
Joined MFP 4 months ago. Lost 3lbs. Seriously? On 1340 calories which i rarely go over? Then I see other people who lost 20-30 lbs in 4-6 months. I hate exercising (no i can't "find something i love doing"), possible thyroid issues, on top of horrible genetics. Fed up, but I know I can't throw in the towel...just tired of being huge. :(


  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    If 30lbs is all you need to lose your aren't huge. If you are not losing like you want, you need to either lower your calories or up your activities or possibly both. Something isn't balancing correctly. If your lower your calories and increase your activity you may see a change. What I am seeing here, everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for the next.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I hate exercising (no i can't "find something i love doing")

  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Your food diary is not open.

    Some people, including myself, have to eliminate certain foods for good health and weight loss. Perhaps you are not eating enough or have other health issues? Genetics and contaminants play a role but most people can overcome that with a healthy diet. Not exercising will certainly slow weight loss as well. I don't exercise much but I get spurts of activity here and there. Since you don't have much weight to lose (30 lbs?), you will lose slower than a bigger person and your results will be better if you can find a way to add even small amounts of exercise.
  • Maybe you should cut off some carbs or add some exercice... Try changing different things until you find the best diet plan that suits your body. For example I'm 160 cm tall and now weight 52; according to my plan I should eat 1200 calories a day but if I do it I get fat, maybe 300gr by doing that. So, what I do is that the days I don't go out home I eat 600 calories (full of essencial nutrients of course, you have to priority that!) and not to eat after 5 PM. and next day I've lost 300gr - 400gr.
    Then you can also add green tea or more natural juices in your diet. This probably will help you in your weight loss.
    Good luck~~
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    keep on keepin' on
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    @Adini: Because i hate ALL of it. i hate running/jogging gives me shin splints/red face/heart rate out of control/legs hurt/can't breathe. Lifting? Every single i do it i'm sore FOR DAYS. every. single. time. how can i go for a walk or jog the next day when i can barely move?? not many recreational sports for 28 year old females...unless i join one of the 1,000 mens softball leagues...
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Joined MFP 4 months ago. Lost 3lbs. Seriously? On 1340 calories which i rarely go over? Then I see other people who lost 20-30 lbs in 4-6 months. I hate exercising (no i can't "find something i love doing"), possible thyroid issues, on top of horrible genetics. Fed up, but I know I can't throw in the towel...just tired of being huge. :(

    You don't have to exercise to lose weight.

    Are you logging everything? Condiments, beverages, bites off someone else's plate and all that?

    Are you measuring with a food scale?
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    open your dairy...and move...i know a lady losing weight by hula hooping...EVERY DAY

    BTW Ive been here 2 years...Ive only lost 38 pounds,,,,but im not gonna making excuses about it...i eat a lot of CRAP..
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Your food diary is not open.

    Some people, including myself, have to eliminate certain foods for good health and weight loss. Perhaps you are not eating enough or have other health issues? Genetics and contaminants play a role but most people can overcome that with a healthy diet. Not exercising will certainly slow weight loss as well. I don't exercise much but I get spurts of activity here and there. Since you don't have much weight to lose (30 lbs?), you will lose slower than a bigger person and your results will be better if you can find a way to add even small amounts of exercise.

    ^ yeah...i KNOW i need to exercise, and i KNOW that when i do, i feel absolutely amazing...but if i stop for two days, i get back in a rut again. and sometimes if i lose weight i'll say "okay i can afford a bag of chips now" I NEED TO STOP DOING THAT. thanks for your reply :)
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    open your dairy...and move...i know a lady losing weight by hula hooping...EVERY DAY

    BTW Ive been here 2 years...Ive only lost 38 pounds,,,,but im not gonna making excuses about it...i eat a lot of CRAP..

    Really? Hm...i like where you're going with that. Is that ALL she did?
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    @Adini: Because i hate ALL of it. i hate running/jogging gives me shin splints/red face/heart rate out of control/legs hurt/can't breathe. Lifting? Every single i do it i'm sore FOR DAYS. every. single. time. how can i go for a walk or jog the next day when i can barely move?? not many recreational sports for 28 year old females...unless i join one of the 1,000 mens softball leagues...

