Snacks for raod trip

Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Me and my bf are driving 16 hours accross Canada to New Brunswick for our vacation (breaking it up in to two days) and at first I thought I would take a break from my "diet" when we are gone but now I'm thinking I don't want all my hard work to go to waste whiel I'm away!
So I need ideas to pack for meals and snacks whiel we're on the road(I dont' want to be tempted by fast food or I might cave) I'm thinking I could air pop some popcorn and put it in ziplock bags and maybe make some low fat muffins. Any other suggestions? I love to cook and bake so homemade ideas would be great!


  • shalinik78
    shalinik78 Posts: 82
    Wow I just returned from Canada , went to Toronto and then went on road trip till Quebec City and back :) I ate the following and could maintain my weight :)

    1. Pop Corns ( less fat )
    2. Mixed berry 100 calorie bars ( They are very good - would keep you happy for 2-3 hrs )
    3. Jasmine Tea ( Its not like Cola but its something nice while on move )
    4. Oranges / Grapes
    5. Boiled Eggs
    6. Wheat Thin cookies ( 16 cookies = 140 Cal )
    7. V8 - Vegetable Juice cans 5.5 Oz ( 30 Cal ONLY )

    Well I hope these fill your bag , since I am a vegetarian thats all I could think of :)

    Have a great trip !!!
  • pbprrt
    pbprrt Posts: 1 Member
    cut up an apple and bag it. baby carrots...applesauce cups...100 cal snacks. banana and peanut butter don't forget water or zero cal drinks crystal light etc.
  • My go-to to-go snacks are carrots, apples (with peanut butter or PB & Co's Dark Chocolate Dreams... mmmm...:love: ), kashi bars, hard-boiled eggs, string cheese, yogurt, bananas, and little cans of peaches or pineapple in juice. Some of these require refridgeration, but could be taken in a cooler maybe? Good luck! Lots of good options!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I live in Toronto and am stoping in Quebec City on the way to New Brunswick! It will be our romantic part of the vacation since my whole family will be joining us once we hit the East coast:happy:

    Thanks for the ideas, if I'm making Sandwhiches as well what would you suggest? Other then turkey....
  • You should try Alton Brown's homemade granola bars from the food network show "Good Eats". They're so good, more nutrient dense than the ones from the grocery store, and easy to make!
  • kdblev
    kdblev Posts: 18
    I was in a car for almost 50 hours over a period of 9 days (!) and had to take a lot of stuff. I took several nut blends to up my protein easily and some of the Nature Valley Oats and Honey bars (filling and one of my faves). Dried fruits worked well too since we did not have room for a cooler. When we had to stop and buy cold drinks I usually got Fuze slenderize drinks, which all tend to taste good and have added nutrients, and took those on-the-go flavor pouches for when I got tired of water. Can't say I lost any weight that week, but I maintained and that was ok for me.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    trail mix (the healthy kind with nuts and seeds and raisins and such)
    granola bars
    cut up fruits and veggies
    hummus for dipping veggies

    sandwhiches (turkey, ham, PB & J, tuna if you can stand the smell, chicken salad)
    salads...cut up everything you're putting in it and put it in a bowl with a lid, or put the stuff in baggies to dump into a bowl, get a little container for the dressing.

    You could even grill up some chicken breasts and cook that for a meal since chicken can be eaten cold. My favorite lately is chicken breast wth feta cheese, cashews and raspberry vinaigrette dressing.

    For the harder to eat while you drive foods, why don't you take a break from driving and stop at a rest area and eat at a picnic table?
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Beef jerky is a favorite of mine for road trips. I like how it takes a while to eat it so it's not a hand to mouth heavy food for me. I just take a piece and nibble on it. I don't have a dehydrator or a recipe for homemade, so there is a bit of sodium in the store-bought. I just up my potassium intake for the day to counter it.
  • Gum! I like to chew while driving and it helps to stay awake.
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