10bri10 Member


  • Sounds to me like you hate the weights! While they're great? Don't make yourself do them if you hate them! Find something you like to do! Join a Zumba Class, A spin class, go swim laps etc etc. If you're on the treadmill try an interval workout, and same for the spin bike or elliptical. if they have an auto setting, start…
  • I've also been told its a circulation thing, I had a nurse suggest to me at one point that because mine also is only outside, that when my pores are all opened up and i am sweating that it could be related to increased exposure to allergens. I don't have any evidence for that, but moving to inside worked for me if i want…
  • I had an ex tell me one day while trying on swim suits (mortifying as is) "wow babe, you've put on some weight". I had been ignoring it - telling myself I was healthy, but in fact I had put back on about 15/40 lbs i had lost just before I met him. It took him telling me that, to motivate me to change and lose it again. I…
  • Something else you could potentially try, is mixing up your workouts a bit more? Instead of doing the same thing 3 days a week, try walking or calisthenics or videos. Adding Zumba is a great shake up. I know if I get into a workout rut, so does my weight.