

  • @krizzo 25...and I love the shape of your face (and hair)
  • I have three, all about 17 months apart. I managed to get the flat tummy back a couple of years after the last one. It's gone again...but I will get it back! For me, it really had tons to do with weight. I tend to think the weight that is ideal for me now is a silly low number, but when I reach it, I do indeed have the…
  • I'm currently doing C25K to try to catch up with my triathlete husband. It's a simple plan to get you on track and it works. As far as injuries, I think it pays to do little research into how to run properly to avoid those things and if you already know you are prone to a problem, then make sure with your dr that running…
  • We have a friend who just did it actually. BAD is all I can say. Now he has lost a decent amount of weight (19 lbs), but he was miserable the whole time and had lost similar on other diets before. Since he plans on returning to normal eating I am assuming that his weight wil creep back up pretty quickly, but I will try to…
  • I'm 5'6 and aiming for 130 which is usually a size 4 for me. I don't know if my body could hit the 120's again and when I am there I have too many bony parts so 130 works well (if I can reach it). I tend to carry a good bit of muscle though.
  • Sounds like you're making good progress! I had to give up sodas as well and found that drinking some chai tea helped me to ease of the caffeine without adding any calories or carbonation. Previously I had never been able to wean off caffeine (to the point of full blown withdrawals!) Good luck!
  • A calorie is a unit of energy. Specifically the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one deg. celsius. They basically burn the food to determine calories.
  • We used to cross one leg in front of the other (lower legs) with the front foot pointed and tops of toes on the floor. The bend your knees down a bit to put pressure on that front leg..not too much! It will stretch the shin. I hope that makes sense, not sure how to explain it better.
    in Shin splints Comment by kdblev June 2009
  • Not sure what you do and don't already know, but here are some quick things I can think of: - turnouts should always come from the hip, that is correct. if you can't get the feet straight out it's no big deal. - always make sure your pelvis is tucked in, but neutrally (using abs not butt muscles) - shoulders back and down…
  • Could you use fat free cheddar to bring it down a bit more instead of the lowfat? I don't know if it would melt differently, but I know my husband won't eat any cheese that isn't fat free. That said, this will be great for church potlucks since half our church is on a diet kick! Thanks :)
  • Not so good for me. I have been stagnant pretty much since the first week and now it seems I've gained a pound! Not to mention the inch I had lost on my waist seems to be back :) I am trying so very hard not to get frustrated. Although I do treat myself to a skinny cow or such most days, I have really worked hard to make…
  • Most places have corn tortillas if you ask and they are about 100 cal for 2 of them (instead of 100 for 1). I find that to be a good way to have fajitas, although at home we eat them in big leaves of lettuce.
  • Friday Check-in: Start: 152.2 Last Week: 150.2 Current: 150 Goal: 130 Exercise: 158 minutes (5 days total) Not losing pounds but I have gone down 1.5 inches on my waist so at least I can see that progress. Toning up a lot on my arms and such too. Hoping that the muscle growth will kick into gear and eat up some fat here…
  • I was in a car for almost 50 hours over a period of 9 days (!) and had to take a lot of stuff. I took several nut blends to up my protein easily and some of the Nature Valley Oats and Honey bars (filling and one of my faves). Dried fruits worked well too since we did not have room for a cooler. When we had to stop and buy…
  • Hi everyone! This is my check-in for last Friday: SW: 152.2 CW: 150.2 GW: 130 workouts: only about 60 minutes (was out of town) This is completely unchanged from the week before, but considering I was gone for 8 days (4 of those in a car!), I think that's pretty good. I had to make totally different choices when we had to…
  • My weigh in: Age 31 SW: 152.2 CW: 150.2 GW: 130 exercise: 180 minutes/5days this week 2 lbs down on my first week! Yay! I hope I can hold that steady this next week as we will be traveling a lot and who knows how well that will go. Good luck to everyone!
  • I would love to hop in on this if you don't mind. I actually started on Friday, but hadn't checkd out the boards yet. Going to San Diego in September and need my bikini body back by then! As of Friday: Age: 31 SW: 152 GW: 130 Exercise: 5 days/week, about 30mins each (doing a circuit program)
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