I give up!



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Focus on getting through the next three weeks. You have the entire, glorious summer to look forward to. You can spend lots of time outdoors with your baby, walking, or maybe you have a running stroller. The lifting of the school stress will make a difference.
  • JackLSelf
    JackLSelf Posts: 7 Member
    6 pounds in one month is awesome. Do not give up!! temp is correct about carbs. If you find that you have hit a wall try reducing your carb intake for one week. You should start moving in the right direction again. If not it has only cost you carbs. I believe this will help. Just DO NOT GIVE UP!! Don't let outside factors control who you are.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Low Carbs is not nonsense. It's SCIENCE.
    While there's a place for it, the "science" behind it also states to build lean muscle without carbs is also impractical. Part of the reason I don't believe it's a good choice for those who want to just lose weight and not being able to eat carbs (in the form of starches and sugar) since they have been shown to help with lean muscle gain.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Im not sure anybody was suggesting low carb was for someone without determination or willpower!
    To make and commit to a proper lifestyle change everyone needs that!
    So your tired of hearing this low carb stuff, well have you ever tried it????
    Let me tell you i was like the lady that started this post except instead of 5lbs in a month I lost nothing!! I was sticking to 1500 cals a day and working out 7 times a week. no weight loss whatsoever. Now I LOW carb not NO carb and still exercise and Im seeing some amazing results!
    1500 calories a day and working out 7 days a week? I can see why weight loss was an issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kerrykettlebum
    Im not sure anybody was suggesting low carb was for someone without determination or willpower!
    To make and commit to a proper lifestyle change everyone needs that!
    So your tired of hearing this low carb stuff, well have you ever tried it????
    Let me tell you i was like the lady that started this post except instead of 5lbs in a month I lost nothing!! I was sticking to 1500 cals a day and working out 7 times a week. no weight loss whatsoever. Now I LOW carb not NO carb and still exercise and Im seeing some amazing results!
    1500 calories a day and working out 7 days a week? I can see why weight loss was an issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
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    why is that? after three weeks and no weight loss i upped my cals to my Bmr which was 1750 and I ate back the majority of my exercise calories and STILL no weight loss.

  • Dawn3218
    Dawn3218 Posts: 80
    i wish i could lose 5lbs in a month!! please don't give up, keep on at it, you are doing this slowly and steadily which is the best way

    Me too - 5lbs in one month and I would be ECSTATIC!!!!! I've lost 7lbs in about 3 months - however I have started to drag myself to the gym (kicking and screaming all the way) and I'm hoping this will help.

    Don't give up in another month it could be 10lbs gone.

    Give up and it could be 5lbs back on!!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Those evil evil carbs
    Just cut your CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE. It's that simple.

    Dieting, in the conventional sense, is 20 years out of date scientifically. It doesn't work.

    OF COURSE your approach is not working. It's wrong.

    Just get a copy of the book "life without bread" and you will easily lose weight, with no hassles at all.

    Another good popular book, same theme, is "The primal blueprint".

    You should definitely also read "Why we get fat" by Gary Taubes.

    Buy these books for $25 and you will never be the same again. Enjoy!

    You can complain and do nothing, or simply read the books. Enjoy !!!!!
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    You can do it. Stress is kryptonite to weight loss. We will all have set backs during the wight loss journey and that's okay. Don't beat yourself up over it. Get up, dust yourself off, and keep going. Nothing worth having ever comes easy...wish it did though. :wink:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    why is that? after three weeks and no weight loss i upped my cals to my Bmr which was 1750 and I ate back the majority of my exercise calories and STILL no weight loss.
    Honestly, how long did you do that? If it was just for a week, it takes more than that just for the body to adjust. It takes 8 weeks for the body to adjust to the same exercise routine, so a week or two just eating correctly may not show up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sarasari
    Sarasari Posts: 139 Member
    Are you nursing? If you are that burns calories you may not be considering in your food intake.Which means overall you may not be eating enough.

    If you want to open your diary we can really help with details. Sometimes if my sodium or sugar is high my weight goes up. I weigh myself every day. That way if I am up a little I know it will adjust soon. It would be horrible if I didn't weigh myself for a week and I picked an up day.Make sure you are drinking enough water.

    You can do this.You are stronger then you know.Good luck!!
  • debrapeterson
    debrapeterson Posts: 84 Member
    It can be so difficult, but you can't give up. I keep the following sayings in front of me all the time to remind me. These are quotes I have gotten from MFP site:

    If you want to be thinner demish dinner.
    If you want to be lean eat greens

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment.

    I also have recorded my weight every day and found that when my weight does a dramatic increase it is always followed by a dramatic decrease. That is if I continue to follow the plan.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Low Carbs is not nonsense. It's SCIENCE.
    Oh really? Care to link to some studies that show this?
  • toomuchsweetness
    toomuchsweetness Posts: 168 Member
    Just cut your CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE. It's that simple.

    Dieting, in the conventional sense, is 20 years out of date scientifically. It doesn't work.

    OF COURSE your approach is not working. It's wrong.

    Just get a copy of the book "life without bread" and you will easily lose weight, with no hassles at all.

    Another good popular book, same theme, is "The primal blueprint".

    You should definitely also read "Why we get fat" by Gary Taubes.

    Buy these books for $25 and you will never be the same again. Enjoy!

    You can complain and do nothing, or simply read the books. Enjoy !!!!!

    You are so not helping!!!!Shush with your low carbs nonesens

    You lost 6 pounds and it is great in one month. Fluctuations do happen don't worry about it unless you overate by 3500 calories.

    I agree.. you are allowed some carbs... she doesnt even have her diary visible , so how can you judge her carb intake is too high?
  • sheguay
    sheguay Posts: 14
    Ahhh....the joys of teaching...lol. My sister is an employee of the school dept and deals with kids all day too. She calls me sometimes about ready to explode from the stress...now that the school end is near she tells me that ALL the staff at the school are edgy, snippy, tired, and all that. Hang in there...its almost over!!! I too only had a 1 lb loss this week yet it is still a loss regardless of the number. It takes time and that is the common theme I see from other people. I am a comfort eater so I have to try and watch my stress level...this was a rough week emotionally with my adult kids so I can see the pattern by my tracking. Now some of the issues are somewhat resolved and I believe my eating will subside a bit...ah the joys of patterns and behaviors...lol...we really are just big kids!!!! Good luck and please don't give up on YOU!!!
  • Mirror_Mirror
    Focus on small goals... take your measurements, they are more accurate then just a number on a scale. Sure its nice to see yourself getting lighter but I personally get more excited when the inches come off. The inches are what people SEE and they are what make your clothes fit better. They when you plateau will be your best friend.

    Don't just focus on numbers focus on how eating good healthy whole foods makes you feel. Focus on building a better, happier, healthier you. The "if every day was like today in 5 weeks you'll weigh..." really keeps me motivated to keep thinking about the future. Sure its not all that accurate per Se BUT it makes me think "you know what if I keep within my calorie limits just look at where I *could* end up. Then I also think about the fact of next year this time my life could be SO much different. Every other "diet" and what not I've done has ended up in me getting frustrated and giving up and me feeling guilty b/c when the next year rolls around I did the (as previously mentioned) "If I didn't give up then...look at where I could be now! Why did I do that?!" I can't wait till next year this time because I am committed to doing this.

    Find whatever is going to drive you on, imagine yourself doing something you can't (or won't) do at your current weight and how good it would feel to be able to do it. Remember that feeling and every time you feel weak revisit that space and remember how good it will feel if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other. If you fall pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and keep on moving forward... the race is in front of you not behind you.
  • Blondeone10
    Blondeone10 Posts: 21
    I replied to you yesterday. I stepped on scaled today and gained everything back plus a few pounds. I have been getting sick and sore, but I am not going to give up. I am wiping the tears from eyes and getting back in the game:):heart:
  • kerrykettlebum
    why is that? after three weeks and no weight loss i upped my cals to my Bmr which was 1750 and I ate back the majority of my exercise calories and STILL no weight loss.
    Honestly, how long did you do that? If it was just for a week, it takes more than that just for the body to adjust. It takes 8 weeks for the body to adjust to the same exercise routine, so a week or two just eating correctly may not show up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    four weeks, and they were four frustrating weeks too! I am doing a sponsored slim to lose four stone for cancer research as my husband is terminally ill with cancer, and this is why i needed to see better results scale wise. Had I just been doing it for me and me alone I may have stuck to the exercise and eating etc, and taken my time and enjoyed it. But losing nothing in 5 weeks in total is a nightmare especially when i have to report on my success weekly and people have already given nearly £2000 in sponsor money for me to complete this.
  • kerrykettlebum
    Low Carbs is not nonsense. It's SCIENCE.
    Oh really? Care to link to some studies that show this?

    There are plenty if you chose to research it!!
    Being ignorant of the facts doesn't give you the right to judge this lifestyle change, it hasnt been reported upon as unsafe and there are lots of evidence supporting the science to low carb atkins.