hydrocy Member


  • I do jazzercise that is cardio and strength training all in one hour. My arms and legs are really getting defined. But what is great is my "core," the obliques, they are really getting into shape. I only have a one pack but it is a start.
    in Weights Comment by hydrocy August 2010
  • It's not a perfect fit but they do have a menu planner on there along with a lot of great other things. For example, I found a recommendation for a workout bra for full figure women. It has a lot of really cool advice. Hope this helps. http://www.realage.com/
  • AND hey, hey, hey there's a lot of negative confession in this message. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • I'm really into keeping track of the meals and exercise. Actually, it's help me rein in the way I eat. It might be the whole idea of listing things that I like. :bigsmile:
  • I've read two schools of thought. One school says as long as you stay with your calorie count it doesn't matter how late you eat. I am of this school. If I want something it is either sugar free, I usually have a sugar free Popsicle. If I am hungry I eat. That way I am teaching my body to go by cues. Also, I eat a lot of…
  • Thanks for the support to both of you. Hour by hour, very funny and true. And great scripture!
  • For cardio, this workout is a great beginner program and a lot of fun. It's "Sweatin' to the Oldies" by Richard Simmons. I really like the music and it's low impact. And the link makes it free. I know, I know, Richard Simmons. But this video will work you. The way to do it is to lift your knees if they are doing heels and…