cepemp Member


  • I am still reeling from the comment I received at the YMCA in November when I was working out and an EMPLOYEE of the gym stated how much weight I've gained....said it a few times. I left sobbing in tears...when I complained about it they did nothing about it. I cancelled my membership and joined Planet Fitness which is…
  • My I'VE HAD IT moment has been for a while now but I was working out at the GYM and someone that worked there commented serveral times on how much weight I've gained. Ive been through a lot in the past year and as a result put on a lot of weight. I had lost a lot before and people are commenting and looking at me like I'm…
  • I think you look amazing and I know how you feel...when I lost a lot of weight, I had comments saying Im too skinny and people would actually pick on me for eating healthy...I felt like I never fit in and certain friends didn't want to be around me anymore because of how I looked. So I gave up and gained some weight back…
  • ME TOO ! :bigsmile:
    in Back at it Comment by cepemp June 2012