually try to plan my meals around what is on sale. I figure out what I'm going to make for the week and buy what I need to make my meals. When things that won't spoil, or that can be put in the freezer, are on sale I stock up. I usually spend about $75 a week for 2 people. I only buy the fruits and veggies that are on…
  • Ugh, that happens to me too!!! I got a wii about a month ago and for about the first 3 weeks I was really good about using my wii active game i got so I went out and got a pilates video to do too. I was feeling good after the exercises and eating well. I don't have a scale but I could tell by the way my clothes were…
  • Chocolate pudding or the 100 calorie packs yogurt covered pretzles. I love chocolate so anything that tastes like chocolate that i can have more than 1 little piece of (because I can never have just 1) is great!
  • hey buzzkitty- i didn't find the paddle surfing or water skiing...do they add more activities as you do more workouts? I just have volleyball, basketball, baseball, and tennis.
  • Buzzkitty- I'll have to check that out tonight and see if i can find it. I love doing the boxing too! I didn't realize there were water sports on there either so I'll have to see if I can find those too tonight. Thanks!
  • I got the Wii Active game a few weeks ago and LOVE it! The only thing I wish it had was more ab workouts. What do other people that have this game do for ab workouts?
  • Oh my gosh BuzzKitty that sounds so fun! haha I went and got my Wii last night and got the active game. I was thinking about getting that one but since the original one came with all the extras I went with the original...but now I want to go get the other one. And I've only had it for 24 hours! LOL
  • Ok, so I FINALLY got my Wii last night! WOoHoo!! I started the 30 day challenge last night, so I am on day 2. Boy are my legs hurting! lol I was getting frusterated with it at first because some of the exercises weren't regestering and it was saying I wasn't doing them right. But then my boyfriend realized I didn't have…
  • I tried to go out and get one last night but they are still out and won't have any until thursday :( i dont want to waite a week! haha i go out for walks a lot in the summer time but it is sooooo cold and icy here that i haven't been able to go out much lately. i'm not a big fan of going to the gym. so, i can't waite to…
  • I really want this game now!!!!!!! haha I went to Best Buy Monday to get the Wii and this game and they were all sold out and said they would hopefully have more in a week. But I'm not going to waite a week, I'm going to go check back tomorrow!!! I'm so excited! :)
  • I just recently tried the Flat Out Bread- Whole grain with flax and they are actually pretty good and soft so they don't fall apart like the whole grain tortillas do. They are 100 cals per slice and I usually only use 1/2 of 1 to make a sandwich (but i don't put much on my sandwiches...just meat and cheese). I found these…
  • Breakfast- Mixed Fruit Lunch- 1/2 flat out bread, sara lee oven roasted turkey, monterey jack cheese, kettle corn rice snacks Snack- Blueberry Yogurt Dinner- Chicken Alfredo Snack- ? I got a new thing for christmas where i can write down my meals that i want to make for the week along with the grocery list. It is helping…
  • I like the chocolate mini wheats and the special K with the chocolate pieces!