    You don't HAVE to exercise to lose weight. But you're in Philly! Join the Philadelphia Sports Club. They have all sorts of recreational sports. I played volleyball with them when I lived there. Met tons of people that way.

    ETA: Actually, I think it was called the Philadelphia Sports and Social Club. I've got a few of their t-shirts somewhere around here.
  • @Adini: Because i hate ALL of it. i hate running/jogging gives me shin splints/red face/heart rate out of control/legs hurt/can't breathe. Lifting? Every single i do it i'm sore FOR DAYS. every. single. time. how can i go for a walk or jog the next day when i can barely move?? not many recreational sports for 28 year old females...unless i join one of the 1,000 mens softball leagues...

    For running at least, you might be trying to do too much too fast. Have you tried Couch to 5K? It's a great program aimed at absolute beginners in running.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Joined MFP 4 months ago. Lost 3lbs. Seriously? On 1340 calories which i rarely go over? Then I see other people who lost 20-30 lbs in 4-6 months. I hate exercising (no i can't "find something i love doing"), possible thyroid issues, on top of horrible genetics. Fed up, but I know I can't throw in the towel...just tired of being huge. :(

    You don't have to exercise to lose weight.

    Are you logging everything? Condiments, beverages, bites off someone else's plate and all that?

    Are you measuring with a food scale?

    trust me i log evvveerryyyyttthhiinnngg even if it makes me feel like *kitten* after lol because i like to know exactly how much damage i've done.

    but no i haven't bought a food scale yet and i should. when i log my food i choose the options that don't go by grams...cause i have no concept of grams whatsoever lol

    yes, note to self: buy a food scale already!
  • Who said running was the only way to exercise? You can walk, swim - whatever. The point is to just get moving - you can do it! You just have to want to.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    @Adini: Because i hate ALL of it. i hate running/jogging gives me shin splints/red face/heart rate out of control/legs hurt/can't breathe. Lifting? Every single i do it i'm sore FOR DAYS. every. single. time. how can i go for a walk or jog the next day when i can barely move?? not many recreational sports for 28 year old females...unless i join one of the 1,000 mens softball leagues...

    For running at least, you might be trying to do too much too fast. Have you tried Couch to 5K? It's a great program aimed at absolute beginners in running.

    printed it. haven't started it. as usual. heard it's great though. thanks :)
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Who said running was the only way to exercise? You can walk, swim - whatever. The point is to just get moving - you can do it! You just have to want to.

    I don't want to, because I hate it with a passion. I try to tell myself "you hate it, it sucks, but it's a necessary evil that must be done. just like school and/or work. life doesn't revolve around sitting on the couch". but that lasts about 2 weeks before i quit again..
  • Okay, well if you don't want to exercise and want to lose weight from a reduction calories only, then you should read this. You need to know if 1340 calories a day is right for you. Hope that helps.
  • Ramonanc
    Ramonanc Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe you're doing too much, too soon. Start with cardio and work till you have more stamina. When you begin strength training, start slowly...low weights---only one set of 10 or 12 reps per exercise. You will be sore, but hopefully it will be tolerable. Work your way up very gradually. Add a few pounds to your routine once a week or even every two weeks. Don't give up!!!!:smile:
  • I'm doing couch to 5k right now and haven't ran in about 10 years. Each week bumps up the amount of time your run. I usually can't do the first day without walking for few seconds but the second and third days go much smoother. The first week I had no idea how I was going to run longer than 30 seconds and last night I ran for 5 minutes! I start week 5 tomorrow. I should be farther but got off track a few times. I just started back up where I left off and still did fine.
  • Oh...and make sure you stretch really well when your finished exercising. I didn't last night and my legs are a bit sore but if I do I'm fine the next day. If you check out I do the stretches he did for the first month once he started working out again. I do them each for 30 seconds. Takes a bit of time but makes a big difference in how you feel the next day.