

  • Thank you all so much! I have been reading an rereading the info on hcg all day an still not sure what I am going to do! Thanks for your thoughts!
    in HCG Comment by thin4mykids February 2011
  • When I heard about the obesity percentage I was determined not be part of it!!
  • Hello! So today I was watching Dr.Phil an they were talking about a 17 day diet, it looked pretty easy. It works like muscle confusion but body confusion. They said that it reprograms your metabolism, looks interesting. You can go to an you can watch the show. I think I am going to do it! Let me know what you…
  • I am so not the one that knows anything about weight lifting, but I do have friends that do an on off days they drink protein shakes an a couple have them every morning. Just a thought,good luck with everything! An congratulations on the baby!!!
  • I live in Oklahoma an there is a Atkins organic store that carries it, I don't know who else carries it but I will find out, they sell little trial size packets for you to try for like 1.50 an they are in all the flavors. I will find out who else carriers it an let you know!
  • Its called Nature's plus an the flavor is cherries jubilee. It also has a full days of vitamins in one shake. The 12 an 3 is a half of serving an the 9 is a full. Its 150 for the first an 75 for the next to. The have a ton of flavors!
  • Also I stopped for about a month to see if I was able to eat an still be able to lose, and I was. I was able to still lose, but I like the way I feel with the shakes so I am back on it.
  • Hi, ok so sounds crazy but I am doing a high protein energy shake every three hours 9-12-3 an then dinner at 6. The shake is so good, I crave it. This is the only think that has worked for me. I also walk everyday except Sundays an eat what I want on Sundays but I don't go crazy its dinner that I will have what ever I…