

  • Sorry to double dip...I looked around online and found the info below to be helpful...I have been over everyday on my protein and have been thinking about the kidneys and liver so this makes me feel a bit better. According to this I should be having 100 to 115 a day which seems high to me...yet I am always going over the…
  • I can't believe you posted this about protein!!! I was just talking to my husband about this last night...I am always over on protein and was wondering the same thing! Hoping some responses come this way today! Thanks for asking and sorry no answer right now!
  • Ahhh....the joys of My sister is an employee of the school dept and deals with kids all day too. She calls me sometimes about ready to explode from the that the school end is near she tells me that ALL the staff at the school are edgy, snippy, tired, and all that. Hang in there...its almost…
    in I give up! Comment by sheguay May 2012
  • Oh I can identify...mines night eating... so this week I am going to focus on deterring that bad habit. My days have gotten so much is definitely nights that I can totally identify with what you are saying. I am glad you have the courage to tell on yourself. I am going to find something to do to keep my hands…
  • Fantastic to see...inspiration, motivation, really great care!!! Thanks for sharing...
  • Nice to see this!!! I will second your is after all just weight and does not make the whole!!! Thanks...
  • Yayyyyyy for you...keep up the great work!!!!!!
  • Thank you so much! This is great...I am going to copy and paste to a doc to print and have handy. You put a lot of work into this and I appreciate it! Have a great week.
  • What kind of challenge are you looking for? Food wise - exercise? I just joined this site and am learning my habits (oh my goodness I need to work on me!!). I just posted about cutting portions as a goal this week because all week I noticed that I was hitting 2 or more servings per meal. If you're up to it I will challenge…
  • I use 1/2 a banana (I peel, cut, & freeze them ahead), 3 frozen strawberries (thickens the smoothie), 1/2 a Chobani plain yogurt - 3 oz, 1/2 scoop low carb soy protien, (these I may use more of one and skip the powder has nutrients and is good when I do not have yogurt visa is vanilla flavored…
  • Congrats on your awe inspiring progress and dedication...very courageous and motivating!!! Thanking you...
  • When I was in MA visiting a few years back I went to hometown tanning salon and had to fill out papers & such. One question posed asked if I used any other tanning salons. I asked why they asked this and the owner explained that the owners/mamagers of the tanning salons had come together to deter the tanning addicts from…
  • I am 53. I had conquered the worst of the eating disorders, ie, bulimia, many years ago and as anyone with eating disorders knows, if self is not the priority, self loses and in my case food indulgence inbred desire for 'comfort', ie my eating, is my enemy. I do get discouraged with myself...a dangerous place for…