

  • I just started going to a trainer. She says that you should do Strength Training first, then Cardio. Super Sets are a great way to get the most workout in the shortest amount of time. You do sets of exercises (i.e. squats, then bicep curls) that work different muscle groups. You move straight through the sets without…
  • During the transition, make your water as delicious as possible. I add lemon and Stevia.
  • I asked my trainer the same question, and she said to NOT eat back the calories. She said if we are eating and exercising we will not slow our metabolism, BUT if we were to eat too few calories and NOT exercise, we would slow our metabolism. I'm not sure of the science of this. Does anyone have an explanation?
  • Hi. I think I am going to get this. One question I had, is that I am pre-menopause, and having hot flashes. Do you think the rise in temperature I experience throughout the day, will give me skewed results?
  • I am considering buying it. Would you say that it was something that was a great benefit to you? Do you then record your calories in both MFP and their program?
  • I am 43, and I am in the BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE, and happier than I've ever been!! :-)
  • It may be 2 or 3 years before you reach GOAL, but everyday you will be lighter than you were the day before. Each month of the journy will bring excitement as you watch yourself fit into smaller and smaller sizes, and are able to do things you couldn't before. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the discovery of the new you!
  • I have the same question!! When we exercise, it adds calories back into our Net, but does that just show our caloric deficit, or does that mean we can eat that much more when we exercise? Obviously one would lose more if they didn't eat them, but is it "bad" to use those extra earned calories?
  • It certainly is an eye opener. I am SHOCKED, as I look at the calories and carbs of the foods I regularly ate. No wonder!!
  • I love Stevia! I use the SweetLeaf Stevia Extract, no the Stevia Plus. I personally like the taste, but my family thinks it has an aftertaste